Remember My Name

Fang Yu immediately brought the man with white hair towards the jade bed and examined his wound. His face was extremely pale, his Qi and Spiritual strength was extremely chaotic as well. Without waiting for another second, Fang Yu immediately started suppressing the man's wound. Fang Yu was an expert in Alchemy, because of this, her knowledge in potions was top notch. After accessing her space ring, Fang Yu started throwing some wound suppressing potions that she made before she disappeared into the man's mouth before she made him drink something that would heal his wound.

Then, Fang Yu left him without sparing him another glance again. If the man survives, then it's good. If he died then, that was no longer Fang Yu's concern. The fact that this man's face was extremely familiar was putting her on edge. Fang Yu did not have memories of the previous world that she had visited. Not the faces nor the names. She also did not have Lily's memories.