Do you really?

Shiro stood by the bedroom door and watched his precious daughter sleeping peacefully. It had been an eventful day, and it was a happy but tired girl that went to bed. The usual shy Ikumi was gone, and instead, she cheerfully chatted away with Dorian and Finian, leaving both Shiro and Deion stunned. They didn't recognise the girl, but it was such a positive thing that they were just happily watching her have fun with the two McCallisters. Ikumi quickly discovered that they had a popular dance game and the house was soon filled with laughter as Dorian and Ikumi danced to one of Shiro's songs. When Dorian later that evening got a big hug from Ikumi, her father had serious trouble keeping himself from crying. It was such a sweet thing, and he was so relieved. Everything went much better than Shiro would ever have dared to hope. The good feeling was especially strong after Finian told him that both Eamon and Caoimhe wanted to come home immediately after learning that Ikumi was there.

When Ikumi was ready to go to bed, Deion and Dorian left the house. Dorian was going to show Deion the apartment he would use for the time being. Just the thought that his best friend was going to sleep in the same bed were he and Dorian bonded made Shiro blush, and he couldn't look at Deion when the man left. Shiro guessed Dorian noticed because the tall blond man just grinned at him and winked before he walked out the front door after Deion.

Shiro was relieved that Dorian and Deion was getting along. If Dorian was still jealous, then he hid it very well because the two alphas acted like they been friends for years. Shiro was absolutely delighted that his mate and his best friend laughed together as they spent the evening playing games on the telly.

"Are she sleeping?"

Shiro turned around at the sound of Finian's voice. The alpha was standing in his pyjamas, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Yeah, she fell asleep after just a few minutes. But a lot happened today, so she was really exhausted," Shiro said and walked up to Finian.

"I can't even begin to express how grateful I am that you were willing to open your home for us. But thank you so much for this."

"There's no need for you to thank me, Shiro. You and Ikumi are a part of the family. This is your home as much as it is ours."

The red-haired man put his hand on Shiro's shoulder, and he had a gentle smile on his face.

"Well, I'm grateful to you. So which time will Eamon and Caoimhe be back tomorrow? I want to prepare Ikumi for it."

The two men started talking while walking towards the living room. Eamon and Caoimhe would be home around 10 am, and Finian had decided to work from home. Shiro had only a photoshoot 2 pm, and Ikumi would come with him, but before they would meet the two McCallister siblings.

Finian and Shiro started talking about the days to come, getting their calendars synchronised and sat down at the couch and talked about the upcoming family dinner. Shiro wasn't nervous anymore. Ikumi would be there, and Deion was also invited. And Shiro had already meet Dorian's father, Simon and his brother Lucas. The only person Shiro hadn't meet yet was Keith, the patriarch of the McCallister's. But if Dorian and Finian were telling the truth, Keith was nothing like Shiro's mother, the matriarch of the Nakamura family. Keith McCallister was, according to Dorian, was a kind person, and Finian told Shiro that Keith and Dorian were very much alike. So Shiro was convinced that he would get along well with Keith. Because he really loved everything about Dorian. Even that stubborn, rather childish side he had.

"We also need to prepare for Dorian's heat. It will most likely start at the beginning of next week."

Finian was looking down at his phone while he talked, and his words took Shiro by surprise. Of course Dorian would go into heat, it was just that Shiro hadn't thought of it at all. It'd been years since he was in a relationship, and Kei's heats had never been particularly strong. Barely so the dominant Shiro could feel it. Not like Shiro's mothers. It was with discomfort Shiro remembered when his mother went into heat, and he had to stay at his grandparent's house for days. And when the young boy finally could come home again, his father was always covered in bruises, with bite marks on his neck. The sight scared the young Shiro, and it made him realise early on that there was a difference between alphas as well. So it was with mixed feelings Shiro thought of the next week.

While Shiro was in deep thought, Finian suddenly flinched and smiled widely.

"Wow, he's really lively today," he said and held his hands on his round belly.

Shiro smiled, and it was with a bit of envy, he looked at the other man.

"How long gone are you now?"

"Twenty-three weeks and I'm already this big. I'm pretty sure it's going to be a big one this time," Finian said and chuckled.

"Were you not as big with Eamon and Caoimhe?"

Finian shook his head.

"No, Eamon was quite small until he turned ten and then he went into a growth spurt. And Caoimhe was born six weeks too early, so naturally, she was rather tiny. But it was the same with her, just a year ago she became the tallest girl in her class."

"Prime alpha's sure are amazing!" Shiro said, impressed.

He didn't notice the smirk on Finians face.

"So, do you want any more kids?"

The words were so unexpected that Shiro stared shocked at the other man.

"Would that really be alright?"

"Of course it would. You're Dorian's pair after all."

"So you're seriously saying that you, Eamon and Caoimhe wouldn't mind if I had Dorian's child? That it wouldn't feel strange or anything?"

Finian had a kind smile on his face, and he gently put his hand on Shiro's shoulder. He was much bigger built than Shiro, but the omega never felt that Finian was intimidating in any way. Like so many other omegas surely would. Finian had always been gentle towards Shiro, and even now, he was so calm and his gaze tender.

"I think we all would love to see the beautiful child you two would have. So I can definitely say that we are all okay with it."

Shiro did believe him. He really did believe that Finian was okay with the thought of Dorian having a child with him. And even if it was far too early to even think of getting pregnant, Finian's acceptance meant the world to him.

Shiro went to bed with a light heart that night, and when he was under the covers, he longed after Dorian so much it almost hurt. He wanted Dorian by his side, to feel his strong arms around him.

Luckily it didn't take long before he could hear the front door open. Shiro knew that Dorian would come to him. After all, it was his night with Dorian. But first, his mate would be with Finian until the red-haired alpha fell asleep. And Shiro tried not to think about what they were doing. It was better that way.

But Dorian came into the room not long after he got back, and he smiled at the surprised Shiro.

"What about Finian?" Shiro swiftly asked and watched with big eyes as the tall man walked up to the bed while he was taking off his clothes, and simply throwing them on the floor.

"He was already sleeping," Dorian answered and sat down by Shiro's side.

"How are you feeling? I can see how happy you are now that Ikumi's here."

Shiro nodded and put his arm around Dorian's waist as he snuggled close to his mate.

"It feels amazing, I've missed her so much, and I can see that she feels at home already."

"She seems like a great kid," Dorian said and got down under the cover beside the half-naked man, his face just a few centimetres away from Shiro's.

"She is, and I can tell that she fancies you."

"Well, I like her too," Dorian said and looked straight into Shiro's dark eyes for a long time before he took a deep breath. It was like he was gathering the courage to say something troublesome, and Shiro began to feel worried.

��I love you, Shiro."

Shiro stared at Dorian, completely baffled and lost for word.

"What?" He managed to get out.

"I love you like crazy," Dorian said again, and he looked extremely nervous.

"You do?"

"Yeah, I'm absolutely head over heels in love with you!"

Shiro didn't hesitate. He threw himself over Dorian and captured the alpha's lips with his. Shiro caught Dorian off guard, but Dorian quickly recovered and responded. He held Shiro close and enjoyed the sweet taste of his pair. Dorian knew that Shiro was happy. The omegas pheromones filled the room, and it felt like soft clouds gently caressed him. Every worry and gloomy thought left him, and Dorian felt as if he was light as a feather. It was as if he was floating.

They two men tasted each other until Shiro's soft lips let go of Dorian's, and he began to kiss the skin softly, down along Dorian's neck. Dorian grunted and caressed the back of Shiro's hair with his big hand. And when Shiro suddenly took Dorian's nipple between his lips, Dorian groaned with such a sweet voice, that it made Shiro's cock throb. Shiro remembered Dorian's response when Finian played with his nipples and Shiro wanted to see the reaction again. And he wasn't disappointed. Dorian moaned loudly and bent his back as Shiro sucked hard on the nipple.

"You like that?" Shiro asked, mumbling.

Dorian tried to answer, but Shiro grabbed his cock, and the words turned to an inaudible grunting.

Shiro craved to hear more, he wanted to make Dorian feel good, so he started trailing down towards Dorian's crouch with his soft lips. But he stopped when Dorian put his hand on top off his head.

"Please, I want to be in you," Dorian pleaded with a sweet voice and pulled a purring Shiro to him.

Shiro didn't object as Dorian got on top off him, and pinned him to the bed. Dorian quickly entered him, and the sudden sensation made Shiro come. He shuddered and dug his nails into Dorian's back as he had an intense dry orgasm, that left him feeling almost dizzy. Dorian thrust hard, while he kissed Shiro.

"I love you," He said over and over again, as his hips moved back and forth, his movement making Shiro groan with pleasure.

Dorian felt like he was melting, Shiro was so warm, and he clenched down, squeezing Dorians dick hard.

"Shit, I'm already coming, babe."

"Me too. Go go," Shiro begged, and Dorian hammered his cock hard in Shiro.

Without letting go of each other's eyes, the two men came at the same time, and Dorian kissed Shiro to muffle their moans. Which slowly turned into exhausted gasps as they began to calm down.

Dorian puckered at Shiro's lips and caressed his cheek, gently stroking it. Shiro was crying, and Dorian wiped away the tears streaming down the face with his long fingers.

"What's the matter, Luv?"

"Is it true? Do you really love me?"

"Yeah, and I've been for a long time now. I love you so very much."

The tears wouldn't stop, and Shiro grabbed hold of Dorian, he clung to the other man.

"I thought you would never love me," Shiro whimpered in a pitiful voice.

Dorian laid on the side with his arms around Shiro so he could look into the crying man's eyes. Dorian was in awe. The man beside him was so beautiful, so alluring that Dorian couldn't get enough of watching him. Even with the tears that continued to fall.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I should have, but I was confused about my own feelings. I never thought that I would love anyone other than Finian, but I really do love you."

Shiro buried his face in Dorian's chest.

"I love you so much," Shiro wept.

Shiro stopped crying after a while, and Dorian knew that the man had fallen asleep. He gave Shiro a little kiss on the forehead and carefully pulled out his arm from beneath the sleeping man. Dorian slowly put on his boxers and walked to the bathroom, where he wiped the semen off his body. The blond man stopped to stare at his own reflection in the bathroom mirror. He was grinning from ear to ear, and tears glittered in his blue eyes. Dorian hadn't seen himself looking like that for a long time. So genuinely happy. And it was all thanks to him being honest. Not only to Shiro, but to himself. He did, in fact, love two people. Perhaps the love he felt for them wasn't exactly the same, but that didn't matter. He didn't want to be without either of them. Dorian was determined to protect his loved ones with all his might. And he promised himself, there in front of the mirror, that he would never cause them any harm ever again.

Dorian brought a wet towel with him as he went back into the bedroom and carefully he wiped Shiro's smooth skin.

When he was all done, Dorian crawled back into bed, put his arms around Shiro and snuggled close to his mate. Inhaling the soothing sweet scent that he loved, and soon drifted off to sleep. Peacefully, the two men slept until there was a knock on the door, and Finian's voice could be heard from the other side.

"Wake up sleepy heads, Caoimhe and Eamon are on their way back!"

Slightly disoriented Dorian tried to locate where his cell-phone was and when he found it and saw what time it was, his eyes grew big.

"Bloody hell," he burst out and sat up.

"What time is it?" Shiro asked and rubbed his tired eyes.

"Ten! We have been sleeping for twelve hours."

Dorian and Shiro jumped out of bed. Shiro was surprised when he realised that he'd been cleaned and had boxers on. He glanced at Dorian, who was looking at him with an endearing smile.

"Did I fall right asleep?"

"Yeah, you did. Is your body alright?"

Shiro blushed a little and looked down at the floor. Suddenly the twenty-eight-year-old man was very shy. Like he just spent the first night together with his long-time crush instead of with his mate, with whom he had done lots of kinkier stuff, than what they did last night. But now when Dorian loved Shiro back, he suddenly felt extremely conscious of the way Dorian looked at him.

"We better hurry," Shiro said and pulled on some clothes.

Dorian had noticed Shiro's red cheeks, and while grinning big, he also put on the clothes he excitedly threw of last night.

When they were done, the two men left the room and found Finian and Ikumi in the kitchen. Finian was making pancakes, and the young girl was helping him.

Ikumi and Finian were talking about Shiro when the two men walked in, and Ikumi rushed to her father, throwing her arms around him.

"Finian took me shopping, and he let me choose what to eat for lunch," the girl eagerly told her father.

Shiro gentle stroked the girl's soft hair and smiled at her. Then he looked at Finian.

"Thank you."

"It was my pleasure. Ikumi is a lovely girl."

Dorian leaned down and smiled at Ikumi.

"Awesome choice, Finian's pancakes are the best."

"We even bought ice cream," Finian told, and Dorian beamed happily.


"Of course, and chocolate."

"Sweet!" Dorian exclaimed and walked up to his husband, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Why don't we set the table?" Shiro suggested to Ikumi, and the girl nodded.

Shiro thought it was best to let the two spouses talk in peace, and took some plates, and left the room with Ikumi.

Dorian noticed Shiro leaving and leaned his head on Finians shoulder.

"You were asleep when I got in last night. Did you sleep okay?"

Finian turned his head and kissed Dorian's forehead.

"Yeah, like a baby. And when I woke up, Ikumi was already awake. I figured I let you two sleep, so I took her shopping."

Dorian smiled. His ever caring Finian.

"I told Shiro I loved him."

Finian nodded and poured some more pancake batter in the frying pan.


"I guess you already knew my feelings before I did. Like usual."

"I know you the best, after all."

Dorian first put his hand on Finian's cheek, and then he put his lips on Finians. It was a sweet, loving kiss. Finian returned it.

They broke the kiss when the pancake was done and looked into each other eyes.

"Are you alright?" Dorian asked, feeling a bit concerned about hearing the response.

But Finian nodded and smiled a little.

"Yes, I haven't felt this great for a long time now."

Relief flooded over Dorian, and he kissed Finian again, his lips lingering.

"You are my everything Babe, you know that right?"

Finian nodded and playfully licked Dorian's lips.

"Yeah, I know."