
Marvel's brightest day

I do not own anything in this fanfiction all SCP, manga and anime belong to the respected owner's

*In thought*

[Gamer ability]

Author. Talking

Name: Whatever the character says


???: Who are you were do you come form.

Silver: Well you see I'm not going to tell you.

???: Fine so what were you doing here?

Silver: Well I'm looking for someone to come across the multiverse with me.

???: So you are from a different universe aye.

Silver: Yeah what about it.

*Im going to cause a massive containment breach using 682 just you wait*.

???: So are you going to tell me you're name now.

Silver: Fine people just call me silver okay.

???: So silver what can you do what is you're ability.

Silver: Well you are about to find out.I say with a massive evil grin.

???: What do you mean ohh god you didn't did you.

(Auto message) containment breach SCP 682 as breached containment.

???: Why why did you do it so many people are going to die please tell me why.

Silver: Because it is fun goodbye

(Just imagine silver fading away)

_Brights POV_

Bright: That was fun riding SCP 682 like a horse with my new buddy silver I wonder how he is.

???: Awwww thinking about me so soon so sweet of you bright.

Bright: Who said that ohh it's you Sliver good to see you what are you doing here.

Sliver. Well I'm just about to leave this world but I will be back Wana come with.

Bright: Sure we're to?

Sliver: Well I was thinking about going to the marvel universe and anoying the Norse god Loki.

Bright: Sounds like a plan.

???: aaahhhhh containment breach SCP 682 has exacped containment.

Bright: Great here we go again.

Sliver: Don't worry he's just been tricked so you ready.

Bright: Yep let's go.

_Loki's POV_

Loki: I was wondering around Asgard when a door just came out of nowhere.

???: So we're are we silver?

???: Home to my first victim Dr Bright

Loki: Well this could be fun.