Wang Dong’s challenge

Morning came quickly.

After what happened yesterday, the rest of the night was uneventful.

Xue Chang woke up from a deep sleep with bags under his eyes. His arms were shaking and the taste of bile was built up in his mouth.

He felt sick to his stomach, yet his mind felt clear.

"Another effect of my Dao huh? An incorruptible mind. Even last night, I never lost my cool. How sickening..."

Getting out of bed, he walked out of his room drowsily.

Tian Hai met up with him near his doorway, he stood there with Tian Kai directly behind him.

"Is everything alright?"

Xue Chang just silently nodded as he picked up a set of robes on a table right beside him.

Lifting it up, he donned it onto himself. Causing the ground beneath him to slightly bend.

This was the heavy robes he typically wore. Lately he had avoided wearing them due to a various numbers of situations, but now that he decided to wear them once again.

Yong Heng had told him that his Dao would grow stronger as king as three requirements were met.

Powerful physical body, a soul that could handle the process, and the comprehension needed for advancement.

As long as those three things were met, he strength would rise rapidly rather than steadily like most cultivators.

If he wanted to become stronger, he needed to put more effort into his training.

Right now his physical body could only be strengthened using his usual method.

His current robes still restricted him a little, so once he could move fluently in these robes then his physical body should have improved by a good margin.

He still had the crystals to make the soul condensing pills and all he needed was the final few ingredient and someone to help him make the pills.

He already knew his soul was vital to increasing his strength from before, but now that his source of power had changed then its strengthening method was different as well.

And as for comprehension... that was a bit harder.

Yong Heng had said that his current comprehension was already enough to advance him quite a bit, but he wasn't sure how to go beyond that.

Once he reached the end of his current understanding, how was he suppose to gain more?

Whatever it was, he had to find a way to reach that point first before worrying over what came next.

At this moment he had more pressing concerns.

He was positive that it was Wang Dong who ordered the attack on his house the other day.

There was no one else in the city who was powerful nor crazy enough to plan an attack light that using such strong cultivators.

The only one who could do that and even know if the water essence and the moonlit jade was the Wang Family, more specifically, Wang Dong!

Lou Lan and Lou Ning sat stiffly at the dining table eating some porridge Tian Kai had made.

They watched Xue Chang exit his room and sit down beside them where a separate bowl was set down.

He ate his meal as the two guests sat in silence waiting for him to finish.

"Phew, I feel reenergized. Despite what you would expect, Tian Kai is an excellent cook. I'm sure you've already had the chance to experience this, but you really should take advantage of him whenever you can."

Xue Chang cracked a few jokes as he looked down over to his two guests.

"Would you like to come and confront your attackers?"

The two of them nodded as the fiery blaze of vengeance shined in their eyes.

He explained to them who their opposition was.

Wang Dong, the arrogant ye conniving young master of the Wang Family.

He wasn't an easy opponent to deal with and Xue Chang didn't have a good method to deal with him either.

"Right now we can only face off against him directly. So you should all prepare yourselves. He isn't so kind as to just apologize and return what is ours."

Tian Hai and Tian Kai weren't worried too much as they knew Xue Chang's true background, but he had to see how these two would react.

If they were too cowardly then he wouldn't have to care too much about returning whatever he got from Wang Dong.

While Xue Chang was usually a kind person, he had changed.

He now understood that he was weak. So weak he couldn't even protect those around him. But if he could use those resources of Lou Lan to strengthen his guards or even himself, then it didn't matter what he had to do to obtain it.

While he did have access to some of those resources, he couldn't have them all. But if he just kept it all for himself...

But if they were ready to put themselves at risk to reclaim their belongings, then he wouldn't get in the way of their resolves.

Lou Lan and Lou Ning didn't even need to say any words as they stood up and got themselves situated.

Xue Chang gave a slight nod as he stepped up and began the March out of the villa.

"Then let's go!"


Of course the five of them weren't going directly to the Wang Family manor.

Very much like himself, Wang Dong had his own private villa in the city surrounded by guards and servants all over the place.

The building was much nicer and more active than Xue Chang's.

From a distance it seemed like a very pleasant place.

But inside everyone in the manor could be considered as dregs.

They were all gangsters and delinquents who caused trouble for those around them. There were even some bandits in there who took to Wang Dong's place as a safe haven from the law as no one could punish his "people".

Some of those people were even the Lian sharks who took advantage of the vendors and local businesses Xue Chang enjoyed pulling pranks on.

Overall, they weren't 'good' people.

But that wasn't what was important. The important part was that they were all the loyal dogs of Wang Dong and tended to beat off anyone who they judged to be 'threats' to him.

"Xue Chang, with all those people there, what are we going to do?"

Xue Chang looked at Lou Lan and gave a small wink before saying, "Don't worry, I have a plan!"


The front gate of the manor exploded inward as smoke and debris flew everywhere.


"Did a mortar just hit us or something!? The fuck was that!"

"Oi, someone go investigate that shit right now."

Chaos ensued within Wang Dong's mansion as a single person holding a spear in his hand stepped forward.

With a shout, he swung the spear around in an arch and released a wave of flames that flew out and struck at everyone nearby.

Screams of pain and shock sounded out as the front doors of the mansion quickly shot open and a handsome young man wearing an elegantly flowing black robes stepped out.

"What the hell is causing all this ruckus!"

Wang Dong stepped forward and was met with the scene of his courtyard becoming a complete mess.

And there standing over the rubble of what used to be his front yard, Tian Kai stood there with his spear placed over his shoulder.

Lou Lan stepped forward from the smoke and faced Wang Dong directly.

With a snort in his nose, Lou Lan screamed out, "Wang Dong! I challenge you to a duel one month later! You and me! If I win, you give me back what you took and if I win then you can have this."

Plopping down a large barrel, Lou Lan opened it to reveal a large amount of earth fire within it.

"This is my declaration, my challenge to you Wang Dong!"