Grumpy Mo Li

"If you are up, you should follow me! The head wanted to see you."

"…" This man…

"Hurry up! They've been waiting for you since you arrive."

"And how long was that?"

The man glared at her.

She continued. "How long was it?"

"Two weeks ago."

So, the attack happened two weeks ago. Anna immediately asked the system to check her current body. And to her surprise, she didn't actually have any major injuries. She immediately wondered why she really felt like a truck hit her body the moment she opened her eyes.

[That might be the effect of your new skills and this body's compatibility.]

The system suddenly said.


[Information Classified.]


She rolled her eyes and slowly put her foot down on the bed. The cold carpet welcomed her feet. She looked at the man again. Then she lowered her head and hid the smile on her face.