
'When will I get out of this prison?'

'This isn't prison. You're mistaken, prison is something you can escape from'

'What is the The Factory going to give me in return for my life'

'An attitude'

'Like I don't have enough of that already' Noah thought looking across the room at a woman. 'But she is worth it' . Noah sat down on a wooden chair with the burst of cheers, a volley of basic element human emotions raiding his eyes, ears and skin. They were singing and drinking, nothing better than dying for ambitions of old men who spend their last remaining time in their life making worse for everyone else.

Noah looked around the room thinking while his eyes stopping on a handsome young man

who smile when he did and moved when he did. 'So this is the clothes I am going to die in' What a bizarre thought, almost as crazy like the thought he had when he found out his ex-girlfriend was cheating on him. I gave everything in the relationship the money, time and mind, she didn't gave anything I should have been doing the cheating. All that was lost wasn't really anything, he had his ultimate playback he broke up with her fast, not fast enough but at the last second he gave her a payless smile and walked away into the sunset ,it was a shame it was raining from his eye that day. Although his memory is disfigured unregainable mess he still could make out her black and pale skin but that was different from the current one ,a pale ghost would arrive with her mechanism and her way of going about life with the tiniest of details.

'Rose' he said, a thousands times if he had too before he knew her he was only into his studies and the library. Oh how unromantic the world is realizing old men ran it. They was statues in the bar representing North ,South ,West and East some were in better conditions from the others. Looking at his friend that weren't suppose to be his friends in the first place, before meeting them he swear to himself to be quiet and unlikable as possible, it never worked that way he kept getting swept away with their tempo, rhythm, notes and tones making joking, telling stories which would make them like him more resulting in him getting invited. It was a major character flaw. A photo of a beauty woman was on his phone he gave it a like. That was all it was like that took a second to do, a glimpse that all it deserved. The women wasn't anything that would make him add ,remove and rearrange anything in his life like what he would do for Rose. Someone when he open his eyes and close he would see.

Desire may have been on the boat but it will never be the captain just a sailor, it was a boat that was going into the storm, all they had was each other. It wasn't all sweet thoughts anxiety was talking to him, he didn't listen because it was lying, it brought up some great points though. There are always two thoughts in a relationship, when will the other find someone better and when will the other will find someone better than you the time for them to come rushing in for an extravagance entrance basically became non-existent it, they just there at the door step with every relationship you will go into. Due to the internet it became so, it wasn't about those questions anymore it wasn't about how fast anymore. Patience is the only thing that matter now, patience if they will wait for you to grow and be better. The north make some good food a shame the media only wants to show the bad and ugly, everyone are too close to the world that it can become dark. The media can make light of only a little, it's flashlight not like the sun that will show off everything, it would be a shame if that flashlight has an agenda.