The Culprit

Lucinia stared at Mo Li's sleeping face. The man looked a little softer now that he was asleep. Don't get her wrong, Mo Li was obviously attracted— very attractive. However, the man looked usually cold on the outside, his sharp eyes who could easily set her soul ablaze was usually always had that special glint of cunningness. However, now that he was sleeping, his face looked relaxed and vulnerable. 

A vulnerability that he didn't show earlier when he was talking to the King. Lucinia wondered if the reason why Mo Li was quiet earlier was because of the poison. Was he trying to suppress it? Biting her lower lip, Lucinia closed her eyes and started rummaging into her space. In the previous world, she had gathered a lot of potions and pills for healing wounds and poisons. However, Mo Li specifically told her that the effects might differ in this world.