


Lucinia pursed her lips. She faced him, staring at his silhouette. She immediately noticed that he wasn't wearing anything aside from his jeans. The lightning brought her eyes back to his face. 

His hands cupped her face, thumbs caressing her cheekbones.

"What are you doing?" she frowned but didn't remove his hands from her face.


"What are you thinking?" she dared asked. Another streak of lightning lit his face, showing her his eyes that bored inside her.

"The things that I want to do with you."

She stilled, goosebumps slithered her body. Lucinia gulped. "We shouldn't do this."

"Do what?" his eyebrow lifted. 

"This… "the next lightning made her stopped what she was about to say. She met his eyes but instantly regretted it when she saw how unguarded it had become. His eyes… somehow left her defenseless. Its warmth seemed to lure her in, daring her to jump into the unknown.