
I park my mums car down the road

Not to close to the house

There is already 8 cars by her house

I didn't expect her house to be this giant

A White House with a gated fence.

Her house is as big as both of mine put together

I text her letting her know I'm here

And of course I don't know the code

In five minutes the gate opens

And she is by the door.

"So glad you could make it"

She has this smirk on her face

That makes butterflies dance in my gut

And I walk up to hug her

" I told you I wouldn't miss it for the world"

She smells of tequila and brandy

"Drinking already are we"

"Yeah you going to join"

I look at her and something in my heart says no

And I actually fucking listened for once

"Not tonight someone has to make sure you get into your jammies safe and your house not trashed"

I just realized I agreed to stay all night.

Text to mum:

Hey mum my friend asked if I could stay the night with her friend Vic and Jennifer. I will be home by 5:30am and take you to work promise. If not I'll be home by two

Mum replies in two minutes flat:

Okay sweety I expect coffee and bagels u little shit. Please no drinking and be safe.

When the hell did I get such a cool mum

Alright I say

I'm yours till 4:30am

She smiles a different way

And it might be the alcohol talking

"Okay love, lets make the most of tonight"

She walks me in the kitchen where I meet the rest of the cheerleaders

And then there is fucking smug voice from the back of me

"Hey baby did I miss anything

Like maybe that dress coming off later"

She looks at him with this look

The look of I'm not sleeping my with you

Or I have never slept with you and I'm not going to

Either way there is this hope of

She has never slept with that jack ass

And maybe my shot it higher then I thought

Woah cowgirl calm your tits you two are just friends

Stay fucking friends

"Haha your funny babe you haven't missed anything just a couple of shots and Vic dancing on the table."

he smirks and hugs her close maybe not noticing me but boy do I fucking notice him

And I notice the look he gives Vic

This mother fucker is cheating on her with

This skank

I wonder why

Don't get involved Ash

Don't say shit

Just be here

Just be here

And just like that the music starts pumping

And the DJ plays Dazed&confused by Ruel

And she comes in the living room dancing

"I love this song" Star is yelling

She is singing every lyric

As she walks toward me I see Vic the skank leave

With jackass Kendrick

Go ahead and go fuck her

I got the main dish right her in front of me

She starts singing the lyrics to the song and gets super close I just dance with her

No sexual dancing I played over and over in my head

Just friends