Wasn't her Father's Daughter

She lifted an eyebrow, surprised at her father's words. Well, she always knew that her father was like this but… to say something like this in front of her was just a little overboard.

"I was waiting for you to talk to me about Grant," her father continued. "About his future. He grew up smart, he was smarter than the rest of us. He was born to rule the empire that I built."

"The empire…"

"Yes… he was born to own it."

"You mean… the empire that became big because of me?"

His lips pursed into a straight line as he looked at her with disapproval. It was always the same look that he gave her every time the little Sienna would make a mistake in school, in an activity. It was the look that he gave her after seeing his daughter have one misplaced hair on her face when she was six. 

Damn this old man.