
"There is still another interesting thing about Miss Li. Her Will is already finished. Her money, properties and paintings would be donated to an orphanage abroad. And she is donating half of what she earns every month."


"Yes, sir. Also, her assistant would get a cut from the paintings but aside from that, everything that she owned would be given to an orphanage."

Mo Li narrowed his eyes. Li Yue… Li Yue… It seems that she is more interesting than what he originally thought. "Nevermind." He uttered. So what if Li Yue was a manipulating woman? Isn't that the kind of woman that could stand by his side? He smiled and instructed his assistant to check out all the available wedding venues in the next few months. 

"Also… that brother of mine. Where is he?"

"He is trying to familiarize himself with the Mo Industry next he will familiarize himself with the Mo Entertainment."

Mo Li only smirked in response. Mo Fang had been surprisingly docile in the past years. However, he knew that this was not the case. He knew the man was only waiting for his chance to shine. "Good. Observe. People who are against me… would surely take this opportunity to get close to that man. Get me the list in the next week. It is time to purge this company."

"Yes, sir". The assistant excused himself leaving the smiling Mo Li alone.

After his assistant left, Mo Li immediately opened his computer again and started searching for articles online about dates. Since Li Yue was not the simpleton that he thought her to be, he needed to upgrade his tactics. He can't really woe her using such simple methods.


Li Yue on the other hand was unaware that her schemes had been found out. She was still acting like the dumb Li Yue pretending she doesn't understand anything. After all, she already had her plans sorted through.

Li Yue was currently relaxing in her bathtub. She was about to sleep but she decided to relax on her bathtub instead. She was humming another unfamiliar tune as she held the wine glass in her hand, her eyes was on her tablet. She was currently video calling her assistant. "And the Li Family?"

"They are not aware of your status. Our contacts said that Miss Li Weiwei and Xia Jin didn't inform their family members about your wealth and just canceled the charity that they were planning."

"I see." Li Yue nodded and smiled. She took a sip of her wine and asked, "Did you arrange the thing that I told you about?"

"Yes. I also found out that Miss Li is actually close to those people."

"Good." Li Yue said before she bid her assistant goodbye. She then closed her eyes as she thought about her life in this world so far. Before saving Xia Jin, Li Yue needed to take care of one more thing.

And that was the identity of the people who killed the previous Li Yue. Those people came from the Li Family. Li Yue felt that she owed it to the original owner of this body to make those people suffer. Of course, she was not planning to kill them. After all, the original Li Yue was the one who dug her grave by being too nosy.

After taking her long bath, Li Yue decided to sleep. However, before she could approached her bed, she heard someone knock on her door. Li Yue frowned. She was not expecting any guests today. She wrapped the robe tighter around her body as she looked through the peep hole. 

"Why are you here?" She asked, without opening the door. The man on the other side of the door was of course Mo Li. As far as she knew Mo Li should be in his office right now. However, when she thought about Mo Li's words about Mo Fang becoming the new CEO, she immediately understood why this man suddenly has so much free time.

"Food." Mo Li raised his hand and showed her two paper bags. "Dinner."

"Oh." Li Yue opened the door and gestured for him to come inside. She actually forgot about dinner but she could always order using room service so her food should not be this man's problem. "I'm really tired since I wasn't able to sleep last night." 

"Are you planning to stay here for the next two months?" Mo Li roamed his eyes around the room. "Are you comfortable making your painting in this place?" While this is one of the most prestigious hotels in the city, staying here for two months does not sound comfortable at all.

"Hmmm. I'm fine." This was a suite room, which is one of their VIP rooms with a separate living room, dining area, a balcony and a small kitchen where you can cook and make your coffee. This was specifically arranged by the mayor's wife or so she thought. Right now, Li Yue was sure that it was Mo Li who arranged this hotel. "I can stay here for two months."

"Isn't it uncomfortable?" He raised an eyebrow. "A lot of people already stayed on those beds. I think… you should find a place that will give you the best comfort. You are an artist after all. You need a place that will inspire you."

"Money inspires me Mo Li as long as I earn money… I can work even in the darkest part of this town but you already know that, don't you?" She shook her head, amused at his words. It was pretty obvious that this man wanted her to live with him. That is not happening. Li Yue just smiled and continued acting like a fool as she opened the paper bag.

She immediately smiled. Even the food that he brought was her favorite fast food abroad. She couldn't help but wonder just how much does Mo Li know about her.

She heard Mo Li snort behind her. "If you want… I can find a suitable place for you. Something that would give you absolute safety and care. After all.. Some people are scheming against you."

This sentence made Li Yue pause. She looked at him. "Should I ask you how you know these things?"

"No. Just keep the question to yourself."

She nodded and turned her attention back on the food. Mo Li does make sense. With Lu Xinyi and Lizzy Lu, her life might be a little more dangerous than she originally thought. "It's alright. I will contact you once I need your help."


Shoutout to Sakshi's help for helping with the chapter. 

Thank you so much for the support and please don't forget to vote for the novel. 
