The King's Personal Assassin

The man named Dominic was a six-foot-three giant with biceps that was the same size as her head.

It wasn't even an exaggeration.

At five foot seven, Anna was already considered tall for most women. However, next to a giant, she looked just like… a small little mouse in front of a rabid dog.

"Come on… why are you hesitating?" Dominic smirked at her.

Anna squinted. The man was already in a fighting stance, prepared to accept her attack. But she… she wasn't planning to launch any attacks.

"Anna, don't forget…" she heard the professor's words. "Dark ones… will not wait for you to attack them. Most of the time, they attack first."

When Dominic heard their teacher's words, his smirk turned into a sinister grin. He then lunged her way. To her surprise, Dominic was quite fast, despite his size.

It looked like he can be a good fighter.

Sadly for him, his opponent was Anna.