Chapter nine

n-a few months later  Shoto and Katsuki haven't spoken in months due to Katsuki not knowing what to say to Shoto sobinstead he avoids Shoto.

Shoto's pov

It's been 3 months since Katsuki has spoken to me and I'm beginning think he hates me he keeps avoiding me and it's annoying imma talk to him today, I walk into the classroom and sit down I stare at Katsuki who is talking to Kirishima and Kaminari. The teacher comes in and starts the lesson Mr. Hizashi teaching math ugh boring "Katsuki what is 3579264×15?" Katsuki answers with "53,688,960" at this point, no one is surprised the boy is a human calculater "that's correct" see human calculator.

Class went by quite slow Katsuki answered most of the questions within seconds I left the class early and left a note in Katsuki's  locker telling him to meet me on the roof but I didn't leave a name, last time I did he didn't come so I dont leave my name on the note I go tot he roof and hide so that he can't run when he sees me. The bell for break goes off  and I hide behind the wall that is behind the roof door and wait for Katsuki, the door opens after 6 minutes and out walks Katsuki he walks away from the door I sneak to it and shut it. I walk behind him and turn him to me his eyes widen "I-I have t-to go" he tries to tun but I pin him to the wall, "not this time" I say sternly staring into his crimson red eyes "what dobyou want?" He says quietly.

I raise a brow "why have been avoiding me for 3 months?" I say he frowns "I haven't" I put my leg between his and pin his wrists to the wall, "you're lying I dont like being lied to" I growl he whimpers  "I'm sorry" I shake my head "No you're gonna tell me what I want to know" he nods "okay" he whispers.  "Does your father abuse you?" He shakes his head "N-no he would never d-" I cut him off "dont lie to me" he looks down "yes" he said it just above a whisper "why didn't you tell me?" I hear sniffles come from him.

"I couldn't" he responds you can tell he was crying "what do you mean you couldn't?" He looked up at me "what was I supposed to do just walk up to you and say 'oh hey Todoroki my dad abused me and rapes me and tortures me he makes me fuck his clients and makes me dress like a fucking female'" I chuckle at his outburst. "Well no but you could have talked to me after I heard what he did to you",  he rolled his eyes "what the fuck was I supposed to say" I sigh "I dont know I just you didn't have to fucking avoid me for 3 fucking months Katsuki" he frowns "I didn't know what to say to you I didn't know how to tell you what you heard" he explains.

"I knew what I heard what he did to you all I wanted was for you to find comfort in me I wanted you to be able to trust me o could have helped you and saved you from that monster I still can" I say. he shakes his head "I didn't want to get you hurt I couldn't risk your life I just couldnt and I do trust you but you wouldn't have been able to help me and you still can't mo one can" 

I dont understand what is he saying "katsuki tell me what is he doing to you please I want to help but I can't if you dont let me" he shakes his head "you can't help me" he says, I frown "well I can't if you dont let me" he shakes his head.

Katsuki's PoV

"No one can help me not you, not eiji, not Denki, not mina, Not sero, no one" he makes me look at him (when did he look away)  "they can't help because you wont let us help now I wont ask again what is he doing to you?" He gives me a 'tell me or else' look I sigh "promise you wont hate me and leave me if I tell you" he nods "I promise" I take a deep breath.

"Okay so my father has hated me since I was born because my mother died giving birth to me, when I was 2 he started beating me yelling at me telling me I'm useless and worthless and that I should have died instead of her". I pause and take a deep breath then start again "he would beat me with his bare hand or use his baseball bat he has use his hammer on me he created the Red room when I turned 5 it's the room where he would torture me he'd cut me and whip me until I'd beg for him to stop".

Tears are definitely flowing down my face  "shh it's okay" I continue "when I turned 6 he started making me dress like a girl then when I turned 8 he started raping me he's do it every other day I'd scream and beg him to stop but he never would it hurt so much I wanted to die" I'm crying heavily now. "Thsts when started self harming I'd steal his razors and take the blades outs I carved the words useless and worthless into my thighs it made me feel better it always has the. When I turned 10 he started letting his Clients have their way with me"

I turned me head away from him as the tears rolled down so fast "it's okay you dont have to continue" he says pulling me into a hug, I feel bad and angry and sad but happy to because Todoroki is hugging me I shake my head "no i need to" he nods I take a deep breath "then he told me if he ever found our I wasnt straight he'd torture me anthem make me watch as he killed the boy I liked that's why I wanted to keep you a secret I didn't want him to find out I didn't I dont want doubt get hurt I dont want to risk your life i cant because I-I love you" his eyes widen "what?" I look away "I love you Shoto" I can feel a blush.

My face gets brought back to his and our eyes meet "I love you to Katsuki" he kisses me I kiss my back 'idiot your putting him in danger stop this foolishness' I pulled away,  then shake my head "I can't" he looked confused "Katsuki what's wrong?" I look away "I can't do this I'd be putting you in danger and I can't do that i just can't I'm sorry" i tried to push him away. Which was useless as he is stronger than me "No dont do this dont push me away" I frown and shake my head "I'm sorry I just can't okay what if he hurts you it will be all my fault I dont wanna lose you Shoto I can't lose you"  he chuckles, "you won't lose me Katsuki I won't let that happen I'm gonna help you I promise" i look up at him "how?" He smiles "first your gonna stop self harming dont try and lie and say you don't I can see the bandages on your wrists".

"I've tried to stop but it hurts more when I dont do it, it takes the pain away shoto the bad thought it drives them away" his eyes soften just a bit, "it'll be okay ill help you through it second we'll tell the police get him arrested he wont hurt you" my eyes widen "No you can't do that he'll kill me" he shakes his head "I wont let him do that" I sigh  "okay but we cant let him find out about you ir its game over"

Author PoV

Both boys spent the rest of the day planning how they can keep Katsuki safe and how to help Katsuki stop cutting as Shoto cant go his house he had to tell Kiri about Katsuki cutting, he got Kiri to promise to take away all of Kats blades and Katsuki was perfectly fine with Kiri k owing as long as he doesn't tell kiri about the abuse or rape.

The red head wasnt happy that his best friends cutting but he didnt ask any questions he just agreed to help him stop cutting, as he cares a lot for his friend and doesn't want to see him hurt him and Kami are in a poly relationship with Sero but he still cares about Katsuki very much.

Mina and Ochaco are together so are Jiro and Momo then we have Sero, Denki and Eijiro all in what you call a poly relationship it's when 3 people are in 1 relationship. So basically all the members of their friends group are gay but they are out of the closet gays Katsuki is not, he hates that be cant be out the closet like Shoto and his friends although he told the class they promised not to tell anyone else it's a secret to the world.

After school Katsuki and the gang went out of course Katsuki had Masaru's permission but he had to be back by 11pm or he'd be punished, Shoto went with them since he is an official member of the gang now they all went to the arcade and played multiple games.

They had a lot of fun Katsuki didnt have to worry about anything he just had to have fun and that is exactly what he did, they all enjoyed themselves and ignored everything else not caring about a single thing.

But what Shoto didnt know is what awaited him when he arrives home.

Touya's PoV (while the boys were on there way homes)

"No I wont let you do that" I say to my asshole of a father "you have no choice he will do it and you have no say in the matter" he says in a bored tone.

My father had made an arrangement with Masaru Bakugou that Shoto is to marry is daughter when they are 18, I dont agree my brother is gay he wont love her and I refuse to let him marry someone he doesn't love.

"Shoto isn't marry Satsuki he is gay not straight you aren't going make him go through with this, you put him through enough when he was younger your not doing this to him I wont let you" I wont let him do this to shoto. "He will marry that girl and I dont care if he likes it or not you will not change my mind Touya and that's the end of it" I swear he is a bastard.

"you're really gonna do that to him? Do you not care about him do you not care about his happiness or are you to fucking selfish to even care about your own fucking family if you do this I'll leave and I'll take Shoto with me" I glare at the red headed idiot he slams his on the table. I dont even flinch "you will NOT take Shoto anywhere" I give a smirk "wanna bet?" He glares "HE IS MY SON AND HE'LL DO AS I SAY!" I shake my head, I laugh "you're son? Please all you care about is money and fame you dont care about any of your children you dont even care about mum".

I hear footsteps and in walks mum and fuyumi and Natsuo "that's enough both of you" mum says i growl "no it's not mum i wont allow him to do this to shoto", she frowns Natsuo and fuyumi stand next to me "I dont like the idea either Touya but your father has made his decision theres nothing we can do about it".

I just stare at her like she is crazy "you're really gonna let him do this to Shoto?" She looked at the ground I shake my head "no I wont let this happen shoto and I leaving" then the door opens "I'm back" it's shoto, i walk out the kitchen and to the hall way "Sho go upstairs and pack your stuff we're leaving" he looks at me with a confused look. "The hellvyou are you're not taking him anywhere" I roll my eyes "Tou, father what's going on?" My baby bro says, i look at him and smile "just go and get your stuff I'll explain later okay?" He nods and walks upstairs.

I hear sniffling and turn to see Fuyumi and my mum crying while Natsuo comforts them "Touya don't do this please" Fuyumi begs while my idiot father just stands there with a scowl, I shake my head "I'm sorry Fuyumi but I wont let this happen to Shoto he doesn't deserve this but we will come back one day". She crys I walk off and go to my room to pack my stuff once I pack my stuff I went back to the kitchen to see Shoto talkingvto Natsuo, "you ready sho?" He turns to me and nods he walks over to me and grabs his bags from the hall way "Touya stop this stupidity now" my father commands.

I roll my eyes "why dont you stop with your idioticity then" he growls I just turn to Shoto who puts his coat on I do the same, "Tou why are we leaving?" I look at Enji "do you want to tell him or should I?" I ask he turned to Shoto then back to me he stays quiet. "Fine then I will" I turn to Shoto "the asshole is forcing you to marry Satsuki Bakugou and he and Mr. Bakugou have been planning it since the night they came here", Shoto's eyes widened he turned to Enji "is that true? you're gonna make me marry her" the bastard just shrugged.

Sho shook his head "Not happening I wont do it and you can't make me" mu mum sniffles I roll my eyes shes willing to let Enji to this to Sho so shes no different to him, "you will go through with it Shoto you dont have a choice" I could feel my blood boil how dare he "No" is all Sho says he looks at me "I'll be in your car" I nod and hand him ny keys to open the car.

I own a black race car with red flames on the sides it is big enough to fit me Shoto and out bags, he takes the keys and our bags and leaves the house "Touya please we can talk about this" I shake me y head "it too late to talk you sided with the devil so this is on you" I walk out and go to my car I get in the drivers seat and Sho in the passengers. We drive to my house your probably confused I do live with my parents but I do have my own house for when I need my space it's a two bedroom, because I am always prepared for Sho he likes to stay with me sometimes anyway I drive to my house.

Ince we get to my house I grab our. Ags and we walk inside Sho takes his bags and go straight to his room so he calls it I mean it basically is his room, I take mine to my room i unpack then leave and go to the kitchen I see sho already sitting drinking some Juice. "I see you are already making yourself at home" i chuckle, he nods "i mean i basically just moved in so" i nod "Tou?" I rasie a brow "yes" he looks me dead in the eyes. "Why does he hate me" I sigh "Sho I wish I had an answer for that I really do but I do know one thing", he cocks his head to the side "what?" I smile "I'm not gon a let him force you into marrying Some chick you dont love or even remotely find Attractive" he smiles.

"That's why you're my favourite brother you know that?" I laugh and nod "yes Sho and you are also mine" we sat talking and eating our dinner until it got a bit late so I send Sho to bed while I cleaned up a bit, then I meant to my room and watched some anime and read some manga then went and took a shower then went to sleep in my bed.