
"I— I think I know your mother."

Those words stopped Lucinia in her tracks. So it was indeed her mother? "And?"

"I wanted to get your blood! I just…" She just messed up and let her feelings won. That simple. 

"I see. So… tell me about my mother?"

"I think — I think she was someone that uses blood against her enemies. It's just that…"

"What?" Lucinia lifted an eyebrow. 

"It's just that… you look nothing like her."

"Hmmm. Tell me about this woman."

"Her name is Siwa. And she is one of the most powerful witches out there. There were rumors that she could summon the dead… she could summon spirits and talk to them."

Lucinia trembled inwardly. The woman could actually summon ghosts? That was enough to intimidate her, alright!? "I don't want to meet her."

"That's the thing… you think you can stop her if she wanted to meet you?"

"She is a witch," Lucinia said. "And so are you. But you sounded as if you hated her? Why?"