Beg For Your Life

Lucinia blinked her big eyes at the man sitting elegantly across her. Then she blinked again at Zacharia who was sitting next to Prince Kuzma. 

"So? Are you going to say anything?"

Lucinia focused her attention on the Prince. "Is this the part where I laugh?" she asked. She didn't miss the sinister glint in Prince Kuzma's eyes. It made her wonder if the man was crazy. Did he think she wouldn't hurt him simply because he was her brother?

"We were not joking," Zacharia chimed in.

"Did I gave you the permission to speak?" she lifted her eyebrow and lazily turned her attention towards the man.

"I am no longer your knight."

"Exactly," she said. "Meaning… you are now nothing but an ordinary knight. Do you think someone like you have the right to speak to me?"

"My… she did change," Prince Kuzma smiled. "What did you do this time, Zach?"

The latter only pursed his lips, his eyes still glued towards Lucinia's face. 
