Introduction To TUCOT.

The Year 2210.

A year where time travel wasn't a fantasy anymore. The Universal Creed Of Time (TUCOT), founded in 2197 achieved time travel and made it a piece of cake. But only a selected few may travel. They erased their fingerprints and their ancestry. TUCOT was funded by the Government. The Government believed that they could achieve things which deemed impossible before with the help of TUCOT. Their job was to fix the mistakes of history through the smallest way possible. It sounds risky and tough, but it was very easy for them. According to TUCOT, these rules ensure proper time travel:-

1. Find the smallest way to alter an event.

2. Leave no trace of your existence.

3. In case you cannot alter an event, retreat to The Void.

4. Do not mistake a black hole for a wormhole.

5. Do not travel back a day, a minute, or an hour.

6. Do not travel back over 2 millennia. If so, wait for 2 hours so that your ship could recharge.

TUCOT harnessed the energy of wormholes to travel back into the past. But there are still unknown dangers about time travel that even TUCOT are unaware of.