A Date

"Miss… you said you are meeting young master Grant tonight. Should I call him and tell him that— "

"Nope." Sienna shook her head. "Don't call him… or her." They needed to date, alright? They needed to spend more time with each other until they finally fall. "If he calls… just tell him that I needed to cancel since I am not feeling well. But remind him that everything that they are going to eat tonight was already paid for. This includes the room… you know the deal."

"Ah? But Miss… are you trying to set up the young master with Miss Bane?"

"I believe it was pretty obvious, huh?"


"My brother needs a woman in his life. Someone that would support him in his dreams. Miss Bane is actually a good candidate. She's pretty too. I like pretty people."


"What's with that look?" Sienna asked her frowning secretary.