"I will take care of this!"

Finian got home late that evening, completely exhausted. Professor Haddad was a chatterbox; once the man started talking, nothing would stop him. But it had been a good talk. And Finian was now even more convinced than before that he had no other choice than to make Dorian accept Shiro.

Professor Masoud Haddad was the foremost expert in fated pairs, and luckily he was in London doing a study. It had been surprisingly easy for Finian to get the busy Egyptian to meet with him. They had previously talked when Finian was doing his research for his studies. Hence, they already were acquaintances, and when the professor heard that Finians husband had met his fated pair, professor Haddad immediately agreed to meet with him.

Finian was invited to Haddad's home in Kensington. He was served tea and biscuits, which he didn't manage to eat after that rich chocolate cake he had earlier. Finian was more of a licorice person; sweets didn't quite fit his taste.

First, the professor, an alpha around ten years older than Finian, gave his condolences to Finian's misfortune, and Haddad looked genuinely sorry for him. According to the professor, this was the first time where it was the alpha that already had a partner. Earlier records showed that only two omegas had previously been with a partner, but never the alpha.

In Prussia, 1737, an already married omega had been forced to leave her husband and daughter. Against her will was she demanded to be with her fated person, a nobleman. The omega later took her life out of grief. This was a famous story which had been made into an opera, novels and serval movies.

The other omega, who lived in the Ottoman Empire in 1895, refused to bond with his fated person and ran away from her with his beta husband and two children. Both the alpha and the omega died a few weeks later.

Finian listened while Haddad talked about everything he knew about these alphas and omegas that were perfect matches. And the black-haired man certainly knew a lot. He showed Finian records of nearly thousands of fated pairs. There had been a lot more fated pairs before. As the world population grew, it seemed like the chances to meet one's fated person got slimmer. Records showed that fated couples were more spread out around the globe now than ever before. In the last hundred years, almost every fated pair were born in different countries. It was no wonder that fated pairs didn't occur that often nowadays, but Haddad couldn't explain as to why it was so.

Finian told Haddad that he had met with Shiro and that he was hellbent on helping his husband and the omega get through this safe. Finian complained that Dorian didn't even want to talk about it. Haddad was impressed with Finian and repeatedly said that he had made the right decision. Because there wasn't much else they could do.

The sad truth was that there was no single record of omega and alpha ever to escape the bond with their life intact. No witchcraft, offerings, medicins, even removal of scent glands, nothing ever worked. So Finian just abandoned the thought of being able to make the connection between Dorian and Shiro go away and do the best of the situation. And he decided that in less than five days, he would lure Dorian to meet with Shiro. Finian hated the idea; he knew that Dorian would be furious with him. Still, he didn't see any other choice. Dorian needed Shiro's pheromones, or else he would get sick.

And Finian needed Dorian. He needed him as a father to his children, and he required Dorian himself because, without him, the light in his life would vanish, and there would be only darkness. Finian knew that his dependency on Dorian was complicated, to say at least. But Finian didn't want it any other way. Dorians was his other half, and without him, he couldn't be whole. And if that meant he would have to share him with Shiro, then so be it.

When Finian got home, it was already past dinner time. The children were at friends, and Finian could hear Dorian, he was in their bedroom. Finian knew he couldn't be frank with Dorian about what he'd been up to all day. This was the first time in their relationship that Finian kept things from his husband, and he was nervous. So when he stepped into the bedroom, he saw Dorian sitting at the end of the bed, staring down at his phone. He knew with just one look that Dorian was upset.

"Why did you meet with the omega, Finian?" Dorian was still staring at the screen while he talked, his gaze dark, and his voice filled with restraint.

Finian flinched and looked surprised at his husband.

"What are you talking about?"

Dorian looked up and held the phone in front of him. A jolt went through Finians whole body when he saw what Dorian had been looking at. A picture of him and Shiro talking while at a table, drinking coffee and eating chocolate cake.

"Where did you get that picture from?" Finian breathed, his stomach hurting with worry.

"Not that it matters, but Caoimhe found this online. Didn't I say that I would take care of this?"

Finian closed his eyes in resignation. Oh, now he had fucked up real good.

"Yes, you did."

"So why did you do this? Explain it to me, Finian, because I don't understand!"

"Because you do nothing! Because you don't talk to me about this. This is risking not only your life but Shiro's as well."Finian started to grow irritated and raised his voice, a rare thing for Finian to do.

"Oh, it's Shiro now is it Finian. I don't give a fuck about that person," Dorian jumped on his feet and glared at his husband.

Finian stared shocked at the taller man.

"That is horrible, Dorian. This isn't like you at all! Shiro hasn't asked for any of this. It isn't his fault!"

Dorian continued to glare at Finian.

"Well, it isn't mine either! And I told you I would take care of this. You have to trust me, Finian; I will make everything okay."

Finian looked suspiciously at him, frowning.

"What have you done?"

Dorian shrugged.

"Nothing for you to worry about. You just promise me that you won't contact 'Him' again."

"I can't do that," Finian said, sounding defiant.

"Why not?"

"Because there isn't anything that you can do other than subject yourself to Shiro's pheromones."

"Yes, there is! Goddammit Finian, it's as if you want me to be with him!"

The words hit like a punch to Finian's gut, and he broke down, tears pouring down his beautiful face.

"No! How can you say that? Do you think I enjoyed meeting the person you should be with instead of me? Do you think I wanted to see how more beautiful and how much more he suits you than me? I'm not a cute little omega. But what can I do, Dorian? You will die if you're not with him!" Finian was now screaming at him with anguish in his voice.

"You have to tell me what to do then, Dorian! Because I can't live without you!"

Dorian was startled, Finian never screamed! Quickly Dorian took Finian in his arms, pressing him tightly against his chest.

"I'm sorry, Luv. Please don't cry! You're the most beautiful person in the world!" Dorian's voice was full of regret; he hated this so much.

"I will lose you, and I can't stand the thought of living a life without you in it," Finian wept, his head pressed against Dorian's shoulder.

Dorian kissed Finian's temple, mumbling into his skin.

"You will never lose me. I said I would fix this, so please give me a chance!"

Finian sighed but didn't say anything. He just stood there in the arms of his beloved and felt like the hurt inside of him threatened to rip his heart apart.

What Finian didn't know was that Dorian was trying not to burst out in tears. Because the moment Finian had walked into the bedroom, he had felt Shiro's scent on him. He immediately felt aroused. But the guilt soon followed, and it made the anger even worse. He was having the love of his life in his arms while breathing the sweet scent from the omega. For Dorian, this was hell!

"So you won't promise to not speak with him again?"

Finian lifted his head. His eyes red, and he shook his head.

"No, I can't do that, Dorian."

Dorian closed his eyes in exasperation and exhaled.

"Well, that won't be a problem for long."

Finian frowned at his husband, suspicious.

"What do you mean?"

Dorian kissed Finian's cheek and smiled a little, but the smile didn't reach his eyes at all.

"Nothing. Why don't you take a shower, and I will make us some tea?"

Finian wasn't satisfied with that extremely vague answer but didn't say anything else. So with a horrible feeling in his gut, Finian went quietly into the bathroom.

When Finian had closed to door behind him, Dorian pulled his hands through his hair and clenched his jaw.

"Fucking hell," he managed to whisper even though he really wanted to scream.

He was frustrated as fuck!

Dorian had a throbbing erection, and his heart was beating fast. He wanted that smell; he wanted to taste that body that had emitted that scent. Dorian experienced so many emotions that he thought he was going crazy. But just one whiff of that flowery scent made him feel a little better, a little less anxious, and Dorian even felt the shaking in his hands subdue a little bit.

The alpha had to hurry to calm himself down. Dorian knew the erection wouldn't go away on its own, and he couldn't take any suppressant. Nor did he want to have sex with Finian like this. That would be as if he took advantage of his husband while his thoughts were on another person, and that Dorian could never do.

The blond alpha walked quickly to the guest's bathroom. In front of the mirror, with his cock in his hand, Dorian masturbated until he ejaculated in the sink. All the while thinking of that lovely smell of violets, lily of the valleys and honeysuckles. Soon this would be all over, and he couldn't wait.


Caoimhe said goodbye to her friend as Eamon waited by the front door. He had come to pick her up before going home together. Walking along the busy street Eamon glanced at his smiling sister, and he immediately became suspicious.

"Why are you so happy?" He said, making Caoimhe look at him with a smirk.

"Why shouldn't I be?"

"Because yesterday, you acted like you hated the world."

"Not the world, only Shiro Nakamura. But that won't soon be a problem anymore."

Eamon stopped walking. He gave her a look filled with both suspicion and irritation.

"What have you done?"

Caoimhe shrugged nonchalantly.

"Nothing bad, really. I just asked some follow haters of Shiro to stalk him a little."

"You did what! Why did you do that?" Eamon shouted, not caring about the looks from bypassers.

"Yes, and don't shout at me!"

"Tell me, Caoimhe!"

Caoimhe sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah yeah," she started to walk.

Eamon went after her.

"Shiro met Dadaí earlier today."


"Yeah. At a café. Dadaí and the omega talked for a really long time. I even got a picture of them," Caoimhe pulled out her phone and showed the picture of their father and the omega together.

"Why would Dadaí meet with him?" Eamon said, confused.

"He wants to fix everything, so Dad and Shiro will get together. You know how he is."

Eamon contemplated what Caoimhe said. Yeah, she was probably right. They both knew that Finian would do anything for their Dad, as would their Dad do for him.

"Perhaps this is the only way Caoimhe. Perhaps Dad needs to be with Shiro Nakamura."

"But it isn't. I overheard Dad talking to uncle Lucas, and he wanted to buy some drug that makes bonds between fated pairs disappear.

"What! You overheard?" Eamon stared at his younger sister, suspicious.

"Okay, I eavesdropped. But never mind, Dad will fix this."

Caoimhe smiled, genuinely happy, but Eamon was unsure. He had never heard of a way for fated pairs to be apart. And Eamon was really worried, while his little sister almost skipped while walking.