When It's Dark

Of course, Li Yue and Mo Li were unaware of this sinister plot.

"What are you looking at?" Li Yue asked when she saw Mo Li staring at her again. She immediately asked herself why she had agreed to this arrangement again.

[For the quest.] The system immediately reminded her.

"You are beautiful when it's dark." Mo Li said. She could feel his warm breath caressing her cheeks. "A little beautiful. But that's because of the lighting." Their faces were only a few inches away from each other. She had expected that the tent would be enough for two people. Well it was enough… but this Mo Li didn't actually bring his own sleeping bag! Li Yue was forced to share her sleeping bag. It was a good thing that the bag was big enough to accommodate the two of them as she had especially chosen a double bag in case they end up in a cave or something.

But she never expected it to happen on the first night!

"I am always beautiful." She answered. "I will go outside. I can't sleep."

"Why? Is it because I'm too hot?" He teased.

"Yes." She nodded, exhaustion filled her eyes. She had been up since last night because of this weird arrangement. She tried her best to sleep but this man just kept on talking and talking and talking. "You look good when you close your mouth." She added. This man should be the cold and ruthless villain. Him, talking like this was a bit out of character. Was it possible that Mo Li was waiting for something?

Perhaps an attack?

"I will go out." Mo Li's hand on her shoulders stopped her. "What?" She asked, a bit irritated.

"Don't go." He said. "Don't go outside."

She frowned. When Mo Li pulled her back to the sleeping bag, Li Yue let out a low squeal. "What are you doing? You—" The sound of someone's scream interrupted her. 

"BEAR! Help!"

Both Mo Li and Li Yue immediately turned alert. They got out of the tent, their eyes looked at the now chaotic camp site. The half asleep youths ran about, their voices echoing with fear apparent in their eyes. In the middle of the camp was a bear that was about eight foot high, attacking a certain person. The loud growl of an animal made Li Yue freeze. A bear? It was as if her brain had short circuited when the bear looked at her. Her heart hammered inside her chest as a thought— a dangerous thought made her pale. Mo Li's hand woke her up from the fright.

"Let's go."

The need to escape rushed through her. She looked at Mo Li then into Lizzy who was already on the ground, screaming. She couldn't help but wonder if Mo Li was the one who pushed her away. However, she had no time to think about this. Following Mo Li, her foot sprang forward, her mind in chaos. Without a jacket and shoes, the two ran towards the trees. She was expecting an accident but never an animal attack! No… this didn't make any sense at all. Li Yue turned her head and what she saw made her heart sink. The bear… the bear was following them! She turned her eyes towards Mo Li, his hands securely folded against hers. "It's following us!" She said.

Mo Li didn't respond. He just ran and never looked back. Seeing this, Li Yue decided not to ask questions and follow him. The two continued running. Adrenaline rushed through them like a bolt of lightning. It inhibited them from thinking about the right direction. All they wanted was to shake off the large bear following behind them.

Everything happened too quickly that even Li Yue who claimed she had prepared for everything failed to think that they were running towards an area that was forbidden for the campers. Still they didn't stop. It was still dark. Without a light or a map, the two soon realized that they were already in an unfamiliar place. "Don't stop!" she heard Mo Li say when he noticed Li Yue's movements slow down. 

However, she was already tired. Her legs quivered. Without any shoes, the two socks that she was wearing earlier were now reduced to a tattered cloth. She felt her feet ache against the rocks. She nodded and tried to follow his grueling pace. But she was getting weaker. Li Yue hated it but her body was really weak. This was a fact that she couldn't change. 

The two were busy with their own thoughts that they didn't notice the sound of water crashing against the rocks filling their surroundings. "I'll carry you." Mo Li suddenly said. Without waiting for her to respond, Mo Li already carried her like a princess in his arms. Li Yue didn't complain. Instead, she eyed the bear that was about five meters away from them. It was getting closer.

Why would it follow them?


Li Yue immediately looked at Mo Li when she felt him halt his steps. Then her gaze turned towards the Bear and into the large body of water in front of them. This…

She gulped and looked at water rushing towards the cliff a few meter's away. It was another fall. One that she was not very familiar with. She was about to ask a question when she heard the bear growl. It was only a few feet away from them. Li Yue felt her throat turn dry, fear flashed in her eyes.

"Let's jump." And so he did. Without waiting for her to object, he jumped towards the water. Panic rose through Li Yue's heart as she landed into the water with a loud splash. Almost immediately she felt herself getting dragged towards the cliff— towards the waterfall. Her head bobbed beneath the water. Eyes wide, Li Yue struggled against the strong currents. "Mo Li!" She cried out. "Mo Li!" She felt herself sink again, her hair danced with the thundering currents. The strong suctioned, enabled her from moving against it. Li Yue tried to examine her surroundings, looking for something that she could hold on to. She saw nothing.

"Mo Li!" Once again, she tried calling out to him. It was dark and the sound of the waterfall was enough to drown out her helpless voice. She gulped a large mouthful of air. "Mo Li!" She was never a good swimmer. She felt herself sink again.