L@nd of d@ Fr€€

It's fucking 5:30 am

it's cold as tits outside

and my mother is yelling

"Ash get your shit out the taxi already"

I'm here in fucking New York City

And all I feel is cold.

It's October for god sake

Couldn't we pick a warmer place to live.

No of course not.

My mother is proud of this place she wants to call


But all I see is a fucking dump

"Isn't it so beautiful"

Mum says

I look at her

fake a smile

"Yeah mum beautiful"

"We better get inside unpack as much as we can before you head to school"

Mum says to excited.

I start unpacking my luggage

And see nothing but grey walls in this

Petty room of mine

I change my clothes for my first day of school

And sure enough the bus is right on time

I get off feeling low

Cause what sophomore doesn't have a car.

I put my music louder in my ears

Marianas trench By Now

Comes on

And I feel like the universe is mocking me

I stop in my tracks and feel my tears burning

I change that stupid song so quickly that I didn't even realize


I run into this dark haired girl with big brown eyes.

"What the hell!"

"Did you not see me!"


Oh fuck, I'm so sorry

No I didn't see you

I wasn't paying attention

(More like trying to run from my past I thought)

"Well pay attention for us little people"

And that was the first smile I got that day

And the only smile I thought of all day.

"I'm Ash, what's your name?"
