Case Woods // Chapter 2

I went to Franklin High in Rockdale, California. It was a small town, but don't go thinking that meant it was a nice town.

Their were drug dealers around every corner. Muggers, rapists, gangs, etc. but if you were smart you could typically stay out of that kind of trouble. Typically.

After a few years living in Rockdale you learned how to avoid all of that.

Their were four main gangs, the EastSide, The WestSide, the SouthSide and the NorthSide.

I didn't know much about any of them. No one knew much. Unless of course you were apart of the gang.

Their were a few boys and girls around school who everyone figured were part of the gangs. I avoided them at all costs.

They were dangerous. And I'd had enough of that living with Gloria.

If you were wondering, as a teen, I was still hiding from her. I'd gotten very good at using makeup to conceal the bruises.

Mom had gotten worse about drinking and, I assumed, drugs. She would come home in a rage, looking for something to beat me for. At lot of times Harley had to come get me, he'd do his best to help but, it was slow healing.

Sometimes I wish he wouldn't come, because I just couldn't stand the look in his eyes when he would open my door and see me on my bed, covered in fresh bruises, blood staining my sheets.

He constantly told me I needed to stay with him, but Gloria wouldn't let me. We couldn't go to the police, we'd tried. Our mother had some sort of connection with them, she could do whatever she wanted.

I'd have to deal with it.

Occasionally I'd get upset. I'd lose control and, well, let's just say I'd have to wear my leather jacket for weeks, as I waited for the scars on my arms to fade. Harley didn't know about that. Thank god he didn't know about that. I kept the knife in my sock drawer, not that Gloria would care if she found it, but I just felt better with it hidden.

The bus came to a shuddering stop and I got off. Walking with my head down towards my locker. Not looking at anyone, not talking to anyone.

As usual.

I opened my locker and went to grab my science book, I flinched as the door slammed shut. A few curse words escaped my lips as I forced myself to look up at the twat who had slammed it shut.

I wasn't surprised to see Brendon Schortez standing their with a cruel grin plaster on his face,

"Give me my homework." He growled, as though I had taken it and not just done it all for him.

I wordlessly slid my backpack off my shoulder and quickly took out his essay on human anatomy.

"H-Here..." I held it out to him, flinching when he grabbed it from me.

He looked it over and nodded, 

"I better get a good grade Sky." He growled.  I nodded quickly.

He shoved me against my locker, so I slammed against it and fell to the ground.  He smirked and walked off.

Just as quickly as he came.

Why did life hate me?

I stood up, sighing. And hurried to get to the class I was now late to.

"Miss Sky, why are you late?" The teacher hissed. She hated me. I could already tell I was getting detention.

"I-I'm sorry miss..." I said, trying to think of an excuse, "I had f-forgotten my b-books..."

Fun fact about me, I stutter when I lie.

The class laughed at my stuttering, and I saw the teacher crack a smile.



After School

School had been hell. As usual. I walked towards the bus, anxious to be as far away from that literal hellhole.

Walking quickly, I, being clumsy and generally stupid, almost ran into one of the motorcycles I assumed belonged to a member of the east side. My feet wisely moved me away from it.

Wait what was that?




I should have kept walking. It wasn't my problem. But, of course, I couldn't.

I walked over to the expensive looking motorcycle. The ticking was faint. I doubted the owner would hear, especially once the engines from the other motorcycles turned on.

Folding the seat up, i looked beneath. Nothing.

Where was the owner? I had a feeling I wouldn't want to meet him.

I looked back at the old building, the paint was chipping, their was cracks in the walls. I looked at the doors, one of the hinges was broken so the door hung on funny.

Suddenly they crashed open.

Case Woods, he was the school bad boy. Everyone who had sense was afraid of him. The few who didn't ended up in the nurses office or worse. Rumored to be apart of the EastSide, not just apart of. The leader.  Most people didn't dare to look at him, heads turned away as soon as he came in sight.

He had dark blue eyes...I had never seen eyes like that, they looked like the sky at night. Messy hair, which he was running his hand through, was a light blonde. Strong and sharp features made it seem that if you were to punch him, you would only succeed in hurting you hand...a black leather jacket topped off the bad boy look perfectly. He looked around as though he owned everything in sight. He held authority well, and he knew it. His sharp jaw was made sharper by the fact it was clenched tightly...along with his fists. Why?

Because he was looking right at a girl who seemed to be stealing his ride.


I would have run, but me, being an idiot, wanted to know what the heck that ticking was. They would have caught me anyways.

I was trying not to trembled as he walked to me. Two of his hot friends behind him.

He pinned me against the unmoving school bus. I let out a gasp as I hit the cold metal,

"Why. Were. You. Touching. My. Bike." He growled.

"I-I..." I-I wanted to cry. I bit my lip. "Listen..." I said. "Do you hear it..?" I asked

He looked about to hit me.

"WHY." He demanded.

"I...I heard something...ticking.." I didn't know how to tell him I felt like their was a bomb in his Harley Davidson, "please just check it..." I said quietly

To my surprise, Case, looking slightly amused, got off and looked for about two seconds before pulling out a small timer with something strapped to it. Obviously, he knew where a bomb would be hidden.

Oh my god. It was actually a bomb.

He looked up at me, holding it in one hand. He disabled it quickly, then tossed it aside.

"I owe you." He said. "Get on."

I looked at the bike. ""

"No?" He asked, smiling at me.

I nodded. "No."

"Aww, cmon it'll be fun." He said. "Scared?" He taunted,

I felt myself getting angry. "You were just about to hit me and now you want me to get on your death trap?" I asked angrily.

He smirked at me. "I wasn't gonna hit you love." He said in a gentle voice that just made me angrier.

"Maybe a thank you?" I asked angrily.

Case looked at his friends, "I owe you." He said again.

I glared, "then stay the hell away from me."

He smirked, "cute." He said, obviously finding my anger amusing.

I rolled my eyes, going towards the bus.

"Cmon! I can get you home in minutes!" He called after me.

That did sound nice. Not having to deal with those idiots on the bus.

"I'll let you wear my helmet." He smiled. Seeing my hesitation.

Why the hell not.

I walked over, "fine." I said.

He grinned widely and helped me on behind him.

"Here you go Princess." He said, handing me the helmet.

I took it, "don't call me that." I said, as I put the helmet on.

"What do I call you then?" He asked as he started it.

"Alex." I said annoyed.

"Kay' love." He smiled. "Now hold onto my waist." He ordered.

I crossed my arms stubbornly.

"Suit yourself princess." He laughed a little as the bike shot forward.

I gasped and quickly put my arms around his waist.

I could feel him smiling.

Wait...maybe this was a stupid idea. Agreeing to let a assumed gang member drive me home on his death trap of a ride. 

Yeah. Probably.

After the most terrifying ten minutes of my life he stopped in front of a McDonalds.

"Seriously?" I groaned,

"Don't worry Princess. I'm paying." He smiled. Like that fixed everything.

"I said don't call me that." I rolled my eyes, annoyed.

He pretended not to hear me. 

I sighed and took off the helmet. I was about to get off, when I felt his strong hands on my waist and was lifted off.

"I can walk, thank you." I said. I was blushing. I was blushing.

Oh no.


I tried to make this chapter longer! I'm sorry guys, I'm really working on my writing style right now so it will get better! Thanks for reading!

Pic- Case Woods' motorcycle