
"Alright. This is your cave. You will cultivate here and learn how to make potions." Fang Yu gave him some notes and potions as well as pills that he could drink for his cultivation. Aside from this, Fang Yu gave him money so he could buy new clothes for himself. This of course surprised Ji Tian as he wondered why Fang Yu would treat him so well when his spirit root is nothing special. Fang Yu could always choose someone else to become her disciple and yet, she chose someone like him. 

The small flame in his heart was ignited as he slowly promised himself to cultivate diligently so one day, people wouldn't laugh at Elder Fang for choosing someone like him. Of course, Fang Yu was unaware of this as she immediately left him to talk to her master about the wedding celebration. After the conversation, Fang Yu went back to her cave to talk to Mo Li.

"Are you sure that you will leave?" she asked.

"Hmmm. I will let my disciple fight."