
The Evidence

The news was spread about the raid in Elara Hotel, and not only just Las Vegas. Det. Doxin was praised although Las Vegas though. Only a week had passed, and Owen was still in the hospital. He was shot in the head and stabbed in the chest, and his father was missing. No one knows for sure where he is. They flew over the world just to find Dad—using professional trackers entitled to track him. Owen was in depression and anxiety, but it wasn't as bad as the one before. He had many breakdowns before so it was never unusual—or never too unusual.

At eight forty-three, Det. Doxin came in. With a tired motion, he closed the door. Det. Jacques followed him. "Well, last week was pretty hard for Owen, ay?" Det. Jacques asked quietly. Doxin stayed silent. Suddenly, he brought out something that was in the inconvenient raid. The bloody knife.

"You said Arthur used to be a computer whiz, right?" Det. Doxin asked.

Jacques chuckled. "He gave up on that five years ago."

"Not too long ago," Doxin mumbled.

He got up from his seat and took the keys. "Are you leaving again? You just got here!" Jacques shouted.

"Well, I went into the wrong place then."

Jacques stuttered, but he went anyway. They drove to Arthur's house while listening to some French music along the way. Arthur's house was gold and brown—with a door that was a darker brown.


Owen brushed his hair around twelve in the afternoon. As he brushed his hair, he saw—suddenly—a sentence printed onto his side. "Huh?" he said timidly. He rubbed the tattoo but, as all tattoos—they don't get off that easily. Instead of being afraid, he was much very curious about it. Then, he heard a knock. "Open up," someone outside the door said. Owen opened the door. There were two people, one male and one female in black silky suits and sunglasses that shined like mirrors.

"So, what am I needed for?" "We have to find some evidence from you. Normally, we wouldn��t do this but Det. Doxin is probably busy preparing for his talk with Jacques's brother—also might be ready to make an investigation while he's there."

Soon enough, he was inside a room with an unknown person since his chair was turned. "So you must be Owen Davis aren't you?" He turned his chair slowly enough to make himself revealed. He was a dark-skinned person with a bald head and a muscular face. He was wearing a blue suit with many small medals by the side. He was holding a file and a paper with both of his hands. He gently put the file down on the table .

"I'm sorry about your father. But, we are trying our best to make sure that we find him," he voiced with sympathy. "But, we need some questions from you."

Owen took a deep breath. It was sure to see his heart was beating faster than normal. "Before we start, my name is Colonel Strong. Usually, I'm supposed to be somewhere in the military if you know what that is—"

"I'm pretty sure I know what that is."

Colonel Strong grunted and smiled. "Very well then. So, when did the crime start?"

"It was somewhere around seven. My father was going to order something when he said the phones weren't working."

"We questioned the staff, they said everything was working fine."

"Well, I don't know then. He said he decided to order."

"What happened next?" Colonel Strong asked curiously.

"The lights turned off. I called for my dad and there was no answer but grunts. Shooting sounds were all over the place and I found myself being choked."

"Do you know who choked you?" "I have a suspicion on a man who threatened to kill me with a knife. The scar on his eye was very disgusting." Colonel Strong's face was thoughtful.

"And before you were rescued, what was the place like?"

"All I could remember was the TV cracked, a knife hanging from the ceiling, and a bloody ripped teddy bear."

"Do you know where the crack came from?" Colonel Strong asked.

"I'm pretty sure it was from the plates. The plates were in pieces too. The knife was from someone else that accidentally threw a knife up in the ceiling with red gorilla glue. And the teddy bear—" Owen stuttered. "I don't know where it came from. It was tied to a phone which had a timer of forty eight hours. The staff said it came yesterday but couldn't turn off the timer."

Colonel Strong chuckled. "It must've been a bomb then. Since it was ripped, doesn't that show a sign that the bomb was inside the teddy bear?" Owen shrugged. Colonel Strong got up from his seat. "You're dismissed."

Owen left the room slowly. As the door closed, in a rush the colonel picked up the phone. "Hello, this is Colonel Strong. We need to check the room, it might be close to being bombed."

Author's Note: Please read and review and share my book. This is a very important book for me and I worked very hard for me. Please put honest reviews for me because I don't like being flattered. It would also be nice to give me some feedback. This will help me improve on my story for my fans. Thank you and good day.

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