I come home to the smell of sopas

The house is almost put together

"How was school sweetly" she said happy

You know mom starting three months into school

In the middle of the week

It was a fucking blast

She pops her head out of the kitchen one eyebrow raised.

"Okay little shit how was your day actually" she says with her stern voice

" well beside running over the only friend I made today it wasn't that bad.

All my classes are way to easy

And boring

As well as I got invited to a social gathering this weekend

And my histt"

Before she even lets me finish my sentence

Hoping she didn't catch

What I was trying not to imply

"A social what!"

Mum it's just a little get together with my friend and her boyfriend

Which in my head is a dick but my mum will never know this

" Sweety I know making friends is good

And by all means make them

But please do not do anything to this friend

That we will have to pay more lawyers and move again." Her voice is cracking

"Mum I'm not planing on dating or do anything with no one okay I promise

Im keeping to myself

And I'm going to make actual friends

I know I messed up

I know I caused a lot of pain

And we had to move to this small house

And dad didn't and still doesn't want anything to do with me.."

" with us baby, stop apologizing Ash

Your father is a piece of shit

And we couldn't stand each other any more

I had dreams for us

And he couldn't accept you for

Well you

I love you for all that you are

Even your tattoos and art work you do to your body

You my daughter

And I will love you forever"

"I love you mum"

I don't know when this happened

But my mum is one bad bitch

I hold her above it all

"Hey Ash"

" yeah mum"

" you can go but promise if it gets out of hand you come straight home"

"Of course mum"