The moment that Eamon wanted to disappear.

Eamon McCallister was not your average fourteen-year-old boy. Even if he would surely insist that he wasn't anything special, but everyone that had spent any time with Eamon knew that he was remarkable. He was unusually mature and responsible for his age. And he was very smart. He had the best grades in school, and he succeeded in every sport he tried. But it was only archery that he thought was worth spending any time on. Eamon had been able to write and read since preschool. And cause he kept to himself and didn't interact well with other people, some of his teachers came to Dorian and Finian and hinted that Eamon could be autistic. Due to his profession, Finian never even suspected Eamon to have that condition, but they met several psychologists, and it showed that Eamon was just very gifted. His IQ was higher than usual, and he needed to be challenged not to lose interest.

It was also obvious to his fathers that Eamon was an introvert. He didn't feel the need to socialise with other people. He preferred to stay at home and read comics or play the guitar. He didn't have any best friends, and he was content with just spending time with his family. He was the opposite of his little sister, but Caoimhe and Eamon loved each other dearly.

When Eamon got a girlfriend, everyone was shocked. Even Eamon was surprised. He didn't think he would ever be interested in other people, and he never thought that anyone would be interested in him. But when Chhaya started talking to him in school, it didn't take long before Eamon fell in love with the girl. Chhaya was just as energetic as Eamon was calm. She didn't stop talking, and she was always happy. Eamon was astounded that he wasn't annoyed by how much the girl talked and that he wanted to spend time with her, even if she dragged him all over town to different cafées. And when Chhaya confessed and asked if she could be his girlfriend, Eamon didn't hesitate. They two became a couple, and he soon met Chhaya's parents, who were overjoyed because he an alpha and the son too two alpha's. Chhaya's parents hoped that they finally could get an alpha in their beta family.

Eamon was pretty satisfied with his life. He had a girlfriend, and his family was alright. But there was one thing that was bothering him. Eamon hadn't had his first heat yet. He had known he was an alpha for about a year, but there hadn't been the slightest indication that his heat was coming soon. Not that he particularly wanted it, but it still worried him. Everybody said he was probably a prime alpha, just like Dorian, but his dad's heat came when he was thirteen, and Eamon would turn fifteen in less than a month.

But Eamon didn't want to say anything to his father's about his concerns. He was determined not to make them worried because he figured they already had dealt with enough problems to last a lifetime.

Two weeks after Finian got back from the hospital, it was time for Shiro's new album's release party. Due to Finian's health, the album had been postponed. Shiro wanted to wait even longer, but Finian told him that he shouldn't. Shiro had worked hard to make the album. He should let his fans and the world enjoy it. Dorian didn't pressure Shiro because it was Shiro's decision, after all. But when Shiro said he wanted to go forth with the release, Dorian was relieved. He was running a company, after all, and Shiro was now their most successful artist. Dorian wanted to make both his company and Shiro a big success in the UK and the rest of the world. Dorian knew why Shiro had left Japan and came to London. He knew that Shiro had big dreams. And Dorian was going to do everything he could to make Shiro's dream come true.

The release party were to be held at a famous night club in central London. The whole company worked hard to prepare everything from inviting guests, getting publicity and plan Shiro's performance. Everything to ensure that the party would be a huge success. Finian had to stay at home, which he really didn't mind, and Caoimhe and Ikumi wanted to keep him company. But Eamon wanted to come with them, and Dorian was happy that Eamon was interested in his and Shiro's jobs.

A big black BMW sub arrived, and out from the house came three very well dressed men. Dorian wore a tailored three-piece slate grey suit and a striped repp tie. Dorian, who usually never wore that kind of suit, looked very sharp, or as Caoimhe said, 'just like an old-time Hollywood star'.

Shiro had a knee-length black blazer with a white shirt underneath, a black tie and black pants. Shiro had tied in his shoulder-length hair the back. While riding in the car, Dorian couldn't stop looking at him, which Shiro, of course, noticed and blushed. His face had turned completely red. Eamon thought they acted more like teenagers then he had ever done and did his best to ignore them. The fourteen-year-old boy was looking very elegant, wearing his new black suit. Chhaya had picked it, and he had been nervous until his family said he looked really handsome and mature. The suit was black, and his shirt was black with a dark red tie. But even if he looked great, Eamon felt uncomfortable. The boy was used to wearing jeans and t-shirts most of the time. Dorian had said that Eamon could dress any way he wanted to. However, Eamon was afraid to embarrass his dad and Shiro. But, when he thought of buying derby shoes, his dad convinced him that it was perfectly alright for him to wear sneakers instead. Eamon was now glad he listened to his dad because the black sneakers he had on were a lot more comfortable than the Derbys he thought of buying.

A thirty-minute car ride later, the three men arrived at the club. Fans and the press had gathered on each side of the red carpet. Guards kept the onlookers in check, and Dorian could spot Elliot, Ye-reum waiting for them by the entrance. Dorian got out of the car first, then Eamon and last Shiro. The many cameras that flashed simultaneously and the screams from his fans and the press didn't faze Shiro at all. He just smiled and waved his hand before walking towards the entrance but stopped to give his fans attention and answer questions from the press.

While Shiro was in his right element, Dorian and Eamon felt like fishes on dry land. Dorian had no idea how to handle the attention, but he faked confidence and walked by Shiro's side, smiling his usual bright smile. Eamon, however, couldn't fake it. He got extremely nervous. It was too many people, and it felt like he couldn't move until Deion suddenly were by his side and gently put his hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Take a deep breath and follow me," Deion whispered, and Eamon nodded to show that he understood.

Together the two boys and the adult walked along the red carpet. Deion answered some questions from journalists from Japan and South Korea, and with big eyes, Eamon stared at the older man. He was surprised that Deion spoke fluently in both Japanese and Korean. Eamon knew that Deion had lived in Japan, but he never thought that he would have learned the language so well. It sounded just like it did when Shiro and Ikumi talked to each other. Deion noticed that the boy looked at him and just smiled at him before he continued to walk. Eamon followed him with quick steps. They got to the entrance before Shiro and Dorian did, and Elliot put his arms around his godson and patted him on the back.

"Good to see you, buddy," he said with a big smile.

"It's great to see you too, Elliot. Is Katie inside?"

It only lasted a few seconds, but Elliot's expression got somewhat dark, then it turned back to his usual carefree. He shook his head.

"No, Katie's with the kids."

Elliot took a step back from the boy and looked him over.

"You are looking very sharp today, young man," he said with a bright smile, changing the subject.

Eamon was a smart kid, so he had already understood that something had happened between his parents and Katie, who were their oldest friend. The two families had always got together for vacations, dinners or just game nights. But ever since his dad met Shiro, Katie hadn't been over once. Not Elliot either, which was even weirder because Elliot loved Dorian's food, more then he liked Katie's, who in all honesty couldn't cook to save her life. But exactly why the Hendrick family hadn't been visiting didn't Eamon know.

"Lucas is inside if you want to hang out with him," Elliot said, and Eamon nodded.

He followed his godfather inside the club, and with big eyes, he looked around. He had never been to a place like that before, being underage and all. It was a huge place, and it was packed with people. Waiters strolled among the crowd with trays filled with glasses of champagne and appetisers, and Eamon saw several famous people he recognised. There were singers, actors and even models. Eamon realised that until now, he hadn't understood how famous Shiro actually was. It was quite overwhelming to think that his new father was this extraordinary person.

"Lucas new boyfriend is really handsome," Elliot suddenly said.

He had to talk loud so Eamon could hear him over the noise that filled the nightclub.

"Yeah, he is, and a nice guy."

"Lucas seems happy."

Elliot had known the younger McCallister brother for as long as he had been Dorian's friend. He knew all about Lucas past. Elliot had seen the man heartbroken and miserable for so many years. But ever since he met Kenji, Lucas seemed to be happier than ever before.

"I think he is."

They found Lucas and Kenji talking with a famous DJ, but when Lucas saw Eamon, he excused himself and, together with Kenji, Lucas walked up to his nephew. When he got closer to the boy, he smiled.

"Wow, look at that. What a handsome man!"

Eamon blushed and looked down. He wasn't used to getting this kind of attention.

Lucas was wearing a dark grey suit with a dark red shirt and a black tie. There were a lot of people looking at him. With his platinum blond hair and great looks, he really stood out. Both men and woman were glancing at him, but Lucas didn't notice a thing. He was firmly holding Kenji's hand, and Eamon thought that the omega looked like he had joined BTS, and as soon as Eamon thought that, he got irritated and cursed Caoimhe for teaching him useless things.

"You should really wear suits more often," Lucas said with a grin, clearly teasing Eamon, knowing perfectly well that the boy didn't like that type of clothes.

"Thanks, but no thanks."

He then turned to Kenji, greeting him.

Kenji smiled at him and looked around as he was searching for someone.

"Aren't your family here?"

"No, daídai needs to rest, and Caoimhe and Ikumi wanted to stay with him. Dad and Shiro are on their way."

Kenji looked for some reason relieved, and Eamon frowned. Kenji seemed to notice Eamon's puzzled look and quickly turned to Lucas.

"Do you want anything to drink?"

"I can go if you're want something."

But Kenji shook his head and caressed Lucas' cheek. The gaze the omega gave his boyfriend was filled with tenderness. So much that even Eamon started blushing, and Elliot looked away, feeling like he was intruding on the couples private moment.

"You stay and talk to Eamon. I'll be right back."

And with that, Kenji walked towards the bar. The three men followed him with their gaze.

"What happened to his hand?" Eamon asked.

Lucas turned around and looked at his nephew.

"You noticed that?"

"Well, the scar is quite big, isn't it?"

The scar on Kenji's hand was indeed big, and Lucas knew it hurt. Kenji didn't say anything, but he sometimes grimaced as he used his hand. The wound had festered the first day's and Kenji got a high fever until the antibiotics started working. Lucas was a bit worried about him. He couldn't put his finger on it, but there was something different with Kenji. The omega talked even less than before, and he spent every waking moment with school assignments. Of course, Lucas thought was that a good thing, but he still felt that Kenji didn't act like himself. They rarely talked, and they hadn't even touched each other in weeks. Kenji didn't even want to go with him when Lucas visited his brother and Finian. Even though Shiro was there, it was just strange. Lucas felt lonely, and he was anxious. What if Kenji was tired of him? What if Kenji would leave? What would he do then?

"He had an accident, but it's fine now. So how is it going with your girlfriend? I would like to meet her someday."

Just thinking about Chhaya made Eamon smile, and he felt warm inside. Lucas noticed the smile, and he chuckled, thinking that the first love was the most precious thing. Even though he's first teenage love had ended with heartbreak, the memory was still something he treasured.

"What's this? Do you have a girlfriend, Eamon?" Elliot exclaimed, surprised.

Eamon told his godfather how he and Chhaya had gotten together, and he blushed during it all, feeling uncomfortable with all the attention. Elliot patted Eamon's back, happy that the boy had found love. Lucas was about to say something when suddenly the whole club erupted in applauds and shouts. Shiro walked in through the door with Dorian by his side. Shiro was smiling brightly and went to talk with different people, while Dorian did the same. Eamon stared at his dad. He had only seen Dorian as the dad who cooked delicious food, loved science-fiction and action movies and had a rather childish sense of humour. Eamon didn't recognise that person that walked around, looking so serious, so businesslike. His dad looked like a famous person, and Eamon was baffled. While Eamon stared at his father, Elliot excused himself and made his way towards Dorian. He was the company's vice president. He needed to socialise as well.

Lucas knew he also had to talk with the guest, but he waited for Kenji to come back, and he didn't want to leave Eamon. However, at the same time, Kenji got back with three glasses of sparkling water, Dorian approached them.

"Hi, big brother," Lucas said, and Dorian smiled, and this time it was a genuine smile. Not the strained smile that he had worn from the moment he walked out of the car.

"Hi, little brother. Good evening Kenji."

Kenji greeted Dorian and thanked him for the invitation.

"I hope you will enjoy the party. Now, if you will excuse me, I promised Max and Gabrielle to introduce Eamon to them."

Father and son said goodbye to the couple and walked into the sea of people.

"How are you holding up?" Dorian asked in a worried voice.

He knew that Eamon didn't feel comfortable being in crowds of people.

"It's alright. I didn't realise that Shiro was this famous."

"Yeah, I know. Cool, right?" Dorian said with a big smile.

Eamon could hear how proud his dad was, and Eamon shared his smile. He loved seeing his dad this happy.

After around ten minutes, the father and son managed to walk across the dancefloor and into the club's restaurant. Eamon could no longer hear the loud music from the dancefloor, and he exhaled, relieved, feeling much more comfortable. A couple waved from a table, and Dorian and Eamon walked up to them. The man and woman wore expansive clothes and jewellery, and Eamon immediately knew that he wouldn't like the very fashionable clothes that looked more suited for the Royal Ascot then a popstars release party. They were the type of people that always wanted to befriend his dad just because he was a McCallister and a prime alpha. Eamon instinctively didn't like them.

"Eamon, this is Max and Gabrielle. Max is a business partner to your grandfather, Keith."

"It's nice to finally meet you, Eamon. Your grandfather has talked a lot about you."

Eamon didn't know what to say, so he just smiled and sat down on the chair beside Dorian. The couple never took their eyes of Eamon, and the comfortable feeling quickly vanished and was replaced with anxiousness.

They started asking Eamon a lot of questions about his grades, interest, and future plans. He answered as much as he could until Dorian cleared his throat and looked at the man and woman with a gaze filled with suspicion.

"Why are you asking my son all these questions?"

The woman quickly took out her phone from her purse and held it in front of Eamon. On the screen was a photograph of a blond boy around his age with bright blue eyes and a set of perfect white teeth. The boy was clearly an alpha. Eamon and Dorian stared at the photo, and at the same time, they looked up at the woman, both with the same look of confusion.

"This is our son Henry. He is top of his class and the president of the student council. He's been training fencing for several years now and has won every competition he has participated in."

Eamon didn't know what to say. He didn't understand what was going on. However, Dorian realised what the couple on the other side of the table was after, and he frowned, clearly irritated.

"That's good for him, but what's the point of telling us all this?"

Max flinched at the sudden hostility in Dorian's voice, but he managed to keep his smile even though it was very strained.

"Well, he is alpha as well, and we thought that it would be wonderful if our Henry and Eamon here could meet. It would surely benefit both our families if they came to like each other."

Dorian couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was stunned to silence.

Beside him, Eamon finally understood what the man and woman were talking about, and he panicked.

"But I don't like boys," he said in a low voice, his heart beating rapidly in his chest.

That didn't seem to faze the couple, and the woman was about to say something when Dorian suddenly stood up with such force that the chair fell over with a loud noise. Every single person in the restaurant turned and stared at him, but Dorian didn't care.

"I'm sorry, but we must go," he said and looked at Eamon. "Come, it's time for Shiro's performance."

He turned around, said goodbye without looking at them and started walking. Awkward, Eamon said goodbye to the confused man and woman, placed the chair back at the table and walked quickly after his dad.

"I'm so sorry about that, Eamon. I had no idea they would say those things," Dorian said in a pained voice.

"I know, dad. Don't worry about it."

However, Dorian stopped just when they got out of the restaurant and firmly shook his head. He put his hands on the boy's shoulders, gently squeezing them.

"If someone ever tries to make you do something you don't want to, then you need to speak up. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, Dad, I understand. Thanks."

Warmth filled the look Dorian gave his son with warmth, and he gently kissed the top of the boy's head.

"I love you, Eamon and I'm very proud of you. Always remember that."

"I love you too, Dad."

Father and son looked at each other, smiling until Dorian remembered that he needed to be up on stage with Shiro in a few minutes. He asked if Eamon wanted to come with him, but the boy shook his head. There was no way he would stand in front of all these people. So Eamon watched as his dad rushed towards the stage and looked around. He spotted his uncle Lucas and Kenji by the scene and struggled his way through the crowd. Most people took one look at Eamon and willingly stepped out of his way, and the people who didn't, the boy ignored and gently pushed them aside. Just when he got to Lucas and Kenji, Shiro walked out on stage, and the people around him started cheering. It took a while before it was quiet enough for Shiro to start speaking, but when he did talk, he had a big, happy smile on his face.

"Thank you all for coming this evening. I have worked with this album for over two years now, and I'm glad to share it with all of you. When I first started, I was in a bad place in my life. My husband Kei had recently passed away, and I found myself alone for the first time since I was a child. And that was truly frightening. As time passed, I got stronger and more confident that I could manage on my own. I said to my manager Deion that I wanted to become a star, not only in Asia but also worldwide. That decision took me here to London. And since I have been here, my life once again changed. But this change didn't leave me heartbroken. This time I am not alone and scared. This change made me happier than I ever thought was possible, and with this album, I wanted to express this change from sorrow to new possibilities. My new album is called 'Revived', and the first track on the album is 'That smile'."

With that, Shiro started singing. It was a soft song, warm and filled with love. The song was about a person filled with nothing but emptiness, walking through life, always in the shadow, feeling like something missing until someone took them in and pulled them out into the light. A smile that filled the void with love and joy. The warmth of a family and a sense of belonging.

Eamon immediately understood that the song was meant for his dad, and it made him so happy. Beside him, Lucas had tears in his eyes, but Eamon couldn't see Kenji's expression. The man was looking down, and it was too dark to see his face, but he thought he saw Kenji's shoulders shaking slightly, so he figured that the man was probably crying. The song was, after all, very beautiful.

For the next thirty minutes, Eamon was in awe. The performance was amazing, and he was surprised by Shiro's talent. The omega played both the acoustic guitar and the piano. He was confident on stage, so talkative and always smiling. Eamon had never seen Shiro like that before. Shiro sang two more songs, followed by the video for 'That smile', the show finished with a Japanese tribute band played a version of Shiro's older hit, "Hanami", which was the theme song for a Japanese drama five years ago. While the tribute band played, Eamon saw Shiro standing side by side with his dad, and they were holding hands. That made Eamon smile.

When the show was over, Shiro thanked everyone for coming and told them to stay and party. Once again, the loud dance music filled the dancefloor, and people immediately started to dance.

"Let's go to Dorian," Lucas had to shout for Eamon to hear, and the boy just nodded.

The three men walked through the mass of dancing people, and first, they found Elliot and Deion and then Dorian and Shiro. Shiro looked at Eamon with a kind smile and asked what the boy thought of the party. Eamon had answered by giving Shiro a big hug and told him that he'd done well.

Without a word, Shiro stared at the boy, and suddenly tears started falling. Eamon got scared and asked what was wrong, but Shiro shook his head and explained that the tears wear happy ones and that Eamon was a wonderful kid. All while, Dorian stood by their side and were so glad that he didn't know if he should cry of happiness or jump with joy. He put his arms around his mate and his son and hugged them tightly.

"I love you guys."

Shiro and Eamon looked at each other and smiled before they returned the hug.

"Come on, gang! Let's party," they heard Elliot shout from behind them.

Dorian burst out laughing, grinning from ear to ear while looking at his best friend.

"We're coming, you drunk-ass nerd."

And so the party started for real. Dorian asked if Eamon wanted to join them on the dancefloor, but Eamon shook his head. That would be too much. He did not dance. Not now, not ever.

So he stood by the wall watching as his dad and Shiro vanished in the crowd with Elliot and Deion. He saw several people from the record company joining them and Lucas and Kenji as well. Eamon leaned back against the wall and looked at his dancing father, uncle and the others with a smile.

It didn't take long until the first person came up to Eamon and flirted with him. It was a wasted alpha female in a far too tight dress, but Eamon quickly refused her by telling her that he was fourteen years old, which made the woman run away immediately. The next person was an omega in his forties. He was trying very hard to look seductive, and even when Eamon told the man his age, he didn't go away. Instead, he looked even more interested and put his hand on Eamon chest, grinning and said that he most certainly didn't have the body of a fourteen-year-old. Eamon then tried to make the man leave when he told him that he was straight and had no interest in being with a guy. The omega grinned, telling Eamon that he could turn the boy gay if he just got the chance. Eamon wasn't a violent person, and not even once did he feel the urge to hit the older man. He had a lot of patience, and he was almost too kind. But now, even he was fed up with the man's behaviour.

"My last name is McCallister, and that man over there is my dad. Perhaps you heard of him? Dorian McCallister?"

The man's eyes grew big, and he seemed to shrink. He immediately took one step from Eamon.

"Please, forget about this," the man said and almost ran away, looking like wild hounds was chasing him.

Eamon snickered, but it didn't take long until the next person came up to him. After a seventh person tried to pick him up, Eamon finally had enough and walked over to Dorian and Shiro, who was dancing to an old song from Queen.

"Dad, I have to use the restroom," he said in a loud voice.

Dorian asked if Eamon wanted company, but Eamon just grinned, told his dad that he wasn't a little kid anymore and started walking. He walked into the VIP section and then to the restroom. Eamon was tired. Tired of the loud music he really didn't like, and he was tired of all the people around him. They made to much noise, and they were too close. He needed space. Eamon knew that he should tell his dad that he wanted to leave, but he didn't want to ruin their fun. He also knew he shouldn't go off by himself. But Eamon was desperate.

Eamon had never had a panic attack before, so he didn't understand what was happening. It started with his heart. It hammered in his chest as it would explode, and he felt like he couldn't breathe. His throat got so dry, and he couldn't swallow. Eamon thought he would die. He stared at the dancefloor. He could see his dad, but he was too far away. It was too many people between them. He would never make it.

A door was close by, and Eamon rushed towards it. He pulled it open and dashed inside. He looked around, searching for a way out. He needed air so he could breathe. But when he ran down a long corridor, he came to a dead-end, and that was when it became too much. Eamon started to cry. He would throw up, and he would faint and then die. Eamon slid down along the wall and pulled his legs up to his chest, hugging them tight, and while he cried, he hyperventilated.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

Eamon flinched by the sudden voice and frantically shook his head back and forth. He didn't want to look up. He didn't want anyone to see him cry.

"Are you hurt? Do you want me to go and get someone?"

The voice was friendly. Even in Eamon's panicked state, he could hear it. He could also smell something good. It reminded him of strawberries, summer, ice cream and the feeling of the sand between his toes. He stopped crying when he suddenly felt very hot, and even though the panic suddenly vanished like it never even been there, his pulse was racing, and his breathing was heavy.

"Shit, what the hell is this? What's going on?"

Eamon could hear the kind voice was now filled with confusion, and he looked up. Right in front of him was the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen, and that was the last thing he remembered before everything turned black.

In an empty hallway, Eamon was lying on his back. He had a splitting headache, and his whole body ached. His eyes were closed, and when he tried to open them, it felt like his head would crack open. He quickly closed his eyes again, groaning from the pain. It took three times before he dared to open his eyes completely, and he frowned when he saw the white ceiling above him. He tried to remembered what happened, but the last thing he recalled was that he was sitting on the floor, and someone was talking to him. And that smell! He could still sense it, and it made him feel all warm inside. Eamon heard a groan beside him, and startled, he sat up, and that's when he noticed that his pants and boxers were by his knees. He stared at his lower body, and fear struck him. Slowly his eyes turned to the left, and there was a half-naked man with his back facing Eamon. Eamon then saw something that made his racing heart almost stop, and he stared at it.

Emotions flooded him. Confusion, dread. Denial. No, no, no, this couldn't be happening. It was just a bad dream. Right?

But no matter how much Eamon wished it weren't true, he could feel it. He tasted blood in his mouth, and he could feel the attraction, the undeniable connection that was pulling him. First, Eamon simply stared at the man, then tears flooded his eyes, and he burst out crying. It was a hysterical cry. It was filled with fear and consuming guilt. Eamon was shaking from the sobs when he started pulling up his pants. All while he cried, "no, no, no." He wanted his dad. He wanted his daídai. Never before had Eamon felt so small, so helpless and scared. All the while, a thousand thoughts circled in his mind. What have I done? What am I going to do? The panic filled him up, and he threw up on the floor by his side. He wanted just to disappear.

"Eamon!" He heard someone call, but he couldn't look up. He couldn't face whoever it was that was quickly approaching him.

"Are you alright? What has happened?"

Then it went quiet. A heavy, agonising silence that felt like it would crush the boy.

"Oh, please, no!" He heard Shiro say, and Eamon finally looked up.

The man's face was pale, and his eyes filled with horror as he looked between Eamon and the half-naked man beside him. Shiro was stuck, unable to do anything but stare at the horrible scene in front of him.

Suddenly the naked man started moved, and he groaned.

"Ouch," he said and started pulling up his pants, his back still turned against Eamon and Shiro. "Well, this sucks."

Shiro's gaze went from the wound on the stranger's neck to Eamon and back to the stranger. There was no doubt. That was a bonding mark.

"Please don't tell my fathers. They can't know."

Eamon's pleading words hit Shiro like speeding projectile, and it felt like his heart shattered into a million pieces. But he couldn't speak. It was as if every word had left him, and he had become mute.

"Shiro, what am I going to do?"