Miss Southside / Chapter 23

Harley's P.O.V.

Three days. That's how long it had been.

72 hours.

4,320 minutes.

259,200 seconds.

Give or take of course.

But she was just stuck there.

I wish I could say alone. If she was alone things would be better. But she wasn't. So it wasn't.

Case was no help to my worry, he didn't sugarcoat anything. Which I guess was good, I didn't want to be lied to. But I was sick of him saying, very, very calmly.

'Yeah, I mean she could be dead, but,' then he would shrug. Like it didn't matter to him.

But it had to right? Otherwise why was he helping? Honestly I didn't care. I just wanted my sister back, I never even apologized to her. What if she's dead? What if she dies thinking I hate her?

No she's not that stupid. At least Case and I agreed on that. That's the only thing he would say that would even remotely help my worry.

'She's not stupid at least. Stubborn, but not stupid.'

And he was right. Stubborn but not stupid. She was smart, she could stall, or something...

Although it annoyed, well annoys I should say, me. Because, I knew he liked her. He hid it so well, but after three days of watching when he thought I wasn't, paying attention to every little thing he said, the underlying tone to everything he said, it became kind of obvious.

And I hated that.

He seemed like a fuck boy to me.

And Alex deserved more than that. Way more.

The worst part was, I couldn't beat him up like I could with most guys. It hurt, just a bit, to admit that.

But I decided to worry about some guy sticking his tongue down my sisters throat later.

I needed to get her back first. That's what we've been trying to do for the past two days. We've checked out every place that Camden had told us about, well the ones we could find. His information was a bit outdated.

Which Case told me was, expected. And we'd have to work around it.

Some of the places he'd told us about weren't even there anymore. But we we're getting closer, clues showed up at the abandoned places.

We were on our way right now to check out the latest lead. The previous ones had been receipts and stuff like that. Now our current lead. An old lease we'd found laying around, for a warehouse that was rented out.

'Smart..' Case had said, 'Temporary. Cover their tracks. Makes it harder for us, exactly what they aimed for. I've gotta remember that.'

And why is that Case? I had thought about saying, but in reality I just nodded.

So now we were on our way to find out where this warehouse was. Maybe she was there. Case seemed to have a good feeling about it, since he had called in backup.

Which downgraded me the back seat of his car.

I was there now, listening to them try to make a plan.

We had just started driving, Case said it would be a long drive.

Their were seven of us in all. Five crammed into Cases' car, two riding in a pickup truck behind us.

I'm not going to say these guys weren't completely terrifying, they all weighed at least 250. And it wasn't in fat. They were all completely ripped.

It bothered me just a little bit when I realized that's kind of what I looked like. Minus the tattoos that, for the record, were illegal in this state.

"Harley! Pay attention!" Case shouted, making me jump in my seat.

"S-Sorry. Uh what were you saying?" I looked up at them,

His guys were smirking at me. It made me uncomfortable, I felt like entertainment.

"I was saying, are you going to stay in the car or come in?" He looked at me.

"Come in." I answered without hesitation.

Some of the guys laughed at that. Well, all of the guys laughed at that.

"Ok, ok guys. Leave Harley alone." He smiled, I was briefly hopeful, until he added with a smirk, "If he wants to get himself killed then let him."


Either I was a coward for staying in the car, or I was ridiculous for thinking I could come. I didn't say anything.

Case smiled as he drove. I laid my head against the glass and sighed, I was going over everything on my mind, I had an idea. It was drastic and maybe stupid, but my mind was already made up.

Alex's P.O.V.

I shook myself out of my thoughts and walked to Dark Eyes, he held out his hand and I took it.

I needed some sort of reassurance through all of this. And I guess he was the closest I would get.

"What do they want?" My eyes went up to him

He sighed "Wouldn't tell."

We walked in silence, our steps being the only sound I heard.

Dark Eyes stopped outside a door and held me at arm length, his hands on my shoulders.

"Be smart ok? Just do what she says. Don't argue." He said, looking at me in a way that made it clear he didn't trust my behavior.

All I did was nod.

"Good.." He said softly, his thumb tracing my jawline.  His face moved closer to mine, again someone turned on the slow motion. Our lips touched, then pressed.

Was this a thing now? Did we kiss now? At least he was a good enough kisser...

It was like one of those movies when the girls like um, what? Ew. Stop. And you can just see it on her face, but the guy doesn't notice because his eyes are closed.

He pulled away and looked mildly angry. "Why won't you kiss back?"

I opened my mouth to say sorry, but then shut it. I thought for a second. "I d-don't want to.."

He glared daggers at me, taking a few steps forward and forcing me back until I was against the wall.

I swallowed. "W-What are you doing?"

He didn't reply, this time turning his head and kissing my neck. I gasped "O-Oh God.."

I wasn't struggling. And I wasn't quite hating it. but I wished he would stop.

Um, yeah he didn't.

"S-Stop.." I whispered, for some reason not able to make my voice any louder.

He spoke against my skin, "Why Alex?"

"I-I'm...I.." I started thinking.

Why Alex? Maybe because I just didn't want to? But like, why didn't I want to? Typically making out with boys was an enjoyment of mine. And he had been nice to me, kind and protecting.  Again, he wasn't a bad kisser...

"That's what I thought." He mumbled and kissed up my jawline.

"You kidnaped me." I suddenly blurted.

But then I felt like that was unfair. It wasn't really him, it was his gang...gang mates or whatever.

"You know that wasn't me baby.." he replied simply, barley moving his lips from my skin.

I tried to think of another reason. Harley would be mad? I made Harley mad all the time, that wasn't a real reason.

Case crossed my mind for a brief moment, but I dismissed the thought before it fully formed.

Eventually, I decided either I was missing something or their was nothing.

I never actually kissed him back, but I let him kiss me without struggle or complaint.

He got gradually rougher, his soft kisses turning into rough ones. I knew their were hickeys on my neck, but what could I do? Did I really want to do anything to stop him?

Suddenly I felt him bite my neck gently, as though experimenting.

When all I did was give a gasp of surprise, he applied a bit more pressure.

I couldn't hold in my moan.

I hate myself.

I could feel his lips curling into a smile against my neck, "I knew you'd like it.."

I was stuttering and trying to respond, but I couldn't form an actual sentence as his lips moved over me.

Then a voice broke into whatever was going on, causing me to sigh in slight relief.

"Hey, come on boss is getting impatient." Said a guy who walked up. I realized it is was Travis.

Dark Eyes pulled away and scowled at Travis. He turned back to me "Tonight." Was all he said before waving me off.

For a second I tried to decide if that made me scared or excited. I decided on my alternative,

Aw Hell No.

I opened my mouth to respond but still couldn't make a full sentence. No. Not tonight.

Nothing would happen tonight.

I thought it really loudly thinking somehow that would help.

Dark Eyes was already out of view.

Travis grabbed my arm and jerked me towards the room I assumed the leader was in.

He looked at me, mostly likely annoyed I wasn't trembling yet.

But I think there's a point some people will hit, when they've been scared so badly, feared so greatly, terrified to the core, that fear seems normal. It seems like a thing you do. Something that doesn't so much as scare you, but numbs you to the fear after so much of it. Makes you feel as though the fear was normal, and when something is normal, it looses its flare. It's terrifying factor.

And I'll have you know, I have not yet reached that point.

At his gaze I turned my face away, looking at the ground and trying to keep my breathing steady. He tightened his grip, to a point that I winced in pain, then he opened the door and walked me in,

He shoved me forward unceremoniously and walked out, slamming the door and leaving me in the dimly lit room. I stumbled, falling from the force and landing on my knees, they scraped on the cold concrete floor. Bringing my hands over them, I could feel the thick liquid of blood on my finger tips.

Upon further inspection I reached the sad realization that I, in fact, was not alone.

I couldn't tell who it was, but the outline of the body against the wall was feminine. I could tell that much.

I waited for her to make the first move, my eyes scanning.

Shadows cast over her face so I couldn't see her features. But she was familiar somehow.

Then she spoke, her voice sending shivers down my spine.

"Alexia Jade Sky...it's been too long..." The words slithered through my mother's teeth,

And I think I may have reached that point.


Heyyyyy guys! Thank you so so so so much for reading! It means so much to me! And your nice comments make me so happy you don't even know! If your reading this could you follow me? That would be great lol. Thank y'all, vote and keep reading! Tell your friends! Also! This story was rated #572 in general fiction, which I know isn't a lot but still it makes me happy! Lol thanks again😘😘

So like, plot twist? Or did y'all see it coming? Lol. Let me know!

Tell me what you think about this Dark Eyes guy! Ship?

Also! Go read my friend Sawyer3000

Story Floating Abyss !!

Ill try to get my next chapter out by next Tuesday! Thank you guys again!
