
The smell of 'healing' incense filled Anna's room.

If a normal Lycan was inside this room, they would surely pass out and might not wake up for a few days. Just what were they trying to do to her?

Are they trying to test her body?

In the first place, she never fainted.

She also faked her injuries and current state.

She opened her eyes and took a few seconds to adjust to the darkness.

It was already ten in the evening.

While she really wanted to sleep, she had promised to do something tonight.

She made sure that no one is near her room before sneaking out and using another invisibility to visit the prince. It was the only way for her to go in and out of that man's room leaving no traces.

Anna hated how good the smelling senses of the Lycans were.

One mistake and they would recognize her scent.

After a few minutes, she arrived inside the Prince's room and sprinkled some powder on the man's lower body.