
"Out!" she glared at him. "Now!"

"Oh! Alright!" He was smirking at her. Why does he look so happy? Did he see her naked body? Just the thought made her blush. After making sure that Mo Li was already out of the bathroom, she immediately finished her bath and wore her clothes without the assistance of her servant.

She wasn't surprised to see him sitting on her bed. "What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you."

She furrowed her brows.

"Since you already changed your clothes, then we should just leave."

"The auction is— "

"It will start in thirty minutes. Also, the news that someone sold a talisman is already spreading. A lot of people arrive earlier to join the auction."

"Oh." That was expected. She hid the smile on her face and cleared her throat. "Ahem… I'm glad to hear that."

"If you needed money, you know you can always use mine, right?"