258 - Number

Despite graduating amongst the top student candidates alongside Nesryn and Kasumi, Silas ventured in a different business than his friends. One which can either be considered boarderig as legal. He had started a bar and club business easy enough to access by salarymen but luxurious enough to also be a hit for several business tycoon.

The thing is, when alcohol is in the conversation, people can be…a little bit loose-lipped and as the coherence goes down, the information spilling from their lips increases. Hence, the bar and clubs were the perfect place to get and gather information, information that his dearest friend, Nesryn, seemed to need at the moment.

It was rare for Nesryn to ask for a favor, never mind reaching out to others for help.

He received the information he needed to start his investigation, it was too handy to have 'friends' in the right places.

"I am taking off for the night," he said to his bartender as he watched the owner leave.