Allies / Chapter 17

Case's P.O.V.

"We're screwed Princess.." I said, feeling regretful of everything.

I should have seen this coming, I should have seen it all coming....

I knew that any second they would flood into this tiny apartment...

As I attempted to think of a plan, Though I already knew it was hopeless.

As predicted, People flooded in and surrounded us in seconds.

These guys were a mix of the Southside and Westside. I looked at Alex, she seemed so scared. I couldn't blame her.

"I'm sorry Princess I didn't...I-I..." weakly I tried to apologize. As the guys closed in on us I took the gun from Alex as a desperate last resort.

I wasn't even sure if the thing was loaded. But I pointed it around the circle of guys surrounding us.

I think, I think I knew it was hopeless. I wasn't one to hang onto false hope. And, well to think there was any way to get out of this, would be overly hopeful...

Two guys stepped forward and I turned the gun on them, but they knew I wouldn't shoot. I couldn't. I wouldn't gain anything, I'd probably end up dead if I tried that.

But the jolt of fear that went through my body when Alex was jerked away was terrifying.

She was practically shaking, looking at me with way to much hope. I hated that. The fact that she still looked at me like that. You know I hadn't completely failed. She still had hope.

But Alex wasn't stupid, she probably knew we weren't going to get out of this.

When they put a gun against her head I wanted to beg them not to hurt her, I didn't care what I had to do if I could just get a guarantee she wouldn't be hurt...

But that was the point. That's exactly what prompted them to do this.

"Drop the gun Woods.." growled one.

I wanted to roll my eyes at how rehearsed this was, but I carefully set it on the ground in front of me, seeing no other option.

Things passed in a blur from that moment on. Alex was handcuffed. I was pinned against the wall,

As much as we hate to admit it, It was a familiar occurrence for us Gang Leaders to get beat up.

Although Typically I could fight back. So I'll admit I was annoyed.

I tried hard to focus on anything but voicing my pain as the first few hit came. I looked past everyone, at the wall. I'd had worse, I was fine, I assured myself. Because I had, and I was.

Two reasons backed up my silence. One, to show pain was a terrible sign of weakness. Two, and most important, I couldn't let Alex know how much it hurt. She didn't need that. She might not be able to take that.

God, she looked terrified. I wanted to assure her everything was fine, she was fine, I was fine, everything was fine.

It would be a lie. And she'd know it.

These were the thoughts is distracted myself with as the hits came. My face was numb, which I guess helped. My ears pounded from the pain, their was a metallic taste in my mouth which I accounted to blood.

One more hit and I spit blood on the ground, my vision blurry and my head spinning. I wanted to gasp for breath, but I kept my jaw clenched tightly.

I heard a soft cry and turned to Alex. My Princess had tears in her eyes, she was trembling now as she looked at me. I met her eyes, trying to tell her I was fine. Because, as I assured myself , I was.

Another hit shattered our eye contact, but only chipped my endurance.

Alex was pushed to another guy, which instantly made me worry. The one who stepped forward...just seeing him made me bubble with anger. His name was Shane Temberlin. We had a history that I'd rather not get into.

He looked, up, at me seemingly pleased, which made me feel murderous.

The asshole he was, Mr. Temberlin cheated. If you consider putting, sharp, metal over your fist as cheating.

Which I did.

Just use a knife if your going to do that, Shane.

The smirk on his face made my fists clench tighter than they already were.

He glanced back at Alex, his smirk turning into a cruel smile.

It was a threat. No, no not a threat, because he had no reason to threaten me when he could simply do it. It was almost a warning, or maybe just a taunt.

Before I had time to imagine too many fun ways to kill this guy, he pulled back his fist and-

           *                     *                    *

I stirred a little when I felt something cold press against my ribs. My eyes still closed, I tried to remember what had happened. It was all very blurry. I slowly recounted it to myself, I knew Alex was gone...I had blacked out...something along those lines, 

Then all at once, the pain hit me. It wasn't anything that I couldn't handle, but let me tell you, it was inconvenient. I could feel dried blood over my face and in my mouth. Laying still, the throbbing, no burning, of my jaw and face made me dizzy. I didn't want to know what it felt like when I moved.

I didn't want to move, like ever. But thoughts of Alex all alone with those got me up.

I opened my eyes, looking around. I saw a blurry figure with a club or something. He swung it at me and I rolled out of the way mostly out of instinct.

"Hey!" I yelled, barely dodging another hit, "Stop!"

"Who are you?" Alex's, psycho, brother yelled.

"A friend!" It hurt to speak. I put my hands up since I knew I couldn't hurt Alex's brother. Again. "I'm a friend of Alexs'!"

That made Harley stop. "Where is she?" He asked, obviously hopeful I knew. He was holding the metal baseball bat tightly in his hands.

"It's a long story...promise not to kill me, and I'll tell you.." I spoke carefully.

Harley looked at me, " that guy!" He shouted, probably remembering the time I 'broke in'. He pulled back the bat, ready to hit,

"No! Listen that's a long story too!" I insisted "Just...come on I'll explain. We have to be fast though.." I said, "how long was I out? What time is it?" Panic went through me, how long had Alex been with them? I ran into the kitchen,

9:44am. 9:44am.

"All night. She's...all night.." I mumbled. I ran a hand through my hair anxiously.

Harley looked more scared than angry right now...

This pathetic guy reminded me of myself.

"Where is she!?" He shouted.

"I don't know! Ok? Sit down!" I yelled at him, pissed with this shit at the moment.

He glared "no!"

"Want to know what happened to Alex?" I asked, he nodded quickly, "then sit down!"

He sat down. I smirked a bit and sat across from him.

"So. It all started like two or something weeks ago. You know how they are like gangs here?" I asked, not sure how to phrase this. He nodded. "So like, I'm part of the Eastside." I kind of posed, like, hey! I'm Mr. Eastside!

"Oh.." said Harley, looking at me.

"So anyways, someone like I guess tried to kill me, by putting a bomb in my motorcycle-"

"Sounds fake." Harley said.

I rolled my eyes, "shut up. So Alex figured out and warned me, so I took her to McDonalds.."

Harley rolled his eyes.

"From then on we had a complicated relationship...I'd drive her home from school sometimes and we kind of hung out but she really didn't want anything to do with me." I explained,

Harley snorted, "I see why."

"Shut up. So then, I was having a very important meeting with the Westside. And she...I don't know...She didn't know what was going on and just showed up? I guess? I don't know-"

"You don't know? You never thought to ask?" He cut in,

"Yeah well I figured it was pointless to...just shut up! didn't end well because the Westside just wanted her dead since you know she had heard all the plans,but I couldn't let that happen so..."

"So?" Harley looked at me.

"So I beat the guys up and took Alex home. But that made her a major target for anyone who...Well wanted something from me. Revenge, money, land, whatever. Well that was a lot of people." I said, wondering if I had pretty much covered everything up to this point. I had left out a few of the details...

"So I dunno I just kind of stayed with her all the time to make sure she was safe, just until it all blew over. So when she went to the party...yeah that was a stupid move. But apparently you already yelled-"

"I'm sorry!" Harley said. "I was just mad!" He defended, though I hadn't accused him of anything.

"Sure. So I didn't really do anything. We saw a movie, but in the parking lot their were all these guys there you know to try and take her, so like there was a fight, and we won, woo hoo, but. As you might have noticed, they were in the apartment." He said

Harley nodded "I knocked out two." He said

"Good job. But they had guns and I really couldn't do much so yeah they.."

"Took her.." he said.

I nodded, running a hand through my hair, "Yeah.."

Harley looked at me. "This is all your fault!" He yelled,

"That's not the point!" I yelled, but honestly, it really was my fault.

"What are they going to do to her!?" He asked angrily.

I opened my mouth to yell something back, but upon thinking about the question I quieted down. Shutting my mouth.

"What are they going to do to her...?" Harley asked again, looking at me, full of worry.

I looked at him, honestly, I wasn't sure. The Westside was known for their ruthlessness. Their cruelty. I wouldn't put anything past them....The Southside wasn't as bad. Maybe they'd balance each other out. It depends who was in charge.

I had sad suspicions it was the Westside, the way that douche Shane had acted, I assumed he was in charge.

And he was a proud member of the Westside.

I shook my head "I...we just...we need to get to her as fast as possible.." My voice was weak with fear.

God I hated that.

Harley swallowed. "Lets go then.."

So I guess we were allies.


Bit of a flashback? What did you guys think of this chapter? Next on out by Thursday or before! That's so much for reading,

I actually jumped from 400 reads to 600 in like two days! That's so amazing guys! You have no idea how much that means to me! Just you reading makes me so happy! Comment any suggestions or anything really, also, happy #internationalwomansday !!

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Remember Harley is actually @sawyer3000 's character who she let me use!