Charismatic Mr. Mo

"Ah! Miss Qin! Miss Sy! Good timing. Mr. Mo just arrived to meet everyone. He is taking us out for lunch." Amy Lin, one of their colleagues immediately greeted the two. Amy is another professor who is teaching political science at the university. "Mr. Mo this is Miss Qin and Miss Sy. Miss Qin is teaching international studies and political theories. She is twenty-seven this year, divorced, and is living alone. While this is Miss Sy, she is teaching economics and is already in her early thirties." The woman beamed as he held Mo Li's arm.

Seeing this Bella smiled. She recalled that this woman seemed to hate Bella for no reason other than the fact that Bella already had two doctorate degrees. Bella remembered how Amy repeatedly told her how two doctorate doesn't matter when she was already a divorced woman at the young age of twenty-four.