Got It

"Xue Chang!" Calling out loudly from the yard, Tian Hai raised his arm in greeting seeing his friend walk out of the villa.

Seven years have passed since they had all fought against Wang Fan and his troops.

Ever since then, Tian Hai and Tian Kai had trained like maniacs in preparation for his retaliation.

Of course Xue Chang knew that thanks to his threats they wouldn't be bothering them anytime soon. But it was a good motivation for his guards to train so he chose to hold back this information for a while.

To say the least his decision was worth it.

Seven years, in just seven years Tian Kai had reached the fifth level of Qi condensation.

Tian Hai was slightly below him at the third level of Qi condensation internal, but the fourth level of external cultivation!

His already robust frame was now built like a boulder with all of his muscles squirming at the slightest movement. Although his internal energies were a bit lacking, his stamina and speed more than made up for that.

In fact, with the increased stamina he had more time to train with Xue Chang. This actually quickened the pace in which he learned his own sword intent. Making Tian Hai the first martial master after Xue Chang.

Xue Chang was unaware of how Lou Lan and Lou Ning were doing.

A year after the battle, the two of them departed. They said it was time for them to report back to their family. And they never returned since then.

Although he had no evidence to prove it, he was sure the Lou Clan was excited by their success. Undoubtedly the next time they'd meet, their strength would have risen by leaps and bounds.

A faint smile played upon Xue Chang's lips as he waved back to Tian Hai in greeting.

"What are you flexing for, trying to show off those muscles of yours to me?" Xue Chang joked frequently about how Tian Hai was constantly getting beefier meanwhile his body remained the same.

"Don't even joke around like that, compared to your physical strength these muscles are just for show." In the end, although he looked physically stronger, Tian Hai had never won in a direct contest of strength against Xue Chang.

After all, he was the person who wore robes weighing in the hundreds of kilos. And that was before he unleashed some aspects of 'Thousand Armed Asura'.

Approaching his friend languidly, the guard rubbed his shoulders a little as cracking sounds could be heard emitting from his joints.

"How do you do it?" Ever since he started to seriously practice external cultivation, Tian Hai had been training his body by following Xue Chang'a regimen.

He currently wore robes weighing nearly fifty kilograms, but even so he struggled to move in them even after seven years.

Xue Chang shrugged mysteriously as he placed all his attention on the child in front of him.

In front of him, prancing around whimsically in the open field, was his sister Xue Ai. She seemed to be entranced in reading a book as she spun around wildly in the grass. Like a fairy playing in a forest.

Except this fairy was becoming increasingly faster in her movements as the pages of her book turned.

"She's a monster alright, just like you Xue Chang. It hasn't even been very long and yet she's slowly starting to get the hang of the movement technique you've shown her."

Although she was only seven years old and couldn't cultivate yet, Xue Chang had been secretly teaching Xue Ai martial arts as a method of self defense.

That was when he learned of his sister's frightening talents.

Not even a week had passed since he displayed a simple movement technique for her, yet she already almost had a grasp on it.

It had been like this for the entire year he had taught her.

This same technique took the Tian brothers nearly three weeks to even comprehend.

And while Tian Hai and Tian Kai weren't extremely talented, they did have some skill and experience that helped them out.

At this rate, she might even pass Xue Chang up and reach the level of a martial lord by her twelfth birthday.

Granted this was if she had enough material to learn from.

But with her talents, it wasn't impossible to join a martial arts sect. And if she had any talent cultivating then she might even be more favored than a heavenly fate.

Although heavenly fates were people who were basically assured success in cultivating by the heavens, martial arts were a whole different story.

Martial arts solely depended on the users own skills and insights. Not even fate itself could help with that.

Xue Chang had it easier as his unique experiences gave him equally unique insights, but it wasn't the same for Xue Ai. Making her achievement all the more significant.

And to top it off, she enjoyed it. She absolutely loved practicing martial arts and would constantly beg her brother to teach her more.

And Xue Chang was the type to spoil his siblings so he couldn't say no!

Just as they were preparing to continue their conversation, Tian Kai hurried saying, "Sun Jianhong is here for another visit."

Xue Chang nodded as he prepared to grab Xue Ai and enter into the house. But before he could, something unexpected happened.

"I got it!" Xue Ai exclaimed with pure joy in her voice.

Looking over to see what she was talking about, Xue Chang witnessed his sister jump from the ground, over their wall, and onto the public streets. Immediately speeding off in a seemingly random direction.

The entire time she used the movement technique which she had mastered just then.

The two friends stood there with their mouths agape.

"Did she just-" Tian Hai couldn't help but question the reality of the situation for a second.

"Yep." Without saying another word, Xue Chang took off in the same directions to chase after Xue Ai.

From within the villa, Tian Kai stepped out after witnessing what had happened through the windows.

"She's quite something, that one…"

"You know Tian Kai, although Xue Chang had always been the troublemaker, I feel like today he had finally met his match."

The two brothers nodded sagely to each other as they watched their young master run off into the far distance.