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Chapter 2

Two scientists were in a lab discussing the results of their latest experiment. "What should we do?" One scientist asked the other. The results weren't what they had hoped. "Well, Michael, I think we should proceed to the next phase. Subject K seems to be the only one on the same level as subject A. Even if it was a failure, we should still push on." Michael agreed with him. "But still, those two are valuable specimens. Should we lose them, well, they are lab rats. The most important thing is to get data."

The two scientists walked to a room with a massive computer, which displayed two DNA strands with all the differences between them listed. Michael pointed to one of the strands. "After genetic modification, subject K's intron sequences somewhat match subject A's, though their powers differ greatly. One controls atoms while the other controls vectors. Mr. Parson, despite our results, I believe we can still move forward." Mr. Parson nodded. "Just call me Jack. Yes, we can move forward. If we can alter subject K's alternate reality field(ARF) to more closely resemble Subject A's, we can make him a class S esper. By changing the values of subject K's AFM, we can either change his ability or his power, though we could also change how his AFM operates with spirits, the molecules that make up all matter in this world." Michael thought about it. "AFM fields work by manipulating spirits based on the intron sequences of an esper's DNA. We can make Subject K more powerful that way, but will he still be able to reach Subject A?" Jack shrugged. "That, my friend, will only be made clear after the experiment."

Michael and Jack walked into another room, where Subject K and A were. Michael stared at the children. You would never be able to tell these two were siblings by just looking at them. One has light brown skin and black hair, while the other has pale skin and brown hair. The only similarity between them is that both have black eyes. Jack began conversing with the children. "Both of you will come to the lab. We'll tell you more once we get there." The two children got up and started following him.

Subject K got out of a chamber, and looking to his right, saw his unconscious brother. Subject K realized his brother wasn't breathing from the fact that oxygen was not entering his body. Subject K ran to his brother. "Arjuna!" Using his ability, he was able to get oxygen into his body. "Alright, enough for today. Michael, take subject K back to his room," Jack instructed. Michael obeyed. He tried to drag Subject K, who wouldn't give in. "No! Let me go!" Michael punched the child. "Stop whining, you brat." Jack pointed a gun at Arjuna. "Looking at the data we just got, it seems Subject A won't be able to handle the experiments anymore. He was a valuable specimen, but no matter." He pulled the trigger, and blood spilled from Arjuna's head. Subject K screamed.

Karna woke up with a jolt. I went back to the past, huh? The dream continued on in his head. He remembered killing the two scientists in a fit of anger. But in the end, his brother was lost to him. He couldn't save Arjuna from dying. Karna got out of bed. Arisu's dad was a family friend, back when I had a family. He took me in after he found me on a military mission to destroy the lab I was in. He looked at his alarm clock. It's only 6:30? No wonder I feel so tired, he thought. Well, still, I'd better get ready for school.

Diego passed the basketball to Karna, who shot it into the hoop, scoring a three-pointer. "You got any plans today?" Diego asked. Karna shook his head. "Not yet, anyway. But Arisu did say she wanted to talk to me during lunch about something. What's with that face?" Diego smirked. "So what you're saying is that you got the girl of your dreams." He patted Karna on the back. "Do you think she'll propose?" Karna blushed. "Just leave me alone." Diego changed the subject. " Anyways, I was wondering if you were interested in joining DA." Karna passed the ball to someone else. "You mean the school club that's also security?" Diego nodded. "That's the one. They're the only ones allowed to use their powers on campus, although they can only do that to take other kids misusing their powers into custody. I was planning to join, so that's why I ask." Karna thought about it. " I haven't really thought about it, so I'm not sure. I'm not really interested, though." Just then, the phys ed teacher blew his whistle. "Alright, class dismissed!"

"You want me to be a part of DA?" Arisu nodded. "Karna, you're probably the strongest esper in the school. It makes sense for you to join." "But I don't want to," Karna replied. Arisu disagreed with him. " The strong have to protect the weak, you know. You're not even doing any extracurriculars. You do realize that isn't good for any college application, right?" Karna drank a bottle of water. "I'm not on a club because none of them interest me except the robotics team, and they're a lot of work " Arisu shook her head. "Well, you can't be lazy either. You might be a class S esper in the military, but you can't do anything with that in high school." Karna anxiously looked around. "Careful what you say. You know we can't have anyone knowing about that. Don't you think people will get suspicious if I join DA?" Arisu sighed. "This is what I mean. Karna, nobody's going to find out. You don't have to be so discreet. Just try to enjoy your life for once, okay? Anyways, at least come with me to the student council room. We can talk about it more there."

"Oh, Arisu, what took so long?" Arisu apologized. "Sorry, Alex, I was busy. Oh, I brought someone with me. You can come in." Karna stepped inside the room. This place looks so cozy, he thought. There was a big circular table in the middle surrounded by eight chairs. Four students were sitting around the table. Arisu motioned for Karna to sit. "This is Karna." Everyone introduced themselves to him. Alex was the grade representative for the sophomores. He had disheveled black hair and a wiry build. Nia was the dark-skinned girl eating pizza while working on her laptop. Rafe was the president of the student council. Lastly, Emily was a skinny white girl who was also the vice president.

Alex started the conversation. "So Karna, Arisu's told me a bit about you. You gave Lucas a run for his money, right?" Karna nodded. "Well, then, I'll be quick. Karna, you should join DA. They could use someone of your abilities." Karna looked at Arisu. "I can't say no, can I?" Arisu nodded with a smile. Karna sighed. Knowing her, she probably made sure I had no way out of this. "Well, whatever. I guess it can't be that bad. Fine, I'll join DA." Alex smiled. "I appreciate it. We really needed some talented espers. Glad to have you on board. Come to room 321 after school. Emily, our vice-pres, is also the head of DA. She'll add you to the club."

Karna and Arisu were near the school entrance. They walked their way to room 321 after buying some snacks. Arisu nibbled on a Hersey bar. " Are you nervous?" Karna shook his head. "I still don't want to join, you know. I'm only doing this because you forced me to." Arisu shrugged. "I was just trying to help. I didn't really force you. But you can't really leave now, after saying yes, now can you?" After arriving in the room, they saw Emily sitting by a table in the corner, using a computer. "Oh, hey, you two! Glad you could make it! Just wait a bit until I'm done with my homework, then we'll talk."

Karna looked around the room. As the student council room, there was a giant table at the center of the room. But there were four computers lined up against a wall, and books on multiple shelves. He looked about until Emily got up and walked to him. "Alright, now that I'm done, welcome to the club!" Suddenly, somebody came into the room. "Uh, am I interrupting something?" Emily shook her head. "No. But help me out while your here. Karna, this is Scott. He's a junior in DA." Scott looked at Karna. Is he a freshman? "Um, excuse me, what class are you in?" Karna showed his student ID. My god, he's a B class? What the hell were they thinking, putting a weakling like that here? He may not be an abysmal loser in C class, but he's not much better either. Scott sighed. "Emily, I think you may have made a mistake." She nodded. "Yeah, I know I did the math right, but something bothers me," she said, referring to her homework. "No, not that," Scott began. "I'm saying that you made a mistake in recruiting this guy. He's in B class." Emily raised an eyebrow. "And? The difference between an A-class and a B class isn't strength. It's a matter of how long you can use your ability or how well you can control it. I never thought you were an elitist, Scotty." Scott blushed. "I told you not to call me that! My name is Scott! Anyways, A class is a rank given to the espers who are not defective, which is why it's the highest rank. We can't have a defective join our ranks." Well, that's not totally true, Karna thought. The highest rank is S class, but only ten people in the world have reached it, and to keep the identity of those ten people a secret, S class isn't considered an official rank anywhere but in the military. But that's not important. Emily and Scott continued arguing, and Arisu eventually joined in. "Karna may not be in class A, but that doesn't mean anything! He'd never lose in a real fight!" Scott smirked. "Oh yeah? Well, if he's so strong, then I'll fight him. I'll prove to you all that your class matters." He pointed at Karna with a smug face. " I challenge you to a mock battle! If you win, you can join DA! If you lose, well, better luck next year!" He laughed as he left the room.

Room 400 was the room where mock battles were held. It was just an empty room with walls made out of steel and no windows. In school, mock battles are one way to rank espers. Numerous tournaments are held every year across the country. It's no different from a duel, except killing is not allowed.

Karna and Scott stood on opposite sides of the room, the latter stretching and the former yawning. "Alright, when I say go, the mock battle will start. As you know, killing isn't allowed, and the same goes for seriously injuring your opponent. Go!" Emily yelled. Scott was the first to move. This match is mine, he thought. Since I can manipulate light, I've made sure to blind him by making sure no light reaches his eyes. Just in case, though, I'll change his perception so he'll see an illusion of me. A sword formed in his right hand. By solidifying photons, I can basically make anything I want out of light. But since I can't kill him, I'll only make it look like I have a sword. He charged at Karna, who wasn't moving. "It's over!" Scott swung his sword at Karna.

Scott smiled as the sword went through Karna's chest. "I knew you were weak. Give up now, or else I'll solidify the sword! To his surprise, however, Karna punched him straight in the face, and then followed up with a kick to the ribs. Blood came out of Scott's nose. What? He could see me? No, wait, he probably figured out where I was based on the sound of my voice. Scott ran at him again, only to be punched in the face again. Karna looked straight at Scott. This turned out to be easy, he thought. Light manipulation is really cool, but atomic manipulation is even cooler. Since everything is made up of atoms, I can basically manipulate anything. I was able to see after getting light to hit my eyes again. Even if he solidifies his sword, I can just phase through it by passing the atoms in my body between the spaces of the particles that make up his sword. Or I can make the sword that he has since I can also control light. Karna smiled as he thought of an idea. He made multiple swords of light that flew around him, then flung them towards Scott, who was in utter shock. "What the hell? How did you make those swords? He managed to dodge two swords but got hit by another two in the left hand and right foot, respectively. Karna charged towards Scott, who in vain tried to swing his sword at him, became frustrated when Karna phased through it. Karna punched Scott one more time, and the mock battle was over.

Emily's jaw dropped. Wow, just wow. Scott's never lost a mock battle before, and now he just got trashed by a freshman, who did it like it was nothing. She tended to Scott after declaring Karna to be the winner of the mock battle. "Good job as always," Arisu smiled. "You could have just prevented oxygen from entering his body. Why'd you have to be so violent?" Karna shrugged. "I just felt like doing that. Besides, I had a feeling he wouldn't have accepted me otherwise." Karna turned towards Emily. "So, I am in DA now, right?" Emily nodded. "Is that a joke?" she asked sarcastically. "You're really incredible! I know you want to go home now when it's so late, but could you come back to room 321 with me for a little chat?" Karna nodded, and he followed Emily back.

Karna sighed as he lay on the sofa. He turned on the TV, and Vex was the news story again. Vex and his group stole some ARF jammers. That would mean that whatever's he up to, espers are involved somehow, Karna thought. Vex's gang Scorpio may be growing, but it's still small, even after all that funding from the Asian alliance. Hopefully, it can be brought down before it becomes a real threat. He got up and saw Arisu. "Is that a new nightgown?" he asked. Arisu nodded. "I did some shopping a week ago before school started. Does it look funny? Karna shook his head. "It looks good on you," he yawned. "I'm guessing you're heading to bed. I'll do the same." Arisu grabbed his hand and pressed herself against his back. "Arisu..." Karna blushed. "Karna, you're so mean. Here I am in a nightgown, but you didn't even look at me. But you and Emily were having a blast back in school. Is she your type of woman?" Arisu asked. "I-I wasn't having a blast," Karna stammered. "Why does it even matter?" It's because you belong to me, Arisu thought. But I can't say that without being embarrassed. "Nevermind. You can go to bed now." She walked to her room. Karna did the same. What was that all about? Is she into me? Should I ask her out - wait no, I shouldn't do that all? Blushing, he went to bed.