Bully and the Bullied


Mo Li frowned. He stared at her face for a few seconds. "Does it matter so much to you?"

She lifted an eyebrow when she felt her pulse in her throat, enabling her from talking. She opened her mouth but ended up closing it again. To her surprise, Mo Li reached out and touched the area in between her eyebrows.

"Frowning… doesn't suit you." He uttered before pulling her again. Bella tried to remove his hands but she quickly realized it was futile. 

"Hey, We are currently in an educational institution. We should— " Seeing the pointlessness of her words, she pursed her lips and decided to stop talking until they arrive in the office.

"I remember you still have a class?" Mo Li said before she could even open her mouth to talk. "You should go to your class. You don't want to be late, right?" he grinned before he leaned and kiss her cheeks. "I still needed to go to the department head's office. I will see you after your last class?"