A tale of an eventful week - Thursday


It was Thursday evening, and Midori didn't feel well at all. He sat on the floor in front of the toilet while holding on to it and vomiting for the third time. Next to him, Lucas sat on his knees and patted him tenderly on the back. Everything smelled awful, and the stench made Midori vomit again. When the worst nausea calmed down, the black-haired man leaned against Lucas, who gently took him in his arms. Midori rested his head on Luca's chest and looked up at the alpha. Lucas looked so devastated that Midori couldn't help but smile. But it was a loving smile.

"You look worse than how I feel."

Lucas didn't smile. He just bit his lower lip and kissed Midori's forehead.

"I hate to see you sick. I wish I could take your nausea myself."

"Thank you, honey."

"Don't thank me. I should thank you instead."

"Well, you can thank me by carrying me to bed."

Lucas immediately stood up, leaned down and took Midori in his arms. Which made the surprised omega giggle. The blond man then walked carefully, as if carrying the most valuable thing in the world, to the bedroom and laid Midori on the bed. The alpha made sure that Midori was comfortable.

"I'm just going to get some water," he said and quickly disappeared out of the bedroom again.

Midori sank down against the big fluffy pillows. He still smiled and put his hand on his stomach. Midori knew that it was normal to feel nauseous in the morning during early pregnancy, but he never thought it would be that terrible. He vomited several times a day, had awful heartburn, and as soon as he moved, he became dizzy. But strangely enough, he was okay with it. Even though he had never imagined that he would get pregnant. For years, Midori fantasized that Shiro would carry his baby, which he still wanted, but now that he was pregnant, it actually felt much better than Midori thought it would. And that made him confused. After the positive test, Midori had many times wondered why he had accepted everything so easily. It wasn't like him at all. His first reaction was that he disliked the idea that Lucas would be the father of his child. But something about that had changed in just a few days. It didn't make any sense.

Lucas soon came back with a large glass of water, and in his other hand, he held his phone.

"Dorian called. He and Shiro are waiting in the car down in the garage. He said he has something important to talk about. I'm just going to be away for a few minutes. Or do you want to come along? I really don't want to leave you," Lucas said as he placed the glass on the bedside table and sat down on the edge of the bed.

At first, Midori didn't know what to do? Part of him wanted to come along. Another part didn't want to at all. Midori wanted to see Shiro, but he really didn't want to risk meeting Caoimhe. What if she were with them! The thought of meeting the unpleasant kid made Midori decide to stay home. Lucas was so worried that he didn't want to leave his beloved alone, but he had to. Dorian had sounded so serious he couldn't say no.

"Are you sure?"

Midori nodded, and with a convincing smile, he caressed Lucas' cheek. His gaze was warm.

"I will try to sleep some, so don't worry."

"I'll hurry back," Lucas said, kissing Midori's cheek tenderly and got out of bed.

Midori watched as Lucas left the room, and when he heard the front door close, he stared at the hand that had caressed Lucas' cheek. Why had he done that? Why did he even bother to calm Lucas? Midori didn't understand. It wasn't as if he actually cared that much about the alpha. Confused, Midori closed his eyes. He decided that he was acting so strange because he was exhausted, and it didn't take long before Midori fell asleep. He started to dream almost immediately.

Midori dreamed of Lucas. He dreamed that they had a big house with a big garden and a big black cat. He dreamed of a child running around playing with Lucas out in the backyard. The child was a beautiful little boy with dark hair and blue eyes, and his childish laughter made his fathers smile, and love filled their hearts with love. As he stood watching Lucas and their son play, Midori touched the neck with his left hand, where a silver ring shimmered on his ring finger. Midori felt the mark on his neck, and the omega was happier than he had ever been before.

But he was pulled out of the dream when the front door open and confused Midori looked around as he sat up in bed. Why in the world did he dream of Lucas, and why did he feel so happy? He didn't want Lucas. Lucas was just a tool to get Shiro. What was going on?

Still groggy after the rest and startled over the dream, Midori got out of bed and put his hand on the doorknob. He was about to open the door but stopped when he had just opened it a few inches. A scent that was so strong that he had difficulty breathing hit him with full force, and he staggered backwards. No, it wasn't just one scent but two. One so strong that it stung in his nostrils and another scent that was faint but so delicious it was mouth-watering. It wasn't as if the first scent was disgusting. But it was strong that it was like Midori had been soaked in perfume. A wave of heat washed over him, and shocked, he gasped for air.

"What's happening?" He mumbled and collapsed on the bed.

Suddenly he got so hot as if he was going to start burning. Was it his heat? But he was pregnant, so that it couldn't be possible. Midoris cock got hard, and his boxers were wet. He could feel the slick running down the inside of his legs, soaking his pants. Midori was captivated by the scent, and he couldn't fight the desire that pulsated in him.

When Lucas entered the room, Midori had pulled down his trousers and held his hand between his legs. Lucas stopped when he saw his boyfriend in bed. He immediately realized that Midori had gotten his heat, but he didn't understand how it was possible. But Lucas didn't get a chance to say anything. Instead, Midori stared at him with feverish eyes.

"Please, Lucas. Help me!" He asked in a husky voice.

Lucas hurried to bed, but the scents from him grew even stronger, and Midori couldn't help but moan loudly. His hand's movements increased, but it wasn't enough.

"What should I do, darling? Should I call for an ambulance?"

Promptly, Midori shook his head.

"I want you. Now! Please!"

Lucas was worried, and he really wanted to call for an ambulance because he knew this wasn't normal. But Midori didn't want him to, and there was nothing that Lucas wouldn't do for him. Besides, he couldn't resist the handsome man he loved and who stared at him with pleading eyes. There lay his beloved, and Lucas had no chance to fight his desire. He got down next to Midori, who immediately put his arms around his alpha and stroked his body against him.

Lucas kissed him greedily and pulled down his own pants. He was inside Midori after only a few thrusts, and the sudden sensation made Midori cry out, and he put his nails in Lucas' back. Lucas jerked from the pain but continued to push his cock deep into his beloved. So they went on for a long time. They kissed without letting go of each other's lips, Lucas couldn't stop moving his hips, and Midori couldn't stop moaning.

They came, but Midori couldn't get enough of the pleasure his body was feeling, Lucas' intense gaze and the captivating scents. He needed more! Lucas gave Midori everything he could, and after the third round, the blonde alpha was exhausted.

"Kenji, I really think we need to call an ambulance."

But Midori shook his head again. He knew it was Lucas' scent that made him so aroused. The smell needed to disappear.

"Shower with me." Midoris voice was weak, which made Lucas even more worried.

But Lucas nodded, stood on shaky legs and lifted Midori up in his arms.

While Lucas carried him, Midori covered Lucas with lovebites wherever he could. On the neck, the throat, shoulders, arms and chest.

"Mine, mine, mine, mine," Midori whispered between the kisses, and Lucas fought hard to keep the tears from flowing.

He had never seen Midori behave like that, and it made him very happy. All worries about Isaac, his daughter and how he would tell Midori about it all just vanished. All that mattered was the man in his arms.

Under the cooling water, they continued to have sex. Lucas held Midori in his arms, the omega had his legs around the alpha's waist, and they continued to kiss, even though their lips were swollen and sore.

Midori forced himself to take the shower gel and began to wash Lucas and himself. Soon white foam covered their skin with white foam, and when the water washed the scent away, Midori managed to calm down. He finally managed to gain control of himself. But he was terribly tired, and his whole body ached. Lucas immediately noticed that Midori was calmer, and he stopped.

"Have you calmed down now?"

Midori nodded. His head rested against Lucas' shoulder. He felt Lucas start to pull out, and he shook his head.

"Please, finish."

"Are you sure?"


Lucas bit his lower lip and thrust his cock harder and faster until they came for the last time. Then they washed each other, both so exhausted that they could barely stand up. Then, quietly and with trembling and sore legs, they walked out of the bathroom. They went hand in hand directly to the bedroom, where they collapsed on the bed and turned towards each other.

"How are you feeling?" Lucas asked, and Midori heard the anxiety in his voice.

"It's okay now."

"But what happened?"

"I don't know. It was like I got my heat."

"But that shouldn't be possible, should it?"

"I don't think so."

"We have to go to the doctor tomorrow. To be sure that everything is fine."

"Okay," Midori said, and Lucas sighed, relieved that Midori didn't refuse.

Midori didn't mention the scent he had smelled from Lucas. He was both confused and scared. The helplessness he had felt was horrible, and it shook him to his core.

"What did your brother want to talk about?" Midori asked. He wanted to think of something else.

Lucas expression changed from worried to angry.

"Shiro has received a letter from his stalker again."

"But wasn't his stalker arrested after the assault?"

Lucas didn't notice how strained Midori's voice was, and Midori himself didn't even know why he was so uneasy. It wasn't as if they were going to figure out that it was him. No one suspected him at all.

"It's a man who has stalked Shiro for several years. He was even forbidden from getting close to Shiro three years ago. But after that, he just stopped. Until just recently."

"How awful," Midori muttered.

He had completely forgotten that he had sent a letter to Shiro. How could he have forgotten that?

"Dorian has hired bodyguards again, and he wants us to be careful too."

Midori didn't understand why Dorian felt the need to hire bodyguards. He would never hurt Shiro. Nor would he harm anyone in the McCallister family. Not yet, at least. He had this child now that he would use against them, and Shiro would come to him voluntarily in time. Midori was sure of that.

"Was Shiro with your brother?"

"Yes, Eamon and Ikumi too."

"Not Caoimhe?"

"No, she's sick."

Midori wanted to cuss but forced himself to keep quiet. Had he known that the unpleasant girl wasn't there, he would have gone with Lucas and met Shiro.

"Please, Kenji, I want you to be careful. If someone hurts you, I don't know what I would do."

Lucas pulled Midori to him and tenderly placed a soft kiss on top of his head. Midori didn't know if he would laugh or cry. They didn't understand him. They didn't understand the love he felt for ... For... The love he felt for Shiro? Because he loved Shiro. He had always loved him. But why did he feel so strange when he thought about it? Midori suddenly felt cold inside. Something was wrong.

Lucas noticed that Midori was worried, and the blonde alpha took him in his arms.

"I love you, Kenji. And don't worry. I'll make sure nothing happens to you."

Midori didn't say anything but moved closer to Lucas. Countless thoughts swirled, and so many mixed feelings filled him. He just wanted to fall asleep again—sleep and maybe dream of the big house with the big cat and the beautiful baby.

But Midori couldn't fall asleep. When he was sure that Lucas was asleep, he slipped carefully out of Lucas' embrace and got out of bed. His body hurt, and he walked on trembling legs to the bathroom, locked the door and stood in front of the mirror. He stared at his reflection. He was pale, looked weary, and soon tears began to fall on his cheeks.

"Seriously, what's going on?" He whispered to his reflection. But the man in the mirror didn't answer.

Midori closed his eyes. He imagined Shiro in front of him. He remembered all the years he spent worshipping the artist. When he was an outcast in school, and everyone acted like he didn't exist. He was an omega. He was ugly and a nerd who only cared about studying. Shiro's voice helped him through the day. Shiro's music was also his only consolation after his mother hit him when he didn't get full points on a test or when his younger siblings cried, couldn't fall asleep or even made a sound. Midori watched Shiro's movies repeatedly after his omega father took his own life after getting pregnant for the ninth time. Shiro had been his only comfort through it all.

But now, he thought less and less of Shiro. Before, Shiro had occupied his thoughts for days on end. The only reason Midori didn't contact Shiro for three years was that he worked so hard to save money for his plastic surgery and to save up as much money as possible so he could give Shiro everything he wanted. Midori had changed his face completely, all for Shiro's sake. He had worked both day and night, broken the law several times, become involved in illegal groups and moved to England, all for Shiro.

But now, he thought more of the child than his idol. And it hurt to admit it, but he thought more and more of Lucas for each passing day. And he couldn't get the mysterious scent he felt several times now of his mind. Each time he felt it, it affected him more than the time before.

Midori stared at his reflection. The person in the mirror looked like him, but he no longer recognized himself. Who was this person?