Becoming friends

Tem was standing in the hallway, and he was so nervous that it felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest. Eamon was by his side, but despite that, he couldn't calm down. Shiro and Finian stood behind him, and Dorian, a tall red-haired girl and a younger girl who was clearly Shiro's daughter, stood in front of him. The long blond alpha that towered over Tem, who was only 1.65 cm tall, smiled at him. The girl, whom Tem knew immediately knew was Eamon's little sister, seemed surprised, and the youngest in the family just looked confused.

"Welcome, Tem," Dorian said and walked up to the man with his big hand in front of him.

Tem grabbed the fist, and his handshake was firm. That surprised Dorian, and he grinned. He was impressed. The much shorter man wasn't only strong but also bold. Dorian already liked him a lot.

"Thank you."

Dorian looked really hungover, but Tem was surprised that the man still managed to look sexy despite dark circles under his reddened eyes and thick stubble on his cheeks and chin.

"I can't thank you enough for your help yesterday. I'm very grateful."

Tem was amazed. Okay, he understood what Dorian meant, but it still surprised him, and Tem thought that Dorian was probably the nicest alpha he had ever met.

Tem had discovered early on that alphas were usually arrogant and rude towards omegas. Before he met this family, Farid had been the only exception. But he wasn't at all as caring and friendly as these alphas.

"It was my pleasure," Tem blurted out, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

He noticed that everyone except Dorian, Shiro and Eamon seemed confused, and Tem assumed that nobody had told them about the assassination attempt the night before. Tem's hunch was right. When Dorian, Shiro and Eamon came home from the party, there had been no opportunity to mention it, not even in the morning. They knew they had to tell Finian, Caoimhe and Ikumi, but it had to be at the right time. There was no telling when the media would find about the incident.

But before Finian could ask them what they were talking about, Dorian placed himself between the two girls and put his big hands on their shoulders.

"These two amazing girls are my daughters, Caoimhe and Ikumi. Girls, this is Tem."

Everyone, except Tem, stared in surprise at Dorian, who looked startled by the sudden attention. But then it struck him what he just had said and panicked, Dorian turned his gaze to Ikumi.

"Is it okay for me to say that, Ikumi?"

The girl nodded, and she looked at the tall man with tears in her eyes.

"Can I call you Daddy then?"

The words and the beautiful brown eyes that gazed at him made Dorian break out in one of his biggest, happiest smiles. He lifted Ikumi up in his arms and hugged her tightly.

"That would be an honour, Luv."

Everything was quiet, but they all had bright smiles on their faces. Tem didn't understand why but he smiled anyway, thinking that the man and child were very cute. But the silence was interrupted by sudden sobs, and everyone turned and looked at Shiro, who was crying so much that he could barely stand straight. With Ikumi in his grasp, Dorian held out an arm towards Shiro, and the little girl did the same. They didn't have to say anything because Shiro came running and was embraced by the two people he loved most in the whole world. They stood there embracing each other, and Shiro had never been happier.

"Let's go to the living room," Finian said in a low voice to Eamon and Tem, and together with Caoimhe, they left the other three alone.

Tem glanced at them as he walked out of the hall and leaned toward Eamon.

"What's the deal with the hugging and crying?" He whispered.

Eamon had a little smirk on his face, which Tem thought was a very lovely expression.

"It wasn't that long ago Ikumi moved here, and she must be very anxious. After all, she's travelled to a new country and to a new family. And I think Dad's been worried because he didn't know how to approach Ikumi, given that he's Shiro's, new mate. So this is a big deal for them."

"It's very sweet," Tem said seriously.

Eamon smiled tenderly and nodded, which made Tem's heart beat faster.

'Be still my beating heart,' he thought, realising that he was practically swooning over the smile of a fourteen-year-old boy.

"You look worried," Eamon said in a low voice.

"I do? I didn't even realise it."

"You have to tell me if something's bothering you."

Tem could hear the concern in the boy's voice, and he couldn't help but smile.

"I still can't believe you are only fourteen years old. You're more mature than I am."

"Well, maybe it's just you that's immature."

Tem gazed at Eamon, amused by how teasing the boy sounded. He didn't know that Eamon had it in him.

"Oh snap! So even you can be cheeky?"

Eamon grinned.

"I've never been before, so I guess it must be your fault."

That made Tem laugh.

"I choose to take it as a compliment, my dear."

"Oh my god, can you please stop flirting right in front of me?" Caoimhe said suddenly, scowling at them.

Eamon heard that Caoimhe wasn't serious, but Tem, who didn't know the red-haired girl, looked worriedly at her.

"I'm sorry."

"Chill, I'm just messing with you. "

Confused, Eamon stared at Caoimhe. The girl had crossed her arms over her chest, and she now smiled at Tem.

"So you're Eamon's fated pair. You're pretty cute."

"Caoimhe!" Eamon exclaimed.

He was shocked by Caoimhe's behaviour. It wasn't like her at all.

"What? He is."

Tem just grinned.

"Thank you, sweetheart. You're very cute yourself."

Caoimhe wasn't ready for that comeback, and within seconds, she turned away, completely red in the face. Tem glanced at Eamon.

"I like her. She's sassy."

Well, Eamon knew that Caoimhe could be straightforward, and he also realised what she was doing. She tested Tem. Eamon was actually amazed by how protective Caoimhe was, being so young. It wasn't even the first time the girl tried to protect the family in her own way. Eamon was convinced that his sister was an alpha, even though she hadn't been tested or had her first heat yet. She was already taller than most others her age, and her body was beginning to get sturdier.

Eamon couldn't be mad at her. Instead, he felt a little proud.

"Knock it off, Caoimhe," Finian said in an unusually stern voice from his armchair.

The girl just nodded and sat down on the couch. Her face was still red.

"Please, sit down," Finian's voice was now gentle.

Tem and Eamon sat down on the couch. Tem flinched when Eamon came so close that their legs touched. He was so close. Why was he so close? Tem tried to relax, but it was difficult. Fortunately, Dorian, Shiro and Ikumi came into the room, which made him think of something other than Eamon.

"So, who's hungry?" Dorian asked with a big grin, and when everyone except himself, Caoimhe and Ikumi, broke out in laughter, he stared at them and wondered what he said that was so funny.

It took a long time until they calmed down, and Finian told Dorian about what Tem had said at the hospital, that Dorian was a genius because he would order every dish on the menu. Dorian looked at Tem, and it looked like he was going to start crying.

"Please be my friend."

Tem giggled and nodded.

"I would love to be your BFF."

Tem's response made everyone laugh, but most of all, they relaxed. They could see how friendly Tem was, and everyone felt comfortable with him. Most of all, Eamon. He stayed by Tem's side all evening, and he talked much more than before. The sudden change surprised his family, but they were happy about it—even Ikumi. The girl had been shocked when Shiro and Dorian told her about Eamon and Tem when they were alone in the hall. It made her a little sad that Eamon had found her fated pair, but she realised that there was nothing to do about it. She had learned this by watching Otosan and Dorian, no Daddy, go through the same thing. And after all, Eamon was her brother now. And you couldn't have a crush on your own brother.

While they ate, everyone talked happily, laughed so much that they cried, and everyone thought it was one of the nicest dinners they had in a long time.

And after dinner, Eamon asked if Tem wanted to see his room. As he followed Eamon, Tem felt like everyone's stares were burning on his back, and he started getting nervous. Extremely nervous. Eamon didn't say anything when they left the others, but he was completely calm. Not at all like Tem, who looked as if he was going to have a panic attack at any moment. And when they got to Eamon's room, it felt like Tem's heart was going to explode.

But nothing happened. Eamon just sat by his desk, smiled at Tem and asked if he wouldn't mind sitting on the bed. Tem just nodded, and a bit disappointed, he slumped down on the bed. Not that he knew what he had expected would happen.

"I was thinking that we could take a look at our calendars and decide when we should meet. I know my parents said they would make a plan, but I think the two of us should take care of it. What do you think?"

Tem stared at the boy. Eamon's mature behaviour continued to take Tem by surprise. He was fascinated. Eamon started to look worried, so Tem nodded and took the phone out of his pocket.

"I guess that's a good idea. When's your next heat?"

"I don't know. I haven't had my first one yet."

"Seriously? Yesterday was your first time?"

"Yeah. And I don't think it counts as a real heat. It was probably spontaneous because we met."

"Oh," was all Tem could say and felt even more like an old pervert. Eamon was really just a child.

"So, when is your.... you know.... heat?" Eamon asked and looked away. Tem could see that his ears were red.

"In three weeks. But you do not have to think about it. I take care of it myself."

Eamon looked back at him, and his face was full of anxiety.

"Is it really okay? I mean, Shiro said you can't be with anyone else. And I thought it was hard to go through it alone?"

"Sure, it's hard. But what should I do? Do you want to help me?"

Eamon flinched and stared at Tem, his eyes filled with panic.

"No, sweetheart. I'll take care of it. It isn't the first time I had to deal with my heat on my own," Tem tried to comfort him in a soft voice and a calm smile.

"Okay," Eamon said, but Tem could see that he was still worried. Like he wasn't convinced at all.

The two bonded mates looked at their separate schedule and decided when and where they would meet. Neither of them knew exactly how much time they had to spend together, but they decided to be on the safe side and meet every day until Farid would get home. Then they just had to wait and see what they should do.

While they talked, Eamon's phone received a message, and he looked at it, but he immediately let out a deep sigh and looked away from the phone. Tem got a feeling that the message was from Eamons girlfriend.

"How's it going with that girlfriend of yours?"

Eamon froze and glanced at Tem. He looked like a child who had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"I going to meet her tomorrow and tell her everything, but I have no idea how she's going to react.

"Can you tell me something about her? What kind of person is she? I'm curious."

"Isn't that weird?"

"No, why would it be? We are paired, but we aren't a couple. I want to know everything about you."

Eamon looked at Tem for a long time until he nodded and started talking about his girlfriend. But it felt wrong.

Tem listened with a small smile on his face, but behind the fake smile, it hurt. It felt awful to hear Eamon talk about someone else. After all, Eamon was his alpha, and Tem became more and more anxious. If he couldn't even stand this, how would he be able to see Eamon with anyone but him for the rest of his life? Maybe Eamon would get married, have children with a woman and he would just stand there on the sidelines and see how his mate lived his life without him. The thought hurt Tem more than he thought possible.

Eamon noticed that Tem was distracted when he stopped talking, and Tem didn't even react to the sudden silence. And the hurtful expression on Tem's face told Eamon that he should stop talking about Chhaya.


"Sorry, I just thought of something else. But she sounds like a nice girl."

"And what will you do with your fiancé. Are you going to tell him?"

"Yes. Farid's on a business trip now, but I'll tell him when we meet next weekend."

"I apologise that I'm nosy, but you don't seem to care that much."

"It's okay, you told me about your girlfriend. I don't love Farid, but he's a really good friend, and I do like him. But my and his parents will give me hell when I break off the engagement."

"Your parents?"

"Yes. My dad and Farid's dad are cousins​, and our engagement was decided as soon as when we found out that I'm was an omega."

Tem talked as if it wasn't a big deal, but Eamon stared at him.


"Yep. It's not common in the West, but it is in many countries. I know it sounds strange, but it's really not uncommon."

"But do you really want to marry him?" Eamon knew he had nothing to do with it, but he couldn't help but ask.

The truth was that Eamon didn't like to hear Tem talk about his relationship with such an indifferent tone in his voice. Eamon instinctively wanted Tem to be happy, even though if it was with someone other than him. It was obvious that Tem wasn't happy, and Eamon hated it.

"Farid has always been there for me, and he's the only one who has ever loved me. He is a good guy."

"That doesn't really answer my question, does it?" Eamon sounded upset, and it surprised Tem. But he didn't dislike it. It actually made him really happy.

"Well, it won't be an issue anymore. I can't have his children, so we won't get married anyway."

"I'm really sorry about that."

Tem could hear the regret in the boy's voice, and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, que sera sera, I guess."

Tem laughed, and Eamon couldn't figure out if it was genuine or if it was fake.

"He won't be violent?"

Tem shook his head.

"No way. He would never hurt me. Why? Are you worried?" Tem said with a teasing smile, but Eamon didn't seem amused. He didn't even blush like Tem thought he would. Instead, he nodded.

"Yeah, I am."

For once, Tem didn't have a quick comeback. He just looked at Eamon in surprise.


"Of course I am. I want to be your friend, and you care about your friends. Right?"

Well, Tem couldn't help but agree, and being friends was better than nothing.


"So, do you want to watch a movie?" Eamon suddenly asked, breaking the silence.

The question surprised Tem, but he nodded. He had nothing else planned for the rest of the day, and being with Eamon was relaxing and fun.

"Sure, but I don't watch romantic movies or comedies, so what movie do you want to watch?"

"The Texas chainsaw massacre."

"Seriously?" Tem raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Do you like movies like that?"

"Old horror and slasher movies are the best."

"Damn, I could never have guessed that. You're really full of surprises."

Eamon just grinned, opened the doors to the closet opposite the bed and revealed a large screen that took up almost the entire closet space.

"Bloody hell! That thing is bigger than the telly in the living room. You barely have room for your clothes."

Eamon laughed when he turned on the TV.

"Seriously, Eamon, don't you kids just use tablets these days?"

"You sound old. Like my parents."

"Oi, buddy, that hurt!" Tem grimaced as if in pain and put his hand over his chest where his heart was.

Eamon laughed and smiled. The smile was so sweet that Tem felt he got a sugar rush just looking at the boy.

"You can't watch awesome movies on a tablet."

"Do you want popcorn?"

"I never say no to popcorn."

"Great. I'll be right back."

Eamon was gone for ten minutes, meanwhile, Tem just relaxed and thought that this was really great. He didn't mind staying there, like forever.

When Eamon came back, he carried a huge bowl of popcorn and walked up to the bed.

"Scoot over."

It took a little while for Tem to understand what Eamon meant, and with a pounding heart, he moved closer to the wall. Eamon sat on the bed beside Tem and started the movie. Tem had seen it several times before. The truth was that he loved horror movies, and when Eamon told him that he liked it too, Tem was delighted.

Tem loved this. He loved the subtle flirtatious teasing, the light-hearted conversations. Eamon was such a good guy, and he was glad he had met him. Tem knew he was going to fall hard for the young man. How could he not? And right there, sitting so close to Eamon that he felt the boy's warmth through his clothes, Tem decided that he would become Eamon's friend, maybe even best friend, and it was all right if that was all they would ever be. He didn't want to lose this.

After a lot of screaming and blood spill caused by a maniac with a chainsaw, the film ended. Eamon got up from the bed and stretched, making the t-shirt go up and revealed a pair of toned abs. Tem stared at his stomach, and his eyes were big.

"How can you be so fit? Are you really only fourteen years old?"

Eamons took down his arms, and he smiled.

"First of all, I will soon be fifteen, which you forgetting all the time. Secondly, I practice archery."

"Do you get a fit body when you practice archery?"

"Not just through archery but to strengthen my muscles, I have to do different workouts. Besides, I'm an alpha, and my fathers are alphas. Dad's even a prime. They don't even train much anymore, and they are still well trained."

Tem agreed. Dorian had a nice body with toned muscles, and even though Finian was pregnant, Dorian could see that he was fit. Tem felt like he was a stick next to them.

"It's true."

Eamon turned off the TV, the closet doors slammed shut, and Eamon turned to Tem.

"You know, it's getting pretty late. Do you want to sleep here tonight?"

"Here? In your house?"

"Well, here in my room."

"Seriously?" Tem raised his eyebrows.


"Oh, you naughty little boy."

It took a few seconds for Eamon to grasp what Tem meant and when he did, his whole face turned completely red, and he stuttered:

"No, I didn't mean it like that. I just thought we would spend as much time together as possible."

Eamon spoke so fast that you could barely hear what he was saying, but Tem did so, and he grinned.

"Honey, calm down. I think that's a good idea. But do you want to spoon or my favourite, cuddle?"

Eamon knew that Tem was only teasing him, but he was still flustered and had to look away. He hated how easily it showed that he was embarrassed.

"I have an inflatable mattress that I can sleep on," Eamon said in a low voice.

Tem smiled and thought it was enough now. He wouldn't tease the boy anymore, even though Eamon was adorable when he blushed.

"No, I'm sleeping on the mattress," Tem said, getting up from the bed.

"But you're my guest. I can't let you sleep on a mattress."

"Of course you can, and I will sleep on the mattress. Do you have any comfortable clothes I can borrow? Maybe a pair of small trousers that won't fall down when I move."

Eamon nodded and quickly went to his closet. After some searching, he found a black t-shirt and a pair of knee-length shorts that were too small. He gave them to Tem.

"I'm just going to change into this. Can you tell your parents we're having a slumber party?"

"Okay, I'll be back as soon as I can."

As soon as Eamon left the room, Tem took off his clothes and changed. The shorts were like regular pants on Tem, but the T-shirt was so big that it reached Tem's knees. He smiled and thought he probably looked like a child.

When he was done, and Eamon had not returned, Tem began to look around the room. The shelves contained DVDs from both old and newer horror films. There were masterpieces like Terror on Elm Street, Saw, Nosferatu and Annabelle.

"I don't know if I should be impressed or worried," Tem giggled to himself and went to look at Eamon's desk.

His eyes got big when he saw papers and magazines stacked in perfect pills. Only newspapers that concerned economics, and the papers were school exams, all had the highest score.

'He's a bloody genius,' Tem thought to himself, feeling quite pleased. He knew very well that he wasn't a genius himself. He had barely finished high school and was so busy partying that he didn't go to college. Tem sometimes regretted it. It would be nice to study art, but he was happy to be a tattoo artist. Tem thought of Eamon's abs and imagined them with perhaps a Celtic cross or the tree of life or clover to honour Eamon's Irish heritage. And until Eamon got back, Tem was excited and began to imagine all the tattoos he could give the boy.

"Are you hungry? I can go and make some sandwiches."

"It's okay. I can't eat anything after all that popcorn. Did your parents say it's okay for me to stay the night?"

Eamon nodded.

"Yes. Dad wanted to give me a high five, but I don't know why."

When Tem burst out laughing and collapsed on the bed, Eamon just stood and stared at him. He didn't understand a thing. And when Tem calmed down, he looked up and saw Eamon's confused expression and started laughing again.

"What's so funny?"

Eamon sounded almost desperate, and Tem forced himself to stop laughing. Still giggling, he smiled at Eamon.

"Your dad was just kidding, honey. Nothing to worry about."

Eamon knew it had to be something more than that, but he let it go. He was tired and just wanted to sleep. As he began to take off his clothes, Tem immediately turned his gaze away. A spot on the wall suddenly became very interesting.

"Help me with the mattress," Eamon said when he was done.

He was wearing a pair of knee-length shorts and a black long tank top. The boy had muscles that Tem thought were impossible for a teenager to have, and he was impressed. It showed that Eamon had determination and discipline. Something Tem knew he lacked.

Together they made Tem's bed, and after that, they brushed their teeth. Tem got a toothbrush that Eamon thought would be good if Tem kept there, which Tem also thought was a really good idea. And when they were done, they went to bed.

They said nothing when they crawled under their blankets, and when Eamon turned off the light, and all they could hear was their own breathing, the man and the boy lay completely still.

"Good night, Tem," Eamon said in a soft voice.

"Good night Eamon," Tem replied, turning to the side, towards Eamon.

In the dark, he didn't see that Eamon was doing exactly the same thing.

No more words were uttered, but Tem heard Eamon move, and to his surprise, he suddenly felt a hand close to his face. Carefully, Tem took his own hand to Eamons and placed it over the boys. He thought Eamon was already asleep, so when Eamon's big hand embraced Tem's and held it tight, but not so that it hurt, Tem first jerked. But it didn't take long before he relaxed. He felt calmer and more secure than he had ever done before. And without the two noticing it, Eamon's soothing pheromones spread throughout the room and Tem felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and he fell into a comfortable sleep.

That's how they slept the night: the omega and his alpha, hand in hand.