First Encounter

A middle aged man looked down at two people disdainfully while waving around a large wooden ladle at them.

"When I say we have no more rooms I mea it! Don't the two of you test me

And with a final harumph, the man turned around and walked through the wooden door to the building.

The two people he had spoken to were Lou Lan and Lou Ning.

After talking to Zhao Wei a little bit longer, they succeeded in getting a short description of what Yong Heng should've looked like.

"A tall, lanky man with a high pitch voice. He uses a saber and is said to be in the second level of refinement. He is also said to always be wearing a mask."

Zhao Wei really wasn't one to pay attention to small news. When he heard about the earth fire, although he was excited for a second he calmed down soon after.

He was already too far into the Qi refinement stage to begin cultivating with earth fire. If he did so it would impede his strength rather than increase it.

If he wanted to use the earth fire, he would have to make a breakthrough to foundation establishment first and begin training the element then.

Yet he knew his limits. Foundation establishment wasn't something he thought he could reach in this lifetime. Although many said he had a pretty high chance of breaking through, he knew it was all just lip service.

As such when he received the new of the expedition, he just read over the important stuff and didn't really care about the rest.

So with the little information Lou Lan and Lou Ning had to work with, they began their quest on finding this mysterious hunter.

"Uuuuugh! Why the hell are all of the inns full already! And how hard is it to find information in that Hunter!" Lou Ning couldn't stand it anymore.

She had been walking all day accompanying Lou Lan all throughout the city.

Whenever they'd ask around for Yong Heng, almost everyone they spoke to had no idea who they were talking about.

When the sun began to set and they had made no progress in their search, it was pretty obvious that this little adventure wouldn't be a short one.

So they planned to rent out an inn for a couple of nights to spend in the city.

Yet they underestimated the news of the earth fire.

In only a single day, every single inn around had been occupied and filled with people from all over the place.

Each of them staying in the city hoping to get lucky and obtain some earth fire for themselves.

"Why do we even have to find this 'Yong Heng'?! Aren't they selling the earth fire in an auction in like a week or two? Can't we just wait till then?!"

Sighing to himself, he looked over at his muscle headed company and said, "Don't be foolish. To begin with, the most valuable thing we have on us is the jade. And the closest city from here is at least three days away. Yet as soon as they heard the news, people were already sent here and filled up the inn. Unlike us, it is obvious those people have a lot of influence and power. While we can't spread our background, they can use theirs. As such they will have a lot more money than we do, how do you expect to get any earth fire then? We'd simply be slamming on our heads into a wall."

"But still... I don't want to sleep outside. That just isn't right! I want a nice comfy bed, a warm bath, and a full meal! I want to stay in Uncle Zhao' home!"

Lou Ning was different from Lou Lan. Unlike him she was a true member of the clan.

Her mother was a cultivator from a sect who met her father while gaining experience in the mortal realm. Out there they got married and eventually gave birth to her.

It was only later she would find out he was a member of the Lou Clan and that he wanted her to return with him. She agreed and joined the sect that backed them up and spent the following days raising her daughter.

Although the process was a little strange as tradition would have the children of the clan return back to its main hall when giving birth, no one really minded that Lou Ning was born on the outside.

Lou Ning had everything from a young age. Because her mother spoiled her often, whenever she asked for something they would bring it to her immediately.

It didn't help that she had an unprecedented talent in cultivating within the family. Thus even the elders and other family members treated her like she was special.

Because of this she became very selfish and condescending toward others.

In fact it was this personality trait that got them into fights with several of the inn keepers before.

If it wasn't for the fact that they had Ben childhood friends, Lou Lan wasn't sure if he would've dared bring her along in his search.

"Don't be selfish. We can't intrude on them anymore than we already have, it would be too rude. Besides, uncle had his own problems he must deal with."

"Problems? Like what?"

Lou Lan pointed his thumb back to the mansion near the city center, "Don't you remember his strange actions before we ate?"

"You mean when he was setting up seating arrangements? Well, I did think he took it too seriously but there is nothing wrong with keeping your son's usual seat saved."

"There is when it comes to this family"

Lou Ning gave off a questioning look as she slapped him across the back of his head, "Stop trying to be mysterious and explain already!"

"Fine fine! Well there was a rumor going around a while back. The rumor has it that uncle Zhao had two sons. You remember them right?"

Lou Ning thought back to the past. While they called Zhao Wei uncle, this was more of a term of respect than anything. But she had once spent a night over at their house before in a different place. She was young back then, probably around six or seven, and she did remember there being two kids there to accompany and play with her.

"Yeah... I do kind of remember that..."

While it could be said that she was loved within the clan, she didn't have many real friends there. Everyone always treated her with respect, as though she was an entity above them. But because of that she was isolated often due to their respect for her.

Only Lou Lan who faced a similar yet very different situation could be considered her childhood friend.

But outside of the clan, her only other friends could be said to be those two kids. Although she currently couldn't even remember their names or appearance, she still remembered how happy she felt whenever she was around them.

They might've just been playmates as kids,

But they really were the next closest thing she had to friends.

"Well it is said that around seven years ago, those two kids underwent their cultivation awakening. But something went wrong. Although information about what exactly happened wasn't publicized, our clan found out that in a rage Zhao Wei had actually slaughtered several cultivators who served his family and even turned his brother in law into a eunuch!"

"What!" Lou Ning couldn't believe what she was hearing. What could've happened that would cause that amiable man to do such a horrific thing?

"Yeah, and while the news that his youngest son had been scouted by and accepted into an impressive sect, the eldest son had completely disappeared. It was said that he went into seclusion to recover from his injuries sustained during the awakening, yet it's been seven years and news of him hasn't appeared since..."


And Xue Chang at this time was back at his house having dinner with his parents. Suddenly halfway through his meal he couldn't help but sneeze suddenly.

"Chang'er are you okay? You aren't sick are you?" Xue Mei looked worriedly over at her son while placing her palm against his forehead.

"Don't worry mother, it's probably just allergies. I should be asking if you're okay though, you sure are eating some strange foods today!"

"It's just a small craving I had lately. No need to worry about it."


" one has heard anything about him nor has anyone even seen him, this had led to speculations that maybe during the awakening he had..."

"Don't say anymore!" Lou Ning had covered her ears forcibly so that she didn't have to listen to the rest of the story.

While she was spoiled, Lou Ning actually did know how lucky she was compared to others. She already knew how intense internal disputes could be among family, and she was just happy that her clan rarely had any such disputes.

Hearing what happened to her old friends, she could already smell the stench of a plot somewhere there, but she didn't want to hear it.

Sighing sorrowfully, she looked up to the sky with wonder in her eyes.

"The past is the past, not like I can change anything now" while thinking this to herself, something had been spotted in the corner of her eyes.

"Hey, Lou Lan, look over there."

Pointing toward an isolated area of the city where few houses were built, far off in the distance the two people spotted a two story villa nearby.

The building looked almost abandoned as the walls surrounding the place were cracked and crumbling, while the windows displayed no light whatsoever despite it almost being night time.

Despite this, the house itself looked well made not lacking in anything at all.

In fact compared to the rest of the area, the dwelling was the odd one out as it looked great compared to the scenery.

It was like a beautiful mansion built in a swamp.

Looking toward each other, the two of them curiously walked toward the villa slowly.

As they approached it, they found two men ahead of them in tattered black clothing also walking toward the entrance of the dwelling.

The two of them looked tired and each of them were clearly injured as they kept limping toward the gate.

Looking at the odd sight, Lou Lan approached the two people and shouted, "Hello there friends!"

The two men turned around suddenly to see the source of the voice and saw Lou Lan and Lou Ning standing there shortly behind them.

They were Tian Hai and Tian Kai. The brothers had returned after a round cultivation and were quite tired.

Although their clothing looked black, it was actually charred and burnt. Souvenir from training in a pit full of lava.

They had returned home ready to collapse onto their beds and fall asleep, but instead they were met with two strangers calling for them.

"Excuse me friends, are you by chance the resident of this villa?"

Tian Hai stepped forward calmly and responded in an even tone, "Yes we are, why do you ask?"

"Is it only just the two of you?"

"Us two and one other person."

When hearing this Lou Lan's eyes brightened a bit. He could tell that the villa was large enough to house up at least five bedrooms. It was even bigger than some of the inns in the city, and as such undoubtedly had extra room.

"Sorry, my cousin and I came from out of town and were looking for a place to stay at. Unfortunately the nearby inns are all occupied. I was wondering if you had any room to house us here by chance? I am more than happy to pay for my own living expenses."

Saying this, Lou Lan took out a small pouch of gold coins from his robes and was prepared to toss it over. Yet before he could do such a thing, the man before them shook his head.

"Sorry but we aren't taking in tenants right now. Maybe you can look for some other place, goodbye."

Xue Chang's situation was a very strange and unique one, how could he possibly allow complete strangers to just come and possibly discover anything.

No matter how much these people were willing to pay he didn't plan to allow his friend to be put at risk.

"But friend, we are pretty desperate and nee-"

"I understand but I don't wish for company right now. I'm sure there are plenty of other people who are more than willing to house you though."

Lou Lan was surprised by the rejection. He couldn't imagine anyone who would reject so much money just for a couple nights of rest.

Lou Ning on the other hand was extremely annoyed. She honestly liked the house a lot and felt that it suited her needs perfectly. Plus she thought they were doing a kind thing by giving these people, who clearly couldn't even afford proper clothing, some money to help with their daily lives.

To be refused not once but twice was humiliating to her. And she would not accept it!

"Who the hell do you think you are!? Can't you see we are being nice to you. We're willing to give you an entire bag of gold coins just for a couple nights stay! You clearly can't see a favor when it's presented to you. You should be groveling to us, thanking us for the charity!"

Tian Hai squinted his eyes at the girl slightly but he didn't respond. He didn't plan to stoop so low as to fight with someone who was clearly insane.

Tian Kai in the other hand couldn't help but snort and mutter under his breath, "Your charity? Puh, says the girl who doesn't even have a roof to sleep under tonight, ha!"

Unfortunately, despite not being too loud, Tian Kai's words made their way into Lou Ning's ears.

With her face beet red from both shame and anger, she glared at the two people before them and reached down toward her blade strapped to her side.

Before Lou Lan could even tell her to stop, a shadow flickered passed him in the blink of an eye.

Looking over to wear the shadow landed, Lou Lan's face paled at the sight before him.

The man he had just been speaking to now suddenly stood in front of Lou Ning with his hand on the tip of her sword's hilt.

And with a dangerous glint in his eyes, he bent lower and slowly whispered into her ears,

"I wouldn't draw that blade if I were you."