
"The orb! Grab it!"

Xue Chang didn't know why Yong Heng was so engrossed with the orb, but he didn't have time to consider anything.

All he knew was that Yong Heng wouldn't tell him to do something for no reason. While avoiding any attacks the golems used on him, Xue Chang sped through the group and immediately charged toward the floating blue ball.

But then, all in unisons, every single golem stopped their attack in Tian Hai and Tian Kai and charged toward him instead. Seeing this, he brought himself to a stop and immediately pushed backwards.

All of the golems, who were charging toward the orb itself, flew past him due to his sudden change in momentum.

Swinging his blade wildly while rushing back, he decspitated two golems using crescent slash.

And immediately his pupils flickered with light.

"So that's it!"

Xue Chang saw thin strands of energy float off the surface of the orb and flow into the decapitated golems, immediately allowing them to repair any and all damage they sustained.

"It's the orb, that thing is some sort of magical treasure that is releasing a constant stream of energy for the golems."

"No wonder why the spiritual force in here is so dense, but why would someone leave such a thing here?" Tian Hai sliced off the arm of a golem who had returned to battle with him. Rearing his sword up into the air, he slammed the hilt down into the golem's head and moved back before it could heal up.

"These things are so annoying!"

Xue Chang looked at the scene with the thought awkwardly floating in his head, "Is that what it's like fighting me?"

Shaking himself out of his own thoughts, he screamed, "Tian Kai! Use your spear to impale and trap some of these things to the wall. Once you're done we all need to make a full powered charge to grab that magical treasure!"

With a flick of his wrist, Tian Kai immediately got to work. He slid the body of his spear forward until only the very butt of the weapon was within his grasp.

With a sharp inhale, the muscles of his body began to inflate and steam as if he was a hot air balloon.

This was one of the new skills Xue Chang created to help the brothers practice elemental cultivation. This technique was based around the powerful offensive force of elemental energy.

Usually in the early stages, most cultivators were unable to unleash the full potential of their elemental energy. At this moment the only difference between Tian Kai and neutral cultivators was the fact that his energy was much denser than the latter.

A single string of elemental energy held the same amount of power as a rope of spiritual force. So if he used a rope of elemental energy, then the outcome would be devastating.

But in later stages, he would be able to imbue the power of flames on all of his abilities.

Although this didn't seem very special at first, it's true prowess would be revealed as one gathered more elements and practiced the right techniques to complement their style.

But Tian Kai wasn't able to cultivate two elements like Lou Lan was, so he had to make do with what he had.

And this was where Xue Chang's technique came in. It allowed him to forcefully imbue a single strike with the flame element. But if he did this, he would be completely drained of almost all strength.

But he had a goal, and with what they were facing there was no point in holding back.

With a single brilliant thrust, he shot forward and a ring of flame engulfed his spear in its entirety.

An arching wave of heat bursted through the room ad the tip of the weapon pierced through one, two, three... eight! A total of eight golems were pierced by the spear and flung over directly into a wall.

The weapon took them off their feet and hung them over the air, like a pig roasting over a fire.

Already a third of the total opponents were incapacitated. And the heat of his flame energy would constantly melt the golems body, which would force itself to freeze and regenerate to avoid destruction.

Tian Kai stood in the same position in his throwing pose and released a mouthful of putrid air from his lungs. With his eyes rolling up into the back of his head, he began to fall to the ground while whispering, "Mission accomplished."

"Tian Hai, take care of him."

With his last command given, Xue Chang shot forward without fear. Having a good chunk of the golems missing made it much easier for him to dodge and weave through the enemy lines.

And rushing forward knowing that Tian Hai can protect Tian Kai, he put all of his strength into his feet and gave one final gigantic push.

The force he used was so powerful, his legs had actually shattered and broke under his flesh and skin, but his life force immediately regenerated what was damage.

"If you want to play a game of regeneration against me, sorry to say but you'll lose!"

Charging through any golem that attempted to stop him, Xue Chang finally reached the altar and with a single swipe he took a hold of the orb forcefully.

But even though it was off the altar, he could still clearly see that it was providing energy to the golems.

"You need to find a way to seal away the power of the orb before it stops giving away its powers."

Hearing what Yong Heng had to say, Xue Chang did some quick calculations within his mind before coming up with a plan.

But to the shock of Tian Hai, Tian Kai, Yong Heng, and even the golems, Xue Chang opened up his mouth and threw the orb in there.

And with an estranged expression on his face, a loud gulping sound rung in the air as he swallowed it!