No Other Options

Why did this man sound so righteous? Before she could even open her mouth to rebut him, Mo Li already added. "Think about it. I know you are still stupid so I am giving you time. Either you marry me or I marry you. No other options are on the table."


"Alright… we're here." Mo Li said before leaning towards her to kiss her cheeks. Everything was too quick, Li Yue fell into a daze. What just happened? She couldn't help but ask herself as she stood in front of her hotel, watching Mo Li's car move farther and farther away from her.

"What is happening?" she mumbled. Did she really drink too much? Or did Mo Li just tell her that she was his fiance? She shook her head, trying to shake away the confusion in her head. 'Robot. Am I dead?'


The robot's answer made her eyes open wide. The robot was still alive? After years and years… of not hearing the robots voice, Li Yue felt emotional. She wanted to cry. With this in mind, Li Yue immediately went back to her hotel room and called her assistant to look into Mo Li's engagement. 

Surely, Mo Li was only joking right? Maybe he was drunk too? In the end, Li Yue lay in her bed, her mind in chaos. She thought about the things that had happened four years ago and let out a sigh. For some reason, she could now remember about the silly promise she made with him. But wasn't that only a silly promise?

Why did he take it so seriously?

Biting her lower lip, Li Yue glanced at the ceiling. According to her calculations, someone would attempt to murder Xia Jin the night before his wedding. That meant that she still needed to stay in this place for another two months before she could save that Xia Jin. Once again, she looked at her stats and stared at her negative four luck.

She could only hope that she won't get so unlucky and would be able to save Xia Jin. Without knowing, Li Yue closed her eyes and fell asleep without even removing her make up or changing her clothes. The encounter tonight with Mo Li seemed to suck all the strength from her body.

The next day, Li Yue woke up early and went to Mo Li's house. This time, Mo Li was residing in a bungalow inside the private subdivision just north of the city. Surprisingly, this place was not that far from the Li Family's mansion and the other houses of influential families like the Lu Family.

"Please wait here. The master is not yet awake." An older servant wearing a white shirt with an off- white pants said. He didn't spare her any glance and just left her outside of the house. She sighed and looked at the small fishpond full of Koi's. Slowly, her gaze darted towards the bamboo that surrounded the house. The house in front of her was made of wood, its windows were made of tiled glass while its roof had red stone tiles. The ambiance of the house was really peaceful and warm.

For some reason… it reminded her of a forest. A simple house in the middle of a forest.

"You can come in." Finally the man wearing white ushered her to go inside. "You can use these slippers. The master does not like people with their shoes inside the house." He pointed at a cabinet where she could put her shoes. "Use the other slippers." He said before turning his back again.

Li Yue easily took her sandals off and used a pink slip on slippers that seemed to be owned by a woman. Of course, since the man told her to use it, she immediately did without asking anymore questions.

"Come." The man led her to a spacious living room with a bamboo couch and… for a few seconds Li Yue blanked out. In front of her was a huge painting of a cave— the cave. It was the cave where they had spent that night four years ago. For some reason, this gave her an ominous feeling. She immediately regretted coming in here.

But what could she do? Leave the country to avoid him? A sigh escaped her lips as she sat down and ignored the painting.

"Coffee? Tea? Milk?"

"Tea please, thank you." Li Yue eyed the man's back as he left the living room. She clearly remembered the same man from four years ago. However, the man didn't show any signs that he remembered her at all. 

After a few minutes, the man finally came back with tea and some cookies. Then he left again after telling her to wait. It was still eight in the morning, pretty early. But she thought coming in here as early as possible would give her more time to ask about the details of the painting.

Li Yue looked at the interior of the house and immediately recognized Mo Li's minimalistic style and his preference for wooden furniture. Even the tiles inside were all made of wood. The interior of the house looked really simple and yet, anyone could tell the elegance hiding behind this simplicity.

"You are early." Li Yue almost flinched at the voice. She looked at Mo Li who was only wearing a towel to cover the lower half of his body. He was using another towel to wipe his hair. "I told you to come at nine. Did you come here to see me like this?" His words were light, nonchalant. The man didn't wait for her to respond as he walked towards her, grabbed her tea and took a sip. "Not coffee?"

Again, Li Yue didn't know what to say. She looked at his wet hair as her eyes traveled towards his strong neck then onto his strong chests and well defined abs. Was this really appropriate? She gulped and dragged her eyes back to his smug face. Li Yue was about to say something when Mo Li said, "Let's eat together. I will go get dressed first. I'll meet you at the breakfast table."

She was not hungry and yet, she nodded. She could only nod.