The War

"Where have you been?" Mo Li hugged her the moment she arrive inside her room. "I was worried."

"How much do you know about the werewolves?" she asked. However, this time, she didn't stop him from hugging her or pushing him away.

"The Lycans?" he asked. "Why? Don't tell me…" He let her go and looked at her face then her body as if checking if she was injured somewhere. "Thank god you are alright."

"…" What's with this overreaction? "So? What do you know about them?"

"Hmmm… they don't usually visit this empire."


"The Lycans are prideful creatures. They look down on normal people. They have longer lifespans too so they tend to act like they are above everyone else."

"Really?" Now that Mo Li let her go, she sat towards her bed and remove her shoes.

"Yes. However, there was some news that the head of the Lycans is going to visit their empire."