Becoming one of you

If you forgot - Kenji and Midori are the same person.


When Midori was riding in the car with Lucas, he could feel himself calming down. He still felt feverish and slight nausea, but the worse seemed to be over. While driving, Lucas glanced worried at him and held his hand. Midori found himself not hating the closeness, which was a first. And after Midori asked if he could spend the night at Lucas, it was he that kissed Lucas first when they got to the apartment. It was a deep kiss, and it took Lucas by surprise. The alpha had no intention of doing anything with omega, he was far too concerned. Kenji didn't act like himself and Lucas wanted to take care of him. He had asked Kenji if he felt well enough to be doing that, and Kenji kissed him again as an answer. So the two men spent the rest of the evening making love. As usual, Lucas fell asleep before Midori did, but the omega couldn't sleep even though he was exhausted.

Midori was far too excited to rest. He couldn't believe that he actually got to talk with Shiro. Finally, after all these years had his dream come true. Midori had been so close to Shiro that he could touch him if he wanted too. It was like a miracle. And he had touched Shiro's bed. The omega was fully convinced that was the only reason he suddenly felt like his heat was starting. He was most certainly affected by the smell of Shiro's pheromones. There was no other possibility, and it meant that Shiro was, in fact, his true pair. Shiro had just been manipulated by that blond alpha in thinking that he belonged with him. It was the only reasonable explanation. Because Midori could feel it when he and Shiro sat on the sofa together. Shiro was reaching out to him, giving him signs. Sure, Midori had to admit that the signs weren't obvious, but they were there, and that was enough. He understood. And Midori was determined he would do everything in his power to help Shiro break free from that awful alpha.

If only that girl wasn't so suspicious of him. She ruined his special moment in Shiro's room, and Midori hated her. But he realized he had to be careful. The girl didn't trust him one bit. And even though he managed to get her off his back this time, Midori was aware that he probably couldn't fool her next time. Caoimhe McCallister was far too clever for an eleven-year-old girl, and she annoyed Midori as no other person had ever done before. Not to mention that she was ugly, with her filthy red hair and sickening green eyes. And far too tall for a girl. Midori thought that Caoimhe was the most unattractive of the McCallister's, and that said a lot. In the omega's eyes they were all ugly.

Lucas was the only one of them that was even a little bit good-looking. Of course, he was no way near as attractive as Shiro, but even Midori could admit that Lucas wasn't hideous to look at. Not like the rest of his family. And when Midori thought about it, it surprised him quite a lot that he was thinking that. He didn't hate it when Lucas touched him, it didn't make him feel disgusted as it did when someone else even got close to him.

What Lucas never could imagine was that Midori had been a virgin when they meet. That night with Lucas was his first time in bed with anyone. He was saving himself to Shiro because Shiro was the only one he ever wanted to be with. The only reason Midori let Lucas lay his fingers on him was that it was his way to Shiro. And it had worked. Midori had most definitely made an impact on several of the McCallister's, especially Eamon and Simon, who seemed to like Midori a lot. And not to mention Ikumi. The young Miss Nakamura had already sent Midori a text and wished him a good night. Midori was excited because the girl seemed to trust him. Which suited him well because in the near future he would become her stepfather after all. He had to go back to that house soon. Oh, just the thought of meeting Shiro again, to smell that lovely scent of his, made Midori hard again. So, right next to the sleeping alpha, he made himself come. He had to bite his bottom lip to stop himself screaming out, and he ejaculated all over his stomach. Quietly Midori got up and cleaned himself in the bathroom and without making a sound, he laid down again beside Lucas. The alpha hadn't noticed a thing.

It didn't take long before Lucas rolled over to his side and he put his arm over Midori, making the other man freeze up for a second. But he soon relaxed and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Following days did Midori spend at Lucas apartment. It was Lucas's idea that Midori would stay with him, and Midori, who start getting low on money, immediately agreed. Not only because of the money, but Midori figured it would be easier to get close to Ikumi and Shiro if he stayed with Lucas.

And Midori was making great process with Ikumi. The girl actually texted him again the day after the dinner, and they kept on sending each other messages. They talked about everyday things, and Midori carefully asked about her father. Ikumi didn't suspect a thing and answered every question, which made Midori feel overjoyed.

Meanwhile, Lucas didn't notice anything at all. The week that followed was Lucas occupied with work during the days, and every evening he spend pampering Kenji. Sure Lucas noticed that Kenji sat with his cell phone more each day, but he just assumed that he talked with his family, and that made the family-oriented Lucas happy. He had waited for Kenji to talk about his family, but he never did, and finally, Lucas couldn't wait any longer. He wanted to know everything about Kenji because Lucas had a really good feeling about this relationship. The platinum blond alpha couldn't believe how lucky he'd been to meet Kenji. He had been alone for so long, wounded by his previous relationship with his ex boyfriend, who two-timed him for over three years. It was a destructive relationship, all they did was party and do drugs, which ended with Lucas being committed to rehab after an OD. Lucas got clean, but Isaac didn't, and the relationship ended when Isaac tried to sneak drugs into Lucas food. Isaac hated that Lucas had changed and he felt betrayed.

Lucas was devastated. He had truly loved Isaac and thought they would someday get married and have a family together. It took Lucas years to get over his previous relationship, and it wasn't until he met Kenji that Lucas finally wanted to be with another person again. Lucas was head over heels in love with Kenji.


Back at the McCallister resident everything went well, and the family had settled in a peaceful, everyday pace. Caoimhe's first monthly flow was over, and she was back to her normal self again. Well, not quite normal. She was acting a bit strange, suddenly timid and overly cautious towards Shiro. The girl was overwhelmed by guilt and regret. She wished she could go back in time and change how she treated Shiro. What Kenji said hit the young girl hard, and it didn't feel better when everybody else seemed to get along with Kenji and was happy for Lucas. Caoimhe couldn't understand why. Kenji was scary.

It took Caoimhe by surprise when she found out that Ikumi and Shiro had met Kenji several times when Shiro was out working. Apparently, it was always Ikumi's idea, but Shiro didn't think any of it. Nor did Dorian or Finian either. Only Caoimhe thought it was weird, but her fathers thought it was nice for Shiro and Ikumi to meet up with a countryman.

Shiro was at first surprised when Ikumi asked if they could meet Kenji after a photoshoot, but he went along with it, and it turned out to be rather pleasant. Shiro thought Kenji were friendly and easy to get along with. Sometimes Lucas joined them, but mostly it was just the three of them. They talked a lot about home and music. They shared the exact taste in music and easily got into long talks about different artist and albums. Shiro had fun, and Ikumi seemed to enjoy herself as well.

And Midori was in heaven. Every minute he spent with Shiro was a pure delight, and he could barely control himself. He managed to pretend to be this Kenji-character, but it was hard. He wanted Shiro so much it hurt and every time he got home, he had to either masturbate or have sex with Lucas. Lucas didn't complain, but sometimes the alpha got a bad feeling when he noticed how excited Kenji sounded whenever he talked about Shiro and that his gaze was hot. Lucas had never been the jealous-type, tot even with Isaac who cheated on him. But now it was different, and it didn't feel good.

After a hectic day at work Lucas got home a little earlier than he used to and even though he called out, he didn't get any response. He knew Kenji was home, his shoes were at the door, and he could hear noises from the bedroom. Lucas didn't know why he walked so quietly through the apartment nor why he didn't call out once more. Perhaps he wanted to surprise Kenji. and perhaps he wanted to see what the omega was doing when he was alone. Or just maybe he was a little bit suspicious. Whatever the reason was, he got to the bedroom without making a sound and carefully opened the door. Through the small crack, he could see Kenji standing on all four, facing the wall. His pants were down at his knees, and he was panting hard. It was one of the sexiest things Lucas had ever seen. Kenji was pumping his cock with one hand and with the other, he kept pushing three fingers inside his wet hole. Lucas got hard in an instant and swallowed the overflowing saliva in his mouth. Kenji was trembling, and Lucas could see he was getting close to climaxing. Precum flowed from his cock and every time his fingers moved clear fluid sipped out of his hole. Lucas didn't know what to do. He wanted to get behind that sexy ass and thrust his cock inside, making Kenji scream out in pleasure. But he also wanted to stay hidden and watch as Kenji finished on his own. Then he could make his appearance and embrace that trembling body, and shower it with kisses.

Kenji was getting close, Lucas could see that by how violently his hips were shaking. When he reached the climax, he screamed out but what he screamed hit Lucas like a tone of bricks falling on his head. He became cold, frozen to the floor and couldn't move.

Shiro. Kenji had screamed out Shiro's name. Lucas had heard it clearly. There was no mistaking it. He watched as Kenji collapsed on the bed and lay there trembling, the sweet post-orgasm sensation sweeping throughout his body.

Lucas turned around, walked quietly to the front door and closed it behind him without making a sound. He took the elevator to the garage, got inside his car and closed the door and from the top of his lungs he just screamed straight out. He screamed until he lost his voice and exhausted he slumped forward, his forehead rested against the steering wheel.

Not again.

A million thoughts raced through Lucas mind. Could he have heard wrong? Perhaps Kenji had shouted out some Japanese word that sounded like Shiro? No, that was too far fetched. So Kenji shouted out Shiro's name when he masturbated. What did that mean? Did he have an affair with the other omega? Could Shiro even have an affair? He was after all bonded with Dorian. Lucas didn't know exactly how that worked. Perhaps two omegas could get together? But would Shiro even want someone other than Dorian? Wasn't it obvious that Shiro really loved Dorian? Could he fake it? He and Kenji had, after all, spent a lot of time together these past weeks. Sure, Ikumi was with them. But perhaps they had met other times than he knew of. But again, Shiro didn't seem like the type of person to be unfaithful. But neither had Isaac.

Lucas was confused. He didn't know what to do. Should he go up and confront Kenji. Or should he just pretend like everything was okay and regard this simply as a one-sided crush from Kenji that would soon pass over. Shiro was, after all, very beautiful and kind. Perhaps Kenji was just a little smitten by the charismatic singer. Yeah, that was probably it. Lucas just had to keep showing his good sides to Kenji, and soon the omega would get over Shiro, and everything would be fine. It had to be.

Lucas looked into the rear-view mirror and took a deep breath. He didn't look fine. He hadn't cried, he hadn't cried since he was little, but his eyes were red, and he looked weary.

'Get it together,' Lucas thought to himself and left the car. All he could think of was that he had to make this work. He was terrified of being alone again.

When he stood in front of the door again, he took one more deep breath and opened it. On his face was a big smile.

"Hi Luv, I'm home!"