A Tantrum

"You said you will talk to his majesty about my living arrangements. Why are we going to ask him for his blessings for a marriage?" Lucinia hissed as they walked into the empty hallway. She could feel her own anger vibrate through her words. However, she was forced to lower her voice as she maintained a smile on her face.

"You are a proper woman. I wouldn't dare invite you to my simple abode without a marriage of some sort," he responded with a smile before he winked at her. "Moreover, this is for the best."

Her face darkened when he used her own words against her. However, when he thought about Zach and his involvement with the witches, the frown on her face eased.

"I have asked everyone to send their gifts. So, you don't have to worry about that anymore."

"Why would I worry about gifts?" she rolled her eyes. "Can you stop holding my hand?" she said.

"Why would I?"