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Chapter 6

Rafe ran towards Karna and Emily, who were waiting for him by the bus. "You're late," Emily scolded. " I had to stand here for thirty minutes because of you!" Rafe panted. "Sorry, sorry. I had a family issue to take care of. Hey, Karna." Karna waved as he marked him present on an attendance sheet. Karna got on the bus after Emily and Rafe and sat next to Arisu, who was in the back.

The students got out of the bus as soon as it stopped near the Mandarin Oriental, a five-star hotel. It was renovated to be a place for students competing in the Victory Festival in New York State to stay. After they found a room to stay at, Karna, Diego, and Dave relaxed in Karna's room. Dave lay down on the bed. "The beds here are so soft." Diego nodded as he put some cake in his mouth. "The food here is incredible! They serve everything, from Korean to Mexican!" Karna nodded. "Well, it is a five-star hotel. It's expected to be amazing." He rocked on his chair as Dave went on his phone. "It looks like the first event going's to be the four-legged race. Who's competing on our side?"

"I think Arisu said she and Yuri were competing," Karna said. Diego smirked. "So your girl's competing, hmm? Do you want me to get you a front-row seat? She'll be wearing nothing but some gym clothes!" Karna blushed. "Shut up," he said. Dave smiled. "Well, with those two competing, they'll be sure to win. I'm more worried about the capture the flag event we're competing in." Diego shrugged him off. "Oh, relax. You're telekinetic. You can just bring the flag back if we happen to lose it, assuming they can get through Karna, our star esper." Karna smiled. "You're overestimating me. We'll be up against Bleecher High. They've got some good players." Diego shrugged. "Yeah, whatever. We're still better than them."

Arisu and Yuri chatted away in Yuri's room. "Oh, so you and Karna already shared your first kiss," Yuri smirked. It's about time these two lovebirds got together, she thought. "It's not such a big deal," Arisu said. "We're just a normal couple." Yuri raised an eyebrow. "A normal couple? Everyone at school is talking about you two. Besides, as HIS girlfriend, I doubt your life is anything but normal." Arisu sighed. "Yeah, that's true."

"Oh, yeah, did you two hear from my mother?" Arisu nodded. "Karna said he talked to her for a bit. He said she asked how you were doing." Yuri smiled sadly. "Fine, but I miss her a lot. I wish she'd come home more often." Arisu patted her on the head. "Yeah, I know how you feel. It's the same with my boyfriend, you know." Yuri chuckled. "I guess you're right about that." Somebody knocked on the door, and Arisu opened it.

"Oh, hey, Lucia, Erica. What's up?" Erica pointed to the ground. "Did you girls know there was an artificial hot spring in the basement?" Arisu nodded. "Most five-star hotels have that. Why do you ask?"

"To ask if you want to go there, duh!" Lucia exclaimed. "I haven't taken a shower in a hot spring in so long!" Yuri hopped out of bed and walked over to Arisu. "What's all the excitement about?" Arisu filled her in.

Lucia sighed as she relaxed in the large bathtub. "Ahh, this feels great." Erica rubbed her hands together. "You know, I can make you feel better if you just let me touch you in certain areas." Lucia blushed. She moved away from Erica, not liking the way she was staring at her chest. "What do you mean by that?" Erica grinned. "Oh, I don't know. I could give you a massage, or... I could grab your huge boobs!" She lunged as Lucia used her psychokinesis to push Erica away from her. "Stay away from me, you pervert!" Yuri frowned. "She has a point. You do have a big chest." She blushed as she put her arms around hers insecurely. Why is it that mine is always the smallest, she thought. Lucia giggled. "Is my chest size that big of a deal?" Erica nodded. "Guys always love big, squishy melons!" She lunged towards Lucia again, who fended her off. "Get off of me!" Just then, Arisu walked towards the tub, tying her brown hair into a bun.

Lucia and Erica gazed at Arisu. "Um, is there something wrong?" Erica shook her head. "Sorry, I just couldn't help myself. I see why Karna fawns over you all the time." Arisu blushed. "And the reason he does that would be why, exactly?" Erica jumped at her. "You're a total babe, that's why!" Arisu teleported out of the way and into the tub as Erica hit the floor on her head.

"She's right," Yuri smiled. "You're a total knockout, Arisu." Arisu blushed. "I'm not anything special. You three are prettier than I am. More importantly, can we talk about the Victory Festival? It starts tomorrow, and I'm nervous." Erica shrugged her off. "The first rounds are always the easiest. If you get nervous right now, how can you manage your stress later?" Yuri held Arisu's hand. "Besides, it's going to be us two in the four-legged race. We'll be sure to win!" Arisu nodded. "Yeah, you're right."

A ball is held in the Mandarin Oriental to celebrate the start and end of the Victory Festival. Tables were heaped with food and drinks, and many students were dancing in pairs. Karna and Arisu were one of those pairs. Eventually, Karna ate along with Diego and Dave, while Arisu talked with Yuri, Lucia, and some other girls.

All of a sudden, the lights turned off, then on again. The front of the ballroom had a stage, and someone was on it. A woman? Karna looked more closely and realized someone used their ability to cast an illusion. They're distorting light to change what everyone sees, he thought. Karna was soon able to see who was behind the trick: a middle-aged man who looked shocked to be identified and smiled at Karna for seeing him. He snapped his fingers, and the woman vanished; only the man could be seen. His presence shocked everyone, including Karna. Isn't that the president? The man then began to speak on the microphone.

"Forgive me for my little prank. I just thought it would have been fun to do. However, as far as I could tell, only ten of you saw through my trick. If I was a terrorist and had placed bombs or poison gas here, only ten of you would be able to do anything about it." The students murmured about what he was saying, as the president kept on with his speech.

"My fellow espers, our abilities, or our rank mean nothing if we can't use them properly. A weak ability used creatively is always more effective than a powerful ability used wastefully. My dear espers, at this year's Victory Festival and the NSC, I am looking forward to seeing how creative you can be!" He was met with widespread applause from all the students in the ballroom.

Colonel Mustang was waiting for Karna in one of the hotel rooms. Karna bowed to the Colonel and the two Majors who were with him. "Forgive me for being late. I had something to take care of."

"It's alright. Sit down with us." Karna shook his head. "I'll just stand here." The large man who had parted hair and wore a red vest motioned towards an empty chair. "Karna, we just invited you here for a little chat, not a military mission. You can relax." Karna nodded. "Yes, Major Arthur."

Kobayashi put a plate of cookies on the table, along with cups of tea. "Usually, the drink of choice would probably be wine, but that won't do with you here," She smiled. Colonel Mustang then began briefing Karna about Scorpio and Whyos. "Based on our intelligence reports, they may target the Victory Festival and the NSC as well. Some of their members have been found near here." Major Arthur nodded. "Major Alix here just rounded up some of them. Needless to say, we have to bo on guard for whatever they're up to, although I hope nothing too serious happens."

Major Alix nodded. "I heard you were participating in the Victory Festival, Karna." Karna nodded. "Try not to overdo it. As I'm sure you know, many military leaders and politicians watch the Victory Festival and the NSC. We can't have them find out you're a class S esper in the military." Kobayashi shrugged him off. "Karna isn't even registered in the military. Most organizations won't be able to dig any info on him, and that's because of how securely we hide it." Major Arthur nodded. "So there's no real need to worry, right?" Colonel Mustang disagreed. "Some people can still figure out who he is and our connections to us." Colonel Mustang looked at Karna. "Even though the chances of people looking into you are low, just to be sure, do try to hide your true power as much as possible." Karna nodded.

"So, we have two terrorist organizations that could plan to target the Victory Festival and the NSC?" Karna nodded. "That's about it." He scrolled on his phone. "Since you're in the police, Arisu, shouldn't you be informed of this too?" Arisu shook her head. "Well yeah, but given my condition, the police only ask me out on patrol or other tasks if they need me." Karna scrolled on his phone. "It's getting pretty late. Do you want me to walk you back to your room?" Arisu blushed. "No, no, that's okay. I can walk back on my own." She changed her mind as she got up from her chair. "Actually, I would like it if you walked with me."

Karna and Arisu talked about the Victory festival before they arrived at Arisu's room. Arisu gave Karna a quick peck on his cheek. "Nighty-night," she said. Karna kissed her on her forehead. "Sweet dreams," he said as he headed back to his room.