250 - Relief

Tick. Tock. One minute. Two minutes. Five minutes. Ten minutes. Thirty minutes. An hour. The blank white walls of the hospital stayed the same as her eyes kept traveling back and forth from the digital clock and then back to the white wall. Yun quietly sat by her, fiddling with his phone every couple of seconds but Nesryn didn't mind the man or even paid attention to her surroundings. She just wanted to see the 'Operating" since to turn off and for someone to come out and talk to her about her husband's condition.

"Nesryn. Yun."

Nesryn's eyes finally strayed off the clock as she turned towards the approaching couple. Immediately standing up and hugging her mother, Iñigo walked closer, taking both his wife and daughter into a big hug, "Mom. Dad." If anyone noticed her shaking voice, no one said anything as the couple just held their daughter tighter.