252 - 27 Years Ago

It was a simple day.

No prior commitments. No meetings. No appointments anywhere.

She had requested for her secretary to clear her schedule for the day, as she intended to spend some time with her son. It was supposed to be the three of them – her, Azriel, and her husband – but her husband had become…distant to say the least.

Don't get her wrong, the man still comes home to them every night, albeit the past few weeks he was almost never home. Getting back at around three in the morning and leaving at seven. She had brushed it off as him being busy.

She knew her husband, the moment he got lost in work, he would even barely notice if the world around him burns. No one would be able to pull a full-time workaholic from his first love and she understood that perfectly, because she was also like that before she met him.