From the concrete of the big city to the green hills of the country.

Knightsbridge, London.

"How are you, Dorian? Do you need any help?"

"No, it's fine, Dad. I'll be right there, give me a minute," Dorian said, wiping his mouth with a piece of paper and flushed it down the toilet.

He was sitting on the floor in front of the toilet and had vomited once again. He had lost count of how many times he had thrown up by now.

Just outside the door stood his parents and Lucas. He had heard the anguish in his dad's voice, and it made him hate himself even more. He didn't want them to worry about him. He felt annoyed that his brother had called their parents but better them than Finian. Finian could never know about this!

Dorian didn't want to leave the bathroom, so he sat there on the floor longer than necessary. His head rested on the toilet seat, his eyes closed. According to the doctor, the reason he was ill was because of all the suppressants he had gotten lately. Dorian's body wasn't used to that type kind of drug, so now it reacted as if he had been poisoned.

The blond man didn't remember everything that had happened after running into his office, only that the omega was all he could think of. He could remember that he had masturbated more times than ever before. Dorian still wanted the omega, even though he couldn't feel the pheromones any longer. It was a strange feeling too long for someone you never met. And when he thought of the lovely smell from flowers that reminded of spring, his member twisted excitedly in his boxers. But, his cock hurt so much that the thought of ever touching it again, made him shudder with discomfort.

Lucas and his two fathers had brought him to his parents' home and immediately called their family doctor. Doctor Jonah Greene had told them to give Dorian a shower to clean off all the smell from the omega's pheromones and change his clothes. After Dorian was examined by the doctor, he received a NaCI injection and some painkillers for that splitting headache he had.

"Dorian sweetheart, the doctor needs to talk to you. Can you manage to get out of the bathroom by yourself?" his father asked.

Keith McCallister's sad voice made Dorian's chest ache. He stood upon a pair of shaky legs and opened the door. Dorian didn't want to make his parents more worried than necessary.

Dorian's blond, tall father, held his arm around his shorter husband's shoulders, their faces filled with worry. That made Dorian almost break down in tears.

Dorian forced a smile, trying to calm them, and turned to the bed where Lucas and the doctor were standing. Dorian walked toward them and lay on the bed. He felt exhausted, and his stomach ached.

"I need to talk to Dorian alone," Dr. Greene said in his calm Welsh accent.

He was an older man, sixty years old, and had grey, short hair. He was a beta with a brilliant mind and lots of compassion.

Dorian's two fathers and his little brother walked reluctantly out of the room. As the door closed behind them, the older man stood beside Dorian. He looked very seriously at the younger man.

"It will take sometime before we get your result from the tests Dorian, but as you already know, you been injected with far too many suppressants. Your body is not used to it, and you have received several large doses in a short time. You can't take any more suppressants; it will lead to severe poisoning. "

Dr. Greene took out a yellow, narrow plastic strip from his front pocket and gave it to Dorian.

"Put this on your wrist. It tells paramedics that you are sensitive to suppressants, and they shouldn't give it to you. Even if you go into a rut."

Dorian received the strip and looked at it for a moment before putting it around his wrist. Then Dorian looked up at the doctor and took a deep breath as if to strengthen himself before what he would ask.

"Is it true that I will die if I don't get close to the omega's pheromones?"

If the doctor felt surprised by Dorian's question, the gray-haired man did not show it.

"We know very little about fated pairs. It's well-known that there are few studied pairs. But the research available shows that the cases where an alpha and an omega have become fated pairs and cannot, for some reason, be with each other. Then they, within a few weeks, became very sick and finally died. "

"So, I'm going to die?" Dorian asked in a low voice, he was afraid of the answer.

"No, Dorian, you're not going to die. Because we're helping you, but Lucas told me you don't want Finian to know about this. Why?"

"Because it hurts him. I refuse to make him more upset. This is all my fault, and I will solve this. "

"It's not your fault Dorian. It's not anyone's fault! And Finian is strong; he can handle this."

Dorian stared at the doctor.

"I know he's strong, Jonah. Finian is stronger than I am, but he is pregnant. I will not burden him with this. And that's a finale. "

For Jonah, it was a surprise Finian was pregnant again, and it shook him up a bit. A third child on the way! Dorian's prime alpha pheromones were fantastic. Almost unique. He had never heard about a prime-alpha being able to impregnate another male alpha, and a strong alpha as Finian, three times.

"Okay, but as a psychologist, Finian can help you deal with this," Doktor Greene said after a while.

But Dorian immediately shook his head.

"No, that doesn't matter. I will solve this myself."

"And how will you do that without the omega?"

"I will find a way. For as long as I live, I will never put my hands on another person except for Finian."

Dr. Greene sighed and looked at Dorian with concern.

"I'm sorry, Dorian. I understand how you think, but there is no other way. The only thing that can stop you from getting sick is for you to accept the omega. "

Dorian sighed deeply, feeling somewhat annoyed by now.

"Okay, let's imagine I accept omega. It won't happen, but we can pretend. Do you seriously mean that I got to be with the omega for 24 hours a day? For the rest of my life, until the day one of us dies? "

"No, of course not. When you two bonded, and your marks are in place, then you only have to see each other when the omega is in his heat, and you are in your rut."

Dorian frowned. At first, the idea of having sex with another person than Finian was so disgusting that it made Dorian wrinkle his nose. But then that dream in his mind flashed by, and Dorian shook his voice. He had dreamed of him. The man he assumed was Shiro Nakamura. And it hadn't been disgusting; it had been just the opposite.

But feeling angry, Dorian shook his head as if to make the image of the beautiful black-haired man disappear.

"That will never happen. I'm married for fuck's sake. I won't cheat on my husband."

"Now listen, Dorian. You must have intercourse with the omega! Because otherwise, your children will lose their dad and Finian will lose you forever," Doctor Greene started to lose his patients and raised his voice, feeling irritated with his stubborn patient.

Dorian stared at the doctor with a dark gaze.

"That was low, Jonah."

"I know Dorian, but it's still true."

"Doesn't matter. I won't hurt Finian. "

"But Dorian...."

"No," the alpha roared and sat up straight in bed. "I'm not going to touch that damn omega. So find another way to help me."

This was the first time the doctor had ever been afraid of an alpha before. Because despite being a beta, he felt the dominant and almost menacing aura of the prime alpha. The doctor swallowed nervously.

"Okay," the Doctors voice trembled slightly.

"Because I refuse to lose Finian. I will solve this. "


"I will do whatever I must to keep my family safe."

And in Dorian's blue eyes, Jonah could see a glowing yellow color and a determination that caused an uncomfortably shiver to wander through his body.


Killarney, Ireland.

Finian stared out the window and smiled to himself. Down at the stable, he could see Eamon sitting on a big brown horse. It was soothing for the soul to be here in his childhood home finally. Even though he hadn't lived there for long. When Finian was six-year-old, his parents had divorced. Finian moved with his mother to London, while his older siblings stayed with their father in Killarney. But on every holiday, Finian had gone home.

Finian had never been upset about moving to London because that was where he had met Dorian. But he always missed the beautiful green fields that were his beloved Ireland.

It had been two hours since Finian came to Killarney, and he was already missing Dorian. Of course, he had wanted Dorian to go with him, but he knew his husband wouldn't be able to relax, and that would have caused more conflicts with Caomhie. Finian knew that Dorian and their daughter loved each other, but for the most part, they were on each other's nerves all the time. Caomhie was like a typical teenage girl, while Dorian was like a normal father to a teenager. They didn't understand each other at all. Finian had tried to talk to their twelve-year-old daughter when he arrived, but she had refused and locked herself in the room. Now she refused to come out.

Finian followed his son and Eamons five cousins as they rode off on the big horses. He was lost in his thoughts, and when his phone suddenly rang, he jumped in surprise. He glanced over to the phone, and when he saw who was calling, a smile spread on his lips, and he answered quickly.

"Well, if it isn't the lovely Doctor Joy!"

On the other side, the woman was laughing.

"Hello, Doctor Finian. You sound in a surprisingly good mood, after all."

Finian's smile faded, and he sighed.

"I'm trying. So, you've heard? I didn't think you read the news."

"I don't, but the news reached me anyway. How are you? Are you at


"No, I'm in Killarney. Picking up the kids."

"I see. And how's Dorian?"

"Sad and worried. Dorian blames himself, although it is not his fault that this has happened."

"And how does he feel physically?"

"He felt awful after getting the suppressant, considering he never had to take it before. This is the first time he reacted to an omega, so this was a new experience for him. He's quite shocked about it all."

"Okay. Finian, I'm just going to get straight to the point. The thing is, I have Shiro Nakamura here at the hospital."

Finian flinched.

"Is he sick?"

"No, not yet anyway. Shiro got an intense heat again when he was on Blue Haven records this morning. I know that you know a lot about fated pairs, Finian. We have discussed this topic several times during your study. And you know what this is means for both Shiro and Dorian. Finian, you have to help them."

Finian closed his eyes and exhaled. Tears were burning behind the eyelids.

"I know Joy, but it hurts."

"I understand that sweetheart, but this doesn't mean that you and Dorian have to separate."

"But Dorian will never agree to have anything to do with Shiro if he thinks it will hurt me."

Finian heard Joy sigh in frustration.

"I know. You two are still so much in love that it's bloody disgusting."

That made Finian laugh. Joy had recently divorced and was sometimes very bitter about it, especially when she heard about Dorian and Finian's perfect relationship.

"What do you think I should do, Joy?"

"Meet Shiro first and talk to him. He's a good man. I think it will do you both good if you get to know each other a bit. You don't even have to talk to Dorian about it at first."

Finian nodded. It sounded sensible.

"Okay, can you arrange something when I come back with the kids tomorrow?"

"Of course, Finian. And I want you to know that I hate that this happened to you. But thank you for being so helpful and sensible. As always."

Finian laughed.

"With flattery, you come a long way. You know me so well, Joy."

The woman returned his laughter.

"I know. Take care of yourself, Finian, and we'll talk tomorrow."

They hung up, and Finian was left standing with the mobile phone in hand. He felt confused. Had he just agreed to help the omega start a relationship with his husband?

There was a sudden knock on the door of his room, and Finian turned around. He wiped away the tears that had begun to flow.

"Come in."

Siobhán came in and smiled at his brother. Her long red hair ended at her waist, and her green eyes reminded of a birch forest.

"Have you got hold of Dorian?"

Finian shook his head.

"No, but I got hold of Simon. Dorian was in their home resting before going out to dinner. He was completely exhausted after the last few days."

Siobhan went to her brother and hugged him. They were the same length and very similar in appearance.

"I can't even imagine how you feel. What a nightmare!"

"I probably haven't quite understood it myself yet. It feels so unreal. That someone else is fated with my Dorian. I'm afraid, Siobhán."

Siobhán embraced her younger brother harder, and she stroked his hair.

"I understand, but I have a hard time believing that Dorian will ever leave you."

"I know, and that's why I'm scared."

Siobhán took a step from Dorian and looked at him questioningly.

"What do you mean?"

"I think Dorian will be so stubborn that he will do everything in his power not to hurt me, and that will lead to his death."

Siobhán was silent for a little while, but then she nodded.

"You're probably right. I've never met anyone who loves someone as much as Dorian loves you."

"I know, but Siobhán, if Dorian isn't with Shiro Nakamura, he'll die. And I can't let him do that."

Siobhán tenderly caressed her brother's cheek.

"A smarter and more caring person than you does not exist, so I am sure you will do the right thing."

Finian smiled, gratefully at his sister.

"Can we go and watch the kids?"

Siobhán nodded, and together they walked out of the room that was Finian's and Dorian's when they visited.

Finian's childhood home was huge and had been in the family for many hundreds of years. Siobhán lived there with her wife Reaghan and their two sons, Rian and Collin. Siobhán was an award-winning author, and Reaghan was an equestrian teacher, and she also competed professionally in equestrian sports. She was the first omega to have won an international championship. The whole family was all very proud of her.

Finian's and Siobhan's older brother also lived there with his three children, two girls, and one boy. Connor was a widower and always traveled at work, so Siobhán and Reaghan took care of Fiona, Kayleigh, and Niall when their dad was away.

Together, the two red-haired siblings went outside. The familiar and safe environment in front of the house, with the horses and the green hills surrounding the farm, caused Finian's worry to lessen. Everything did not go away, but the almost suffocating concern he had felt since all this had started, began to ease something. And with lighter steps, he walked towards the voices of his beloved son. Unaware that Caomhie was standing in the window looking at him, tears running down her face and hatred growing in her chest. That Shiro Nakamura would pay for trying to hurt her family.