Hiatus: Explained

To everyone who reads my stories, I am truly sorry for leaving this work for a long time. Life, has not been kind since I started writing this book. The first six months upon releasing this book, the work, stress, and pressure back then had taken its toll on my body, leading to several doctor visits and years of continuous medication and therapy that hinder my ability to write comprehensive and compelling stories to prove to all of you. Rather than publishing half-comprehensible stories, I took the initiative in making myself better, both literally and figuratively.

Writing this book during the COVID-19 Pandemic was to initially cure boredom, but as life liked to prove otherwise, it made me miserable as my inspirations were slowly taken from me far too early in my life. I had also had several surgeries since my body is slowly giving up on me, and its toll on my mental health was not a side-effect I had expected.