Funny Word

Fang Yu fought the urge to use her space and leave Mo Li in this dimension. She paced inside her room. Just the thought of Mo Li personally killing the queen and summoning that divine creature is enough to give her anxiety. It was a good thing that she chose to accompany him in killing the queen.

She bit her lips, arms crossed across her chest as she continued pacing. She couldn't help but feel nervous about this situation. What if Mo Li would discover that she wasn't the real soul inside this body? Would he… Would he kill her and capture her soul? Just the thought of it made her shiver.

She waved her hand. Almost instantly, a portal appeared in front of her. Should she leave him behind? Then she waved her hand again, and the portal disappeared. For some reason, she can't do it. That would make her look more suspicious, she convinced herself and started pacing again.