Victoria's Target

Lucinia expected the Dungeon to be dark and wet, an uncomfortable place for every prisoner. To her surprise, the place was actually very clean. The walls were white, which only made the room brighter. Of course, there was no window in the room, but the lights coming from the bulb was more than enough to illuminate the whole room. 

Lucinia fixed her dress before she walked inside the room where they kept Victoria. She immediately saw the woman lying on the wooden bed. A chain was on her wrist, preventing her from approaching Lucinia.

"Why did you bring me here?" Victoria's voice was hoarse, she immediately wondered if it was because of crying or chanting spells. Surely, the woman already tried to escape this place right? "You pushed me and hurt me, and now you actually asked the Duke to imprison me?" Victoria shook her head. "No… the Duke wouldn't do something like this. He is merciful and kind! He wouldn't hurt me."