It’s Her!

Contradictory to Wu Jie's expectations, Xue Chang actually wasn't sad about people forgetting about his birthday.

Hell, even he himself had forgotten his birthday was yesterday.

But he was worried about something else much more serious.

As time passed and his strength grew, he began to receive odd premonitions. And while they were pretty vague and not really informative, he felt as if something big was going to happen soon.

Something he was not at all prepared for.

Everyone around him was growing stronger steadily, but he couldn't do that. He was undoubtedly strong, yet this strength was at a standstill.

There was no increasing in strength for him. Yet that premonition told him that he needed to become stronger. He needed to grow quickly.

But he couldn't do that here.

While his body was steadily becoming stronger thanks to his normal daily training, his soul strength was at a standstill.

His comprehension was already at a pretty decent level, the only thing that was truly holding him back was his soul.

I need to find something to enhance my soul, plus doing that will also increase the time I have to live so it's an absolute must...

Thinking quietly himself, Xue Chang suddenly heard a voice appear in his head.

"Maybe you should use 'that thing'. After all, it is not like it has just disappeared you know." Yong Heng made this casual comment to Xue Chang.

Of course he knew what "that thing" was. It was the spirit seal still trapped in his body.

Unexpectedly it wasn't dissolved in his stomach acid, nor did it appear when he 'used the bathroom'. It just remained in his stomach near where his dantian used to be.

"I won't absorb humans souls Yong Heng, we've already discussed this. I don't like killing people."

"How could you be such a coward in this world! Your entire civilization was built upon wars and murder, there is nothing wrong with it!"

Xue Chang's eyes rolled around in his head as he remained silent. Yong Heng and he had this conversations a few times already. Yet neither side would concede.

Eventually he realized it was better to just stay silent.

Of course the thought of using the spirit seal crossed his mind before. After all, there were plenty of criminals and bastards who deserved death.

But Xue Chang felt that if he really resorted to killing people to make himself stronger, he would be no different from the guy who destroyed the village.

It was clear that the culprit wasn't just killing people for the hell of it, rather he was collecting souls for a reason.

And if Xue Chang could use souls to strengthen himself, he was sure others could as well.

The sun was setting quickly and Xue Chang really wanted to return to his villa as soon as possible.

After all, if any of the city's might watch were to find him wondering the streets late at night, it would be hard to explain what he was doing out of curfew.

"Sometimes this body is just too inconvenient. Most fifteen years olds would be out practicing cultivation, running businesses, or even partying with their friends. Meanwhile here I am worried about someone rebuking me because of the curfew for kids."

Xue Chang sighed sadly while trudging along.

The suddenly, he heard some strange sounds in the distance.

It was the sound of laughter and metal scraping on the ground.

Closing his eyes, he concentrated and heard four distinct voices. Three men and a woman.

"How about it sweetie? Don't you want to spend the night with us?"

The cliched gangster line entered into Xue Chang's ears as he released a soft sigh.

It seemed some people were causing trouble on the streets.

Xue Chang quickly pulled out an intricately designed mask from the pouch tied to his waist.

Sliding it over his face, cracking sounds began to ring out as his height slowly grew larger and his limbs elongated to an odd length.

And under the guise of his other persona, he prepared to head over and handle the issue.

"Can't have these people getting too out of hand now."

Launching forward at a shocking speed, Xue Chang landed near where the voices were coming from.

The voices were being louder and more clear as he approached. And when he got there he was able to hear the rest of the conversation.

Surprisingly, although the voices of the males sounded dirty and perverted, the woman did not seem to dislike their approach.

"If you're so desperate for a go, I won't mind letting you have me for the night."

The woman's voice was seductive and sweet, while her words were clearly driving the men mad.

Usually, it wasn't in Xue Chang's interest to disturb to consenting adults in their own little escapades, so he considered just quietly leaving right then and there.

Yet just before he was about to move away, something caught his eye.

"It's her!"

The three men, who each appeared to have strength equal to B rank adventurers, were smiling lewdly at the woman.

But what really caught his eye was the woman herself.

It was the level one cultivator he saw back in the village months ago!